
caption: Restricts accounts that can use the <ph name="MICROSOFT_ONE_DRIVE_NAME">Microsoft OneDrive</ph> integration
desc: |-
  This policy allows admins to restrict which accounts are allowed to sign-in for <ph name="MICROSOFT_ONE_DRIVE_NAME">Microsoft OneDrive</ph> when the <ph name="MICROSOFT_ONE_DRIVE_MOUNT_POLICY_NAME">MicrosoftOneDriveMount</ph> policy is enabled.

  If this policy contains a value of '<ph name="COMMON_NAME">common</ph>', any account can be used to sign-in.

  If this policy contains a value of '<ph name="ORGANIZATIONS_NAME">organizations</ph>', work or school accounts can be used to sign-in.

  If this policy contains a value of '<ph name="CONSUMERS_NAME">consumers</ph>', personal <ph name="MICROSOFT_NAME">Microsoft</ph> accounts can be used to sign-in.

  If this policy contains domain names or tenant IDs, accounts from these domain names or tenant IDs (see can be used to sign-in.

  If this policy is unset or only contains an empty value, it behaves as if '<ph name="COMMON_NAME">common</ph>' was specified for regular users; for enterprise users it behaves as if '<ph name="ORGANIZATIONS_NAME">organizations</ph>' was specified.

  Changing restrictions might lead to users being signed out of their <ph name="MICROSOFT_ONE_DRIVE_NAME">Microsoft OneDrive</ph> account if it does not adhere to the new restrictions.

  Note: At this time only the first entry will be taken into account. Later extensions will support multiple entries.
default: ["common"]
default_for_enterprise_users: ["organizations"]
  dynamic_refresh: true
  per_profile: false
- [email protected]
- file://chrome/browser/chromeos/enterprise/cloud_storage/OWNERS
- [email protected]
    type: string
  type: array
- chrome_os:122-
tags: []
type: list