
- [email protected]
- [email protected]
caption: |-
  Allow pages with <ph name="CACHE_CONTROL_NO_STORE_NAME">Cache-Control: no-store</ph> header to enter back/forward cache
desc: |-
  This policy controls if a page with <ph name="CACHE_CONTROL_NO_STORE_NAME">Cache-Control: no-store</ph> header can be stored in back/forward cache. The website setting this header may not expect the page to be restored from back/forward cache since some sensitive information could still be displayed after the restoration even if it is no longer accessible.

  If the policy is enabled or unset, the page with <ph name="CACHE_CONTROL_NO_STORE_NAME">Cache-Control: no-store</ph> header might be restored from back/forward cache unless the cache eviction is triggered (e.g. when there is HTTP-only cookie change to the site).

  If the policy is disabled, the page with <ph name="CACHE_CONTROL_NO_STORE_NAME">Cache-Control: no-store</ph> header will not be stored in back/forward cache.
- chrome.*:116-
- chrome_os:116-
- android:116-
- fuchsia:117-
deprecated: false
device_only: false
  can_be_mandatory: true
  can_be_recommended: false
  dynamic_refresh: true
  internal_only: false
  per_profile: true
  platform_only: false
  unlisted: false
type: main
  type: boolean
- caption: 'Allow pages with <ph name="CACHE_CONTROL_NO_STORE_NAME">Cache-Control: no-store</ph> header to be stored in back/forward cache.'
  value: true
- caption: 'Disallow pages with <ph name="CACHE_CONTROL_NO_STORE_NAME">Cache-Control: no-store</ph> header to be stored in back/forward cache.'
  value: false
default: true
example_value: true
tags: []