
caption: Allow the audio process to run with priority above normal on Windows
default: null
desc: |-
  This policy controls the priority of the audio process on Windows.
        If this policy is enabled, the audio process will run with above normal priority.
        If this policy is disabled, the audio process will run with normal priority.
        If this policy is not set, the default configuration for the audio process will be used.
        This policy is intended as a temporary measure to give enterprises the ability to
        run audio with higher priority to address certain performance issues with audio capture.
        This policy will be removed in the future.
example_value: true
  dynamic_refresh: false
  per_profile: false
- caption: Use high priority for audio process
  value: true
- caption: Use normal Priority for audio process
  value: false
- caption: Use default priority for audio process
  value: null
- file://services/audio/OWNERS
- [email protected]
  type: boolean
tags: []
type: main