caption: Controls whether the deprecated <ph name="CUSTOM_STATE_DEPRECATED_SYNTAX">:--foo</ph> syntax for CSS custom state is enabled
desc: |2-
The <ph name="CUSTOM_STATE_DEPRECATED_SYNTAX">:--foo</ph> syntax for the CSS custom state feature is being changed to <ph name="CUSTOM_STATE_NEW_SYNTAX">:state(foo)</ph> in <ph name="PRODUCT_NAME">$1<ex>Google Chrome</ex></ph> in order to comply with changes that have been made in <ph name="FIREFOX_PRODUCT_NAME">Firefox</ph> and <ph name="SAFARI_PRODUCT_NAME">Safari</ph>. This policy allows the old deprecated syntax to be enabled until M133.
The deprecation may break some <ph name="PRODUCT_NAME">$1<ex>Google Chrome</ex></ph>-only websites which use the deprecated <ph name="CUSTOM_STATE_DEPRECATED_SYNTAX">:--foo</ph> syntax.
If this policy is enabled, then the old deprecated syntax will be enabled.
If this policy is disabled, then the old deprecated syntax will be disabled.
If this policy is not set, then the old deprecated syntax will be disabled.
default: false
example_value: true
dynamic_refresh: false
per_profile: true
- caption: Old deprecated syntax will be enabled.
value: true
- caption: Old deprecated syntax will be disabled.
value: false
- [email protected]
- [email protected]
- [email protected]
type: boolean
- chrome.*:127-
- chrome_os:127-
- android:127-
- webview_android:127-
tags: []
type: main
deprecated: false
device_only: false