caption: Captive portal authentication ignores proxy
default_for_enterprise_users: false
desc: |-
Setting the policy to Enabled lets <ph name="PRODUCT_OS_NAME">$2<ex>Google ChromeOS</ex></ph> bypass any proxy for captive portal authentication. These authentication webpages, starting from the captive portal sign-in page until Chrome detects a successful internet connection, open in a separate window, ignoring all policy settings and restrictions for the current user. This policy only takes effect if a proxy is set up (by policy, extension, or the user in chrome://settings).
Setting the policy to Disabled or leaving it unset means any captive portal authentication pages are shown in a (regular) new browser tab, using the current user's proxy settings.
example_value: true
can_be_recommended: false
dynamic_refresh: true
per_profile: true
- caption: Allow captive portal authentication to ignore proxy settings
value: true
- caption: Prevent captive portal authentication from ignoring proxy settings
value: false
- [email protected]
- [email protected]
type: boolean
- chrome_os:41-
tags: []
type: main