
caption: Enable the Click to Call Feature
default: null
desc: |-
  Enable the Click to Call feature which allows users to send phone numbers from Chrome Desktops to an Android device when the user is Signed-in. For more information, see help center article:

        If this policy is set to enabled, the capability of sending phone numbers to Android devices will be enabled for the Chrome user.

        If this policy is set to disabled, the capability of sending phone numbers to Android devices will be disabled for the Chrome user.

        If you set this policy, users cannot change or override it.

        If this policy is left unset, the Click to Call feature is enabled by default.
example_value: true
  dynamic_refresh: true
  per_profile: true
- fuchsia
- caption: Allow users to send phone numbers from Chrome to their Android device
  value: true
- caption: Do not allow users to send phone numbers from Chrome to their Android device
  value: false
- caption: Allow the user to decide
  value: null
- [email protected]
- [email protected]
  type: boolean
- chrome.*:79-
- chrome_os:79-
tags: []
type: main