caption: Enable data leak prevention reporting
default: false
desc: |-
This policy is a general switch for all rules defined in the DataLeakPreventionRulesList policy.
Setting this policy to True will switch on real-time reporting of data leak prevention events.
Setting this policy to False or leaving it unset will switch off the reporting.
Rules defined with ALLOW level restrictions in DataLeakPreventionRulesList will not report events in both cases.
example_value: true
can_be_recommended: false
dynamic_refresh: false
per_profile: false
- caption: Enable reporting of data leak prevention events
value: true
- caption: Disable reporting of data leak prevention events
value: false
- file://chrome/browser/ash/policy/dlp/OWNERS
- [email protected]
type: boolean
- chrome_os:92-
tags: []
type: main