
caption: Show notification when disk space is low
default: false
default_for_managed_devices_doc_only: false
desc: |-
  Allows enabling or disabling a notification when disk space is low. This applies to all users on the device.

        Setting policy to Enabled, an notification will be shown when remaining disk space is low.

        Setting policy to Disabled or not set, there won't be any low disk space notification.

        This policy is ignored and the notification is always shown if the device is unmanaged or there is only one user.

        If there are multiple user accounts on a managed device, the notification will only be shown when this policy is enabled.
device_only: true
example_value: true
  dynamic_refresh: true
  per_profile: false
- caption: Always show low disk space warnings
  value: true
- caption: Only show low disk space warnings if the device is unmanged or there is
    only 1 user
  value: false
- [email protected]
  type: boolean
- chrome_os:86-
tags: []
type: main
generate_device_proto: False