
caption: Enable network prediction
deprecated: true
desc: |-
  This policy is deprecated in M48 in favor of <ph name="NETWORK_PREDICTION_OPTIONS_POLICY_NAME">NetworkPredictionOptions</ph>, and removed in M54.

        Enables network prediction in <ph name="PRODUCT_NAME">$1<ex>Google Chrome</ex></ph> and prevents users from changing this setting.

        This controls not only DNS prefetching but also TCP and SSL preconnection and prerendering of web pages. The policy name refers to DNS prefetching for historical reasons.

        If you enable or disable this setting, users cannot change or override this setting in <ph name="PRODUCT_NAME">$1<ex>Google Chrome</ex></ph>.

        If this policy is left not set, this will be enabled but the user will be able to change it.
example_value: true
  can_be_recommended: true
  dynamic_refresh: true
  per_profile: true
- file://components/policy/OWNERS
- [email protected]
  type: boolean
- chrome.*:8-53
- chrome_os:11-53
- android:30-53
tags: []
type: main