
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

module ash.mojom.sample_swa;

// Interfaces for inter-frame communication between chrome:// and its embedded
// chrome-untrusted:// child page.

// Implemented in JavaScript by the chrome-untrusted:// page, represents the
// embedded chrome-untrusted:// page.
interface ChildUntrustedPage {
  // Called when the embedding (parent) page has a task for the child.
  DoSomethingForParent(string task);

// Implemented in the embedding chrome:// page's JavaScript, used to
// communicate with the child page.
interface ParentTrustedPage {
  // Called when the child page requests the parent page to perform `task`,
  // replies with the task result `resp`.
  // Keep in mind that:
  // - `task` is untrustworthy. The implementation should sanitize and verify
  //   its content before processing.
  // - `resp` is sent to an untrusted context, which is beyond the browser's
  //   control. A compromised chrome-untrusted:// page could use this to
  //   exfiltrate browser data to the Web.
  DoSomethingForChild(string task) => (string resp);