
caption: Keep browsing data when creating enterprise profile by default
default: false
desc: |
  If this policy is Enabled, the option to keep any existing browsing data when creating an enterprise profile will be checked by default.

  If this policy is unset or Disabled, the option to keep any existing browsing data when creating an enterprise profile will not be checked by default.

  Regardless of the value, the user will be able to decide whether or not to keep any existing browsing data when creating an enterprise profile.

  This policy has no effect if the option to keep existing browsing data is not available; this happens if enterprise profile separation is strictly enforced, or if the data would be from an already managed profile.
example_value: true
  can_be_recommended: true
  dynamic_refresh: true
  per_profile: false
- fuchsia
- caption: Check the option to keep existing browsing data by default
  value: true
- caption: Do not check the option to keep existing browsing data by default
  value: false
- [email protected]
- file://components/policy/OWNERS
  type: boolean
- chrome.*:106-
tags: []
type: main