caption: Show a view of Chrome history with groups of pages
default: null
desc: "This policy controls the visibility of the Chrome history page organized into groups of pages.\n\
\n If the policy is set to Enabled, a Chrome history page organized into groups will be visible at chrome://history/grouped.\n\
\n If the policy is set to Disabled, a Chrome history page organized into groups will not be visible at chrome://history/grouped.\n\
\n If the policy is left unset, a Chrome history page organized into groups will be visible at chrome://history/grouped\
\ by default.\n\n Please note,\
\ if <ph name=\"COMPONENT_UPDATES_ENABLED_POLICY_NAME\">ComponentUpdatesEnabled</ph>\
\ policy is set to Disabled, but <ph name=\"HISTORY_CLUSTERS_VISIBLE_POLICY_NAME\"\
>HistoryClustersVisible</ph> is set to Enabled or unset, a Chrome history page organized into groups will still be\
\ available at chrome://history/grouped, but may be less relevant to the user.\n"
example_value: false
dynamic_refresh: true
per_profile: true
- fuchsia
- caption: Chrome history page organized into groups will be visible at chrome://history/grouped.
value: true
- caption: Chrome history page organized into groups will not be visible at chrome://history/grouped.
value: false
- caption: Chrome history page organized into groups will be visible at chrome://history/grouped by default.
value: null
- file://components/history_clusters/OWNERS
- [email protected]
- [email protected]
type: boolean
- chrome.*:97-
- chrome_os:97-
- android:107-
tags: []
type: main