- [email protected]
- [email protected]
caption: Enable automatic HTTPS upgrades
desc: |-
<ph name="PRODUCT_NAME">$1<ex>Google Chrome</ex></ph> attempts to upgrade some
navigations from HTTP to HTTPS, when possible. This policy can be used to
disable this behavior. If set to "true" or left unset, this feature will be
enabled by default.
The separate <ph name="HTTP_ALLOWLIST_POLICY_NAME">HttpAllowlist</ph> policy
can be used to exempt specific hostnames or hostname patterns from being
upgraded to HTTPS by this feature.
See also the <ph name="HTTPS_ONLY_MODE_POLICY_NAME">HttpsOnlyMode</ph> policy.
- android:112-
- chrome.*:112-
- chrome_os:112-
- fuchsia:112-
dynamic_refresh: true
per_profile: true
type: main
type: boolean
- caption: HTTPS Upgrades may be applied depending on feature launch status.
value: true
- caption: Disable HTTPS Upgrades.
value: false
- caption: HTTPS Upgrades may be applied depending on feature launch status.
value: null
default: null
example_value: false
tags: []