
caption: Reduce Managed-guest session auto-launch notifications
desc: |2-
   Controls the privacy warning of the managed-guest session on <ph name="PRODUCT_OS_NAME">$2<ex>Google ChromeOS</ex></ph>.

        If this policy is set to False, the privacy warnings on the login screen and the auto-launch notification inside the managed-guest session will get deactivated.

        This policy should not be used for devices used by the general public.

        If the policy is set to True or not set, the privacy warning notification in the auto-launched managed-guest session will be pinned until the user dismisses it.
device_only: true
example_value: false
  can_be_recommended: false
  dynamic_refresh: true
  per_profile: false
- caption: Show privacy notifications until dismissed by the user
  value: true
- caption: Do not show privacy notifications
  value: false
- file://components/policy/OWNERS
- [email protected]
- [email protected]
  type: boolean
- 'chrome_os: 84-'
tags: []
type: main
generate_device_proto: False