caption: Set media disk cache size in bytes
deprecated: true
desc: |-
Setting the policy configures the cache size that <ph name="PRODUCT_NAME">$1<ex>Google Chrome</ex></ph> uses for storing cached media files on the disk, regardless of whether or not users specify the --media-cache-size flag. The value specified in this policy isn't a hard boundary, but a suggestion to the caching system. Any value below a few megabytes is rounded up.
Setting the value of the policy to 0 uses the default cache size, and users can't change it.
Leaving the policy unset uses the default cache size and users can change it with the --media-cache-size flag.
example_value: 104857600
dynamic_refresh: false
per_profile: false
label: Set media disk cache size
- file://components/policy/OWNERS
- [email protected]
type: integer
- chrome.*:17-71
tags: []
type: int