caption: Prompt when multiple certificates match
default: false
desc: |-
This policy controls whether the user is prompted to select a client certificate when more than one certificate matches <ph name="AUTO_SELECT_CERTIFICATE_FOR_URLS_POLICY_NAME">AutoSelectCertificateForUrls</ph>.
If this policy is set to Enabled, the user is prompted to select a client certificate whenever the auto-selection policy matches multiple certificates.
If this policy is set to Disabled or not set, the user may only be prompted when no certificate matches the auto-selection.
example_value: true
dynamic_refresh: true
per_profile: true
- fuchsia
- caption: Prompt the user to select the client certificate whenever the auto-selection
policy matches multiple certificates.
value: true
- caption: Only prompt the user when no certificate matches the auto-selection.
value: false
- [email protected]
- [email protected]
type: boolean
- chrome_os:96-
- chrome.*:96-
tags: []
type: main