
caption: Control the new behavior for event dispatching on disabled form controls
default: null
deprecated: true
desc: |2-
  Event dispatching on disabled form controls is being changed in chromium in order to improve compatibility with other browsers and to improve developer experience.

  This change makes MouseEvents get dispatched on disabled form control elements except click, mouseup, and mousedown. The new events will include mousemove, mouseenter, and mouseleave for example.

  This change also truncates the event path of click, mouseup, and mousedown when they are dispatched on children of disabled form controls so they are not dispatched on the disabled form control or any of its ancestors.

  The new behavior may break some websites.

  If this policy is enabled, then the new behavior will be used.

  If this policy is disabled, then the old behavior will be used.

  If this policy is not set, then the new behavior will be used just like the rest of chromium users.
example_value: true
  dynamic_refresh: true
  per_profile: true
- caption: New event dispatching on disabled form controls behavior will be used.
  value: true
- caption: Old event dispatching on disabled form controls behavior will be used.
  value: false
- caption: New event dispatching on disabled form controls behavior will be used by default.
  value: null
- [email protected]
- [email protected]
  type: boolean
- chrome.*:109-120
- chrome_os:109-120
- android:109-120
- webview_android:109-120
tags: []
type: main