caption: Control the shelf position
desc: |-
Control the position of the <ph name="PRODUCT_OS_NAME">$2<ex>Google ChromeOS</ex></ph> shelf.
If this policy is set to 'Bottom', the shelf will be placed at the bottom of the screen.
If this policy is set to 'Left', the shelf will be placed on the left side of the screen.
If this policy is set to 'Right', the shelf will be placed on the right side of the screen.
If you set this policy as mandatory, users cannot change or override it.
If the policy is left not set, the shelf will be be positioned at the bottom of the screen by default and the user can change the shelf's position.
example_value: Bottom
can_be_recommended: true
dynamic_refresh: true
per_profile: false
- caption: Position the shelf on the left side of the screen
name: Left
value: Left
- caption: Position the shelf at the bottom of the screen
name: Bottom
value: Bottom
- caption: Position the shelf on the right side of the screen
name: Right
value: Right
- file://components/policy/OWNERS
- [email protected]
- Left
- Bottom
- Right
type: string
- chrome_os:79-
tags: []
type: string-enum