
caption: Enable spellcheck
default: null
desc: "Setting the policy to Enabled turns spellcheck on, and users can't turn it\
  \ off. On <ph name=\"MS_WIN_NAME\">Microsoft® Windows®</ph>, <ph name=\"PRODUCT_OS_NAME\"\
  >$2<ex>Google ChromeOS</ex></ph> and <ph name=\"LINUX_OS_NAME\">Linux®</ph>, spellcheck\
  \ languages can be switched on or off individually, so users can still turn spellcheck\
  \ off by switching off every spellcheck language. To avoid that, use the <ph name=\"\
  SPELLCHECK_LANGUAGE_POLICY_NAME\">SpellcheckLanguage</ph> to force-enable specific\
  \ spellcheck languages.\n\n      Setting the policy to Disabled turns off spellcheck\
  \ from all sources, and users can't turn it on. The <ph name=\"SPELL_CHECK_SERVICE_ENABLED_POLICY_NAME\"\
  >SpellCheckServiceEnabled</ph>, <ph name=\"SPELLCHECK_LANGUAGE_POLICY_NAME\">SpellcheckLanguage</ph>\
  \ and <ph name=\"SPELLCHECK_LANGUAGE_BLOCKLIST_POLICY_NAME\">SpellcheckLanguageBlocklist</ph>\
  \ policies have no effect when this policy is set to False.\n\n      Leaving the\
  \ policy unset lets users turn spellcheck on or off in the language settings. "
example_value: false
  can_be_recommended: false
  dynamic_refresh: true
  per_profile: true
- fuchsia
- caption: Enable spellcheck
  value: true
- caption: Disable spellcheck
  value: false
- caption: Allow the user to enable or disable spellcheck
  value: null
- [email protected]
- [email protected]
  type: boolean
- chrome.*:65-
- chrome_os:65-
tags: []
type: main