caption: Do not set <ph name="WINDOW_OPENER_PROPERTY">window.opener</ph> for links
targeting <ph name="BLANK_PAGE_NAME">_blank</ph>
default: true
deprecated: true
desc: |-
Setting the policy to Disabled allows pop-ups targeting <ph name="BLANK_PAGE_NAME">_blank</ph> to access (via JavaScript) the page that requested to open the pop-up.
Setting the policy to Enabled or leaving it unset causes the <ph name="WINDOW_OPENER_PROPERTY">window.opener</ph> property to be set to <ph name="NULL_VALUE">null</ph> unless the anchor specifies <ph name="REL_OPENER_ATTRIBUTE">rel="opener"</ph>.
This policy was removed in <ph name="PRODUCT_NAME">$1<ex>Google Chrome</ex></ph> version 102.
example_value: false
dynamic_refresh: false
per_profile: false
- caption: Only allow pop-ups opened with a target of <ph name="BLANK_PAGE_NAME">_blank</ph>
to interact with the page that opened the pop-up if the opener page explicitly
opts-in to such interaction
value: true
- caption: 'Allow all pop-ups opened with a target of <ph name="BLANK_PAGE_NAME">_blank</ph>
to interact the page that requested to open the pop-up unless the opener page
explicitly opts-out of such interaction '
value: false
- [email protected]
type: boolean
- chrome.*:88-102
- chrome_os:88-102
- android:88-102
tags: []
type: main