
caption: Enable 3DES cipher suites in TLS
default: null
deprecated: true
desc: "This policy was removed in M97 after 3DES was removed from <ph name=\"PRODUCT_NAME\"\
  >$1<ex>Google Chrome</ex></ph>.\n\n      If the policy is set to true, then 3DES\
  \ cipher suites in TLS will be enabled. If it is set to false, they will be disabled.\
  \ If the policy is unset, 3DES cipher suites are disabled by default. This policy\
  \ may be used to temporarily retain compatibility with an outdated server. This\
  \ is a stopgap measure and the server should be reconfigured.\n      "
example_value: false
  dynamic_refresh: true
  per_profile: false
- caption: 3DES cipher suites will be enabled in TLS
  value: true
- caption: 3DES cipher suites will be disabled in TLS
  value: false
- caption: Use the default setting for 3DES cipher suites in TLS
  value: null
- file://net/ssl/OWNERS
- [email protected]
  type: boolean
- chrome.*:92-96
- chrome_os:92-96
- android:92-96
- system-security
type: main