caption: Use Legacy Form Controls until M84.
deprecated: true
desc: |2-
Starting in M81, the standard form control elements (e.g. <select>, <button>, <input type=date>) were given a refreshed look and feel, with improved accessibility and better platform uniformity. This policy restores the old "legacy" form control elements until M84.
If this policy is set to True, the "legacy" form control elements will be used for all sites.
If this policy is set to False or not set, the form control elements will be enabled as they are launched in M81, M82, and M83.
This policy will be removed after Chrome 84.
example_value: true
dynamic_refresh: false
per_profile: true
- [email protected]
- [email protected]
- [email protected]
- [email protected]
type: boolean
- chrome.*:81-84
- chrome_os:81-84
- android:81-84
- webview_android:81-84
tags: []
type: main