
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

module ash.scanning.mojom;

import "mojo/public/mojom/base/file_path.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/string16.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/unguessable_token.mojom";

// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused. Updates should be reflected in the
// ScanJobSettings histogram enumeration.

// The color modes that can be used to perform a scan.
// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused.
enum ColorMode {
  kBlackAndWhite = 0,
  kGrayscale = 1,
  kColor = 2,

// The file types that can be used when saving scanned images.
// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused.
enum FileType {
  kJpg = 0,
  kPdf = 1,
  kPng = 2,

// The source types from which a scan can be obtained.
// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused.
enum SourceType {
  // An unknown source type.
  kUnknown = 0,
  // A flatbed that scans a single page.
  kFlatbed = 1,
  // An automatic document feeder that scans a single side of each page.
  kAdfSimplex = 2,
  // An automatic document feeder that scans both sides of each page.
  kAdfDuplex = 3,
  // The implicit source type used for scanners that do not report any source
  // options.
  kDefault = 4,

// The page sizes that can be used to perform a scan.
// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused.
enum PageSize {
  // ISO A3 (297 x 420 mm).
  kIsoA3 = 0,
  // ISO A4 (210 x 297 mm).
  kIsoA4 = 1,
  // ISO B4 [JIS] (257 x 364 mm).
  kIsoB4 = 2,
  // Legal (215.9 x 355.6 mm).
  kLegal = 3,
  // NA Letter (216 x 279 mm).
  kNaLetter = 4,
  // Tabloid (279.4 x 431.8 mm).
  kTabloid = 5,
  // The page size resulting from scanning the scanner's entire scannable area.
  kMax = 6,

// The source from which a scan can be obtained.
struct ScanSource {
  // The type of this source.
  SourceType type;
  // The name of this source. Source names are unique to each SANE backend and
  // are required to perform scans.
  string name;
  // The page sizes supported by this source.
  array<PageSize> page_sizes;
  // The color modes supported by this source.
  array<ColorMode> color_modes;
  // The resolutions supported by this source.
  array<uint32> resolutions;

// The capabilities a scanner supports.
struct ScannerCapabilities {
  array<ScanSource> sources;

// Settings used to perform a scan.
struct ScanSettings {
  // The SANE name of the ScanSource from which to scan.
  string source_name;
  // The location to save scanned images to.
  mojo_base.mojom.FilePath scan_to_path;
  // The file type to use when saving scanned images.
  FileType file_type;
  // The color mode with which to scan.
  ColorMode color_mode;
  // The page size with which to scan.
  PageSize page_size;
  // The resolution with which to scan in DPI.
  uint32 resolution_dpi;

// Represents a connected scanner.
struct Scanner {
  // The scanner's unique identifier.
  mojo_base.mojom.UnguessableToken id;
  // The scanner's display name.
  mojo_base.mojom.String16 display_name;

// The result of a scan job.
enum ScanResult {
  // The scan completed successfully.
  // An unknown or generic error occurred.
  // The device is busy.
  // The document feeder is jammed.
  // The document feeder is empty.
  // The flatbed cover is open.
  // An error occurred while communicating with the device.

// Observer interface used to send remote updates about an in-progress scan job
// to the Scan app (chrome://scanning) receiver. When the corresponding scan job
// is complete, the remote and receiver are disconnected.
interface ScanJobObserver {
  // Called when the progress percent of the page currently being scanned
  // changes. |page_number| indicates which page the update is for.
  OnPageProgress(uint32 page_number, uint32 progress_percent);

  // Called when scanning a page is complete. |page_data| contains the page's
  // image data encoded as a PNG. |new_page_index| is the expected index of this
  // page in the array of scanned images.
  // TODO(b/184747389): Send a lower resolution preview.
  OnPageComplete(array<uint8> page_data, uint32 new_page_index);

  // Called when the scan is complete. |result| indicates the result of the scan
  // and is set to kSuccess when the scan completes successfully.
  // |scanned_file_paths| contains all the file paths of the pages scanned in a
  // scan job. |scanned_file_paths| is an empty array for failed scans.
  OnScanComplete(ScanResult result,
      array<mojo_base.mojom.FilePath> scanned_file_paths);

  // Called when canceling the current scan job is complete. |success|
  // indicates whether the scan job was cancelled successfully.
  OnCancelComplete(bool success);

  // Called when a scan in a multi-page scan session fails. This does not end
  // the multi-page scan session. The user is allowed to attempt the scan again.
  OnMultiPageScanFail(ScanResult result);

// Interface used to obtain information about and interact with connected
// scanners. It is implemented in the browser and exposed to the Scan app
// (chrome://scanning).
interface ScanService {
  // Returns the connected scanners. Obtaining a scanner's capabilities is
  // implemented in a separate method to minimize the amount of time clients
  // must wait before receiving the scanners and displaying their display names.
  GetScanners() => (array<Scanner> scanners);

  // Returns the capabilities of the scanner identified by |scanner_id|.
  // TODO(b/184747756): Return a boolean to indicate whether the capabilities
  // were obtained via a secure protocol.
  GetScannerCapabilities(mojo_base.mojom.UnguessableToken scanner_id)
      => (ScannerCapabilities capabilities);

  // Starts a scan with the scanner identified by |scanner_id| using the
  // provided |settings|. Scan job events are reported to the client via the
  // |observer|. |success| indicates whether the scan started successfully.
  StartScan(mojo_base.mojom.UnguessableToken scanner_id, ScanSettings settings,
      pending_remote<ScanJobObserver> observer) => (bool success);

  // Starts a multi-page scan session with the scanner identified by
  // |scanner_id| using the provided |settings|. Scan job events are reported to
  // the client via the |observer|. |success| indicates whether the first scan
  // started successfully. All subsequent multi-page scan actions are made
  // through the |controller|. There can only be one multi-page scan session
  // started at at a time.
  StartMultiPageScan(mojo_base.mojom.UnguessableToken scanner_id,
      ScanSettings settings, pending_remote<ScanJobObserver> observer)
      => (pending_remote<MultiPageScanController>? controller);

  // Attempts to cancel the currently running scan job. The success of the
  // cancel attempt is reported through the ScanJobObserver.

// Interface used for performing the actions in a multi-page scan session. It is
// exposed to the Scan app only after a successful call to
// ScanService::StartMultiPageScan(). Closing the message pipe for this
// interface without calling CompleteMultiPageScan() cancels the current
// multipage scan session. The previously scanned images from that session
// will be discarded.
interface MultiPageScanController {
  // Scans the next page in a multi-page scan session. |success| indicates
  // whether the scan started successfully.
  ScanNextPage(mojo_base.mojom.UnguessableToken scanner_id,
      ScanSettings settings) => (bool success);

  // Removes a scanned image from an ongoing multi-page scan session at the
  // specified |page_index|. |page_index| is zero-based.
  RemovePage(uint32 page_index);

  // Starts a new scan in an ongoing multi-page scan session then replaces the
  // scanned image specified at |page_index| on completion. If the scan fails,
  // no existing image is deleted or replaced. |page_index| is zero-based.
  RescanPage(mojo_base.mojom.UnguessableToken scanner_id,
      ScanSettings settings, uint32 page_index) => (bool success);

  // Ends a multi-page scan session and saves the scan to disk.