caption: Enable local user files
default: true
desc: |-
This policy controls whether <ph name="PRODUCT_OS_NAME">$2<ex>Google ChromeOS</ex></ph> users can store data locally or not.
Setting this policy to False blocks local storage on <ph name="PRODUCT_OS_NAME">$2<ex>Google ChromeOS</ex></ph> - users cannot store any data locally, and cannot access any local directories.
Setting this policy to True or leaving it unset allows local storage on <ph name="PRODUCT_OS_NAME">$2<ex>Google ChromeOS</ex></ph> - there are no restrictions on where users can store data, or which directories they can access.
example_value: true
can_be_recommended: false
dynamic_refresh: true
per_profile: false
- caption: Enable storing user files locally
value: true
- caption: Disable storing user files locally
value: false
- [email protected]
- [email protected]
- [email protected]
type: boolean
- chrome_os:126-
tags: []
type: main