
caption: Action on startup
desc: |-
  Setting the policy lets you specify system behavior on startup. Turning this setting off amounts to leaving it unset as <ph name="PRODUCT_NAME">$1<ex>Google Chrome</ex></ph> must have specified start up behavior.

  If you set the policy, users can't change it in <ph name="PRODUCT_NAME">$1<ex>Google Chrome</ex></ph>. If not set, users can change it.

  Setting this policy to <ph name="POLICY_ENUM_RESTOREONSTARTUP_RESTOREONSTARTUPISLASTSESSION">RestoreOnStartupIsLastSession</ph> or <ph name="POLICY_ENUM_RESTOREONSTARTUP_RESTOREONSTARTUPISLASTSESSIONANDURLS">RestoreOnStartupIsLastSessionAndURLs</ph> turns off some settings that rely on sessions or that perform actions on exit, such as clearing browsing data on exit or session-only cookies.

  If this policy is set to <ph name="POLICY_ENUM_RESTOREONSTARTUP_RESTOREONSTARTUPISLASTSESSIONANDURLS">RestoreOnStartupIsLastSessionAndURLs</ph>, browser will restore previous session and open a separate window to show URLs that are set from <ph name="RESTORE_ON_STARTUP_URLS_POLICY_NAME">RestoreOnStartupURLs</ph>. Note that users can choose to keep those URLs open and they will also be restored in the future session.

  On <ph name="MS_WIN_NAME">Microsoft® Windows®</ph>, this policy is only available on instances that are joined to a <ph name="MS_AD_NAME">Microsoft® Active Directory®</ph> domain, joined to <ph name="MS_AAD_NAME">Microsoft® Azure® Active Directory®</ph> or enrolled in <ph name="CHROME_BROWSER_CLOUD_MANAGEMENT_NAME">Chrome Browser Cloud Management</ph>.

  On <ph name="MAC_OS_NAME">macOS</ph>, this policy is only available on instances that are managed via MDM, joined to a domain via MCX or enrolled in <ph name="CHROME_BROWSER_CLOUD_MANAGEMENT_NAME">Chrome Browser Cloud Management</ph>.
example_value: 4
  can_be_recommended: true
  dynamic_refresh: true
  per_profile: true
- fuchsia
- caption: Open New Tab Page
  name: RestoreOnStartupIsNewTabPage
  value: 5
- caption: Restore the last session
  name: RestoreOnStartupIsLastSession
  value: 1
- caption: Open a list of URLs
  name: RestoreOnStartupIsURLs
  value: 4
- caption: Open a list of URLs and restore the last session
  - fuchsia
  name: RestoreOnStartupIsLastSessionAndURLs
  - chrome.*:98-
  - chrome_os:98-
  value: 6
- file://components/policy/OWNERS
- [email protected]
  - 1
  - 4
  - 5
  type: integer
- chrome.*:8-
- chrome_os:11-
tags: []
type: int-enum