// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'chrome://resources/js/action_link.js';
import './policy_conflict.js';
import './strings.m.js';
import {CustomElement} from 'chrome://resources/js/custom_element.js';
import {loadTimeData} from 'chrome://resources/js/load_time_data.js';
import type {Conflict, PolicyConflictElement} from './policy_conflict.js';
import {getTemplate} from './policy_row.html.js';
export interface Policy {
ignored?: boolean;
name: string;
level: string;
link?: string;
scope: string;
source: string;
error: string;
warning: string;
info: string;
value: any;
deprecated?: boolean;
future?: boolean;
allSourcesMerged?: boolean;
conflicts?: Conflict[];
superseded?: Conflict[];
forSigninScreen: boolean;
isExtension: boolean;
status: string;
export class PolicyRowElement extends CustomElement {
static override get template() {
return getTemplate();
policy: Policy;
private unset_: boolean;
private hasErrors_: boolean;
private hasWarnings_: boolean;
private hasInfos_: boolean;
private hasConflicts_: boolean;
private hasSuperseded_: boolean;
private isMergedValue_: boolean;
private deprecated_: boolean;
private future_: boolean;
connectedCallback() {
const toggle = this.shadowRoot!.querySelector('.policy.row .toggle');
toggle!.addEventListener('click', () => this.toggleExpanded());
const copy = this.shadowRoot!.querySelector('.copy-value');
copy!.addEventListener('click', () => this.copyValue_());
this.setAttribute('role', 'rowgroup');
initialize(policy: Policy) {
this.policy = policy;
this.unset_ = policy.value === undefined;
this.hasErrors_ = !!policy.error;
this.hasWarnings_ = !!policy.warning;
this.hasInfos_ = !!policy.info;
this.hasConflicts_ = !!policy.conflicts;
this.hasSuperseded_ = !!policy.superseded;
this.isMergedValue_ = !!policy.allSourcesMerged;
this.deprecated_ = !!policy.deprecated;
this.future_ = !!policy.future;
// Populate the name column.
const nameDisplay = this.shadowRoot!.querySelector('.name .link span');
nameDisplay!.textContent = policy.name;
if (policy.link) {
const link = this.getRequiredElement<HTMLAnchorElement>('.name .link');
link.href = policy.link;
link.title = loadTimeData.getStringF('policyLearnMore', policy.name);
this.toggleAttribute('no-help-link', false);
} else {
this.toggleAttribute('no-help-link', true);
// Populate the remaining columns with policy scope, level and value if a
// value has been set. Otherwise, leave them blank.
if (!this.unset_) {
const scopeDisplay = this.shadowRoot!.querySelector('.scope');
let scope = 'scopeDevice';
if (policy.scope === 'user') {
scope = 'scopeUser';
} else if (policy.scope === 'allUsers') {
scope = 'scopeAllUsers';
scopeDisplay!.textContent = loadTimeData.getString(scope);
// Display scope and level as rows instead of columns on space constraint
// devices.
// <if expr="is_android or is_ios">
const scopeRowContentDisplay =
this.shadowRoot!.querySelector('.scope.row .value');
scopeRowContentDisplay!.textContent = loadTimeData.getString(scope);
const levelRowContentDisplay =
this.shadowRoot!.querySelector('.level.row .value');
levelRowContentDisplay!.textContent = loadTimeData.getString(
policy.level === 'recommended' ? 'levelRecommended' :
// </if>
const levelDisplay = this.shadowRoot!.querySelector('.level');
levelDisplay!.textContent = loadTimeData.getString(
policy.level === 'recommended' ? 'levelRecommended' :
const sourceDisplay = this.shadowRoot!.querySelector('.source');
sourceDisplay!.textContent = loadTimeData.getString(policy.source);
// Reduces load on the DOM for long values;
const convertValue = (value: string, format?: boolean) => {
// Skip 'string' policy to avoid unnecessary conversions.
if (typeof value == 'string') {
return value;
if (format) {
return JSON.stringify(value, null, 2);
} else {
return JSON.stringify(value, null);
// If value is longer than 256 characters, truncate and add ellipsis.
const policyValueStr = convertValue(policy.value);
const truncatedValue = policyValueStr.length > 256 ?
`${policyValueStr.substring(0, 256)}\u2026` :
const valueDisplay = this.shadowRoot!.querySelector('.value');
valueDisplay!.textContent = truncatedValue;
const copyLink = this.getRequiredElement('.copy .link');
copyLink.title = loadTimeData.getStringF('policyCopyValue', policy.name);
const valueRowContentDisplay =
this.shadowRoot!.querySelector('.value.row .value');
// Expanded policy value is formatted.
valueRowContentDisplay!.textContent =
convertValue(policy.value, /*format=*/ true);
const errorRowContentDisplay =
this.shadowRoot!.querySelector('.errors.row .value');
errorRowContentDisplay!.textContent = policy.error;
const warningRowContentDisplay =
this.shadowRoot!.querySelector('.warnings.row .value');
warningRowContentDisplay!.textContent = policy.warning;
const infoRowContentDisplay =
this.shadowRoot!.querySelector('.infos.row .value');
infoRowContentDisplay!.textContent = policy.info;
const messagesDisplay = this.shadowRoot!.querySelector('.messages');
const errorsNotice =
this.hasErrors_ ? loadTimeData.getString('error') : '';
const deprecationNotice =
this.deprecated_ ? loadTimeData.getString('deprecated') : '';
const futureNotice = this.future_ ? loadTimeData.getString('future') : '';
const warningsNotice =
this.hasWarnings_ ? loadTimeData.getString('warning') : '';
const conflictsNotice = this.hasConflicts_ && !this.isMergedValue_ ?
loadTimeData.getString('conflict') :
const ignoredNotice =
this.policy.ignored ? loadTimeData.getString('ignored') : '';
let notice =
].filter(x => !!x)
.join(', ') ||
const supersededNotice = this.hasSuperseded_ && !this.isMergedValue_ ?
loadTimeData.getString('superseding') :
if (supersededNotice) {
// Include superseded notice regardless of other notices
notice += `, ${supersededNotice}`;
messagesDisplay!.textContent = notice;
policy.status = notice;
if (policy.conflicts) {
policy.conflicts.forEach(conflict => {
const row = document.createElement('policy-conflict') as
row.initialize(conflict, 'conflictValue');
if (policy.superseded) {
policy.superseded.forEach(superseded => {
const row = document.createElement('policy-conflict') as
row.initialize(superseded, 'supersededValue');
} else {
const messagesDisplay = this.shadowRoot!.querySelector('.messages');
messagesDisplay!.textContent = loadTimeData.getString('unset');
// Copies the policy's value to the clipboard.
private copyValue_() {
const policyValueDisplay =
this.shadowRoot!.querySelector('.value.row .value');
// Select the text that will be copied.
const selection = window.getSelection();
const range = window.document.createRange();
range.selectNodeContents(policyValueDisplay as Node);
// Copy the policy value to the clipboard.
.writeText((policyValueDisplay as CustomElement)!.innerText)
.catch(error => {
console.error('Unable to copy policy value to clipboard:', error);
// Toggle the visibility of an additional row containing the complete text.
private toggleExpanded() {
const warningRowDisplay = this.getRequiredElement('.warnings.row');
const errorRowDisplay = this.getRequiredElement('.errors.row');
const infoRowDisplay = this.getRequiredElement('.infos.row');
const valueRowDisplay = this.getRequiredElement('.value.row');
// <if expr="is_android or is_ios">
const scopeRowDisplay = this.getRequiredElement('.scope.row');
scopeRowDisplay.hidden = !scopeRowDisplay.hidden;
const levelRowDisplay = this.getRequiredElement('.level.row');
levelRowDisplay.hidden = !levelRowDisplay.hidden;
// </if>
valueRowDisplay.hidden = !valueRowDisplay.hidden;
this.classList!.toggle('expanded', !valueRowDisplay.hidden);
this.getRequiredElement('.show-more').hidden = !valueRowDisplay.hidden;
this.getRequiredElement('.show-less').hidden = valueRowDisplay!.hidden;
if (this.hasWarnings_) {
warningRowDisplay!.hidden = !warningRowDisplay.hidden;
if (this.hasErrors_) {
errorRowDisplay!.hidden = !errorRowDisplay.hidden;
if (this.hasInfos_) {
infoRowDisplay!.hidden = !infoRowDisplay.hidden;
.forEach(row => row!.hidden = !row.hidden);
.forEach(row => row!.hidden = !row.hidden);
declare global {
interface HTMLElementTagNameMap {
'policy-row': PolicyRowElement;
customElements.define('policy-row', PolicyRowElement);