// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import './strings.m.js';
import './policy_precedence_row.js';
import './policy_row.js';
import {CustomElement} from 'chrome://resources/js/custom_element.js';
import {getRequiredElement} from 'chrome://resources/js/util.js';
import type {Policy, PolicyRowElement} from './policy_row.js';
import {getTemplate} from './policy_table.html.js';
export interface PolicyTableModel {
id?: string;
isExtension?: boolean;
name: string;
policies: NonNullable<Array<NonNullable<Policy>>>;
precedenceOrder?: string[];
// Sortable columns/fields identifiers.
enum SortButtonsField {
POLICY_NAME = 'name',
POLICY_SOURCE = 'source',
POLICY_SCOPE = 'scope',
POLICY_LEVEL = 'level',
POLICY_STATUS = 'status'
// The possible directions for sort.
enum SortOrder {
export class PolicyTableElement extends CustomElement {
static override get template() {
return getTemplate();
dataModel: PolicyTableModel;
filterPattern: string = '';
// The last sort order and column for the policy table.
// These are used when policies are updated to prevent un-desired sort reset.
mostRecentSortOrder: number = SortOrder.ASCENDING;
mostRecentSortedColumn: string = SortButtonsField.POLICY_NAME;
// Updates the data model and table.
updateDataModel(dataModel: PolicyTableModel) {
this.dataModel = dataModel;
// Update table based on the updated data model.
addEventListeners() {
for (const field of Object.values(SortButtonsField)) {
const sortUpButton = this.getRequiredElement(`#${field}-sort-up`);
const sortDownButton = this.getRequiredElement(`#${field}-sort-down`);
sortUpButton.onclick = () => this.update(SortOrder.ASCENDING, field);
sortDownButton.onclick = () => this.update(SortOrder.DESCENDING, field);
order: number = this.mostRecentSortOrder,
field: string = this.mostRecentSortedColumn) {
// Clear policies
const mainContent = this.getRequiredElement('.main');
const policies = this.shadowRoot!.querySelectorAll('.policy-data');
this.getRequiredElement('.header').textContent = this.dataModel.name;
this.getRequiredElement('.id').textContent = this.dataModel.id || null;
this.getRequiredElement('.id').hidden = !this.dataModel.id;
policies.forEach(row => mainContent.removeChild(row));
.sort((a, b) => {
// Save most recent sort preference.
this.mostRecentSortOrder = order;
this.mostRecentSortedColumn = field;
if ((a.value !== undefined && b.value !== undefined) ||
a.value === b.value) {
if (a.link !== undefined && b.link !== undefined) {
// Sorting the policies in chosen alpha order based on the field
// selected, with secondary sort based on Policy name.
if (field !== SortButtonsField.POLICY_NAME &&
a[field as keyof Policy] === b[field as keyof Policy]) {
return order *
(a[SortButtonsField.POLICY_NAME] >
b[SortButtonsField.POLICY_NAME] ?
1 :
return order *
(a[field as keyof Policy] > b[field as keyof Policy] ? 1 :
// Sorting so unknown policies are last.
return a.link !== undefined ? -1 : 1;
// Sorting so unset values are last.
return a.value !== undefined ? -1 : 1;
.forEach((policy: Policy) => {
const policyRow: PolicyRowElement =
// Show the current policy precedence order in the Policy Precedence table.
if (this.dataModel.name === 'Policy Precedence') {
// Clear previous precedence row.
const precedenceRowOld =
precedenceRowOld.forEach(row => mainContent.removeChild(row));
if (this.dataModel.precedenceOrder != undefined) {
const precedenceRow = document.createElement('policy-precedence-row');
* Set the filter pattern. Only policies whose name contains |pattern| are
* shown in the policy table. The filter is case insensitive. It can be
* disabled by setting |pattern| to an empty string.
setFilterPattern(pattern: string) {
this.filterPattern = pattern.toLowerCase();
* Filter policies. Only policies whose name contains the filter pattern are
* shown in the table. Furthermore, policies whose value is not currently
* set are only shown if the corresponding checkbox is checked.
filter() {
const showUnset =
(getRequiredElement('show-unset') as HTMLInputElement)!.checked;
const policies = this.shadowRoot!.querySelectorAll('.policy-data');
for (let i = 0; i < policies.length; i++) {
const policyDisplay = policies[i] as PolicyRowElement;
policyDisplay!.hidden =
policyDisplay!.policy!.value === undefined && !showUnset ||
this.filterPattern) === -1;
this.getRequiredElement<HTMLElement>('.no-policy').hidden =
declare global {
interface HTMLElementTagNameMap {
'policy-table': PolicyTableElement;
customElements.define('policy-table', PolicyTableElement);