
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

 * @fileoverview A helper object used by the Scanning App UI in ash/ to
 * provide access to the ScanningHandler which invokes functions that only exist
 * in chrome/.

import {sendWithPromise} from 'chrome://resources/ash/common/cr.m.js';

import {ScanCompleteAction, ScanJobSettingsForMetrics} from './scanning_app_types.js';

export interface SelectedPath {
  baseName: string;
  filePath: string;

export interface ScanningBrowserProxy {
  initialize(): void;

   * Requests the user to choose the directory to save scans.
  requestScanToLocation(): Promise<SelectedPath>;

   * Opens the Files app with the file |pathToFile| highlighted. Returns true
   * if the file is found and Files app opens.
  showFileInLocation(pathToFile: string): Promise<boolean>;

   * Returns a localized, pluralized string for |name| based on |count|.
  getPluralString(name: string, count: number): Promise<string>;

   * Records the settings for a scan job.
  recordScanJobSettings(scanJobSettings: ScanJobSettingsForMetrics): void;

   * Returns the MyFiles path for the current user.
  getMyFilesPath(): Promise<string>;

   * Opens the Media app with the files specified in |filePaths|.
  openFilesInMediaApp(filePaths: string[]): void;

   * Records the action taken after a completed scan job.
  recordScanCompleteAction(action: ScanCompleteAction): void;

   * Records the number of scan setting changes before a scan is initiated.
  recordNumScanSettingChanges(numChanges: number): void;

   * Saves scan settings to the Prefs service.
  saveScanSettings(scanSettings: string): void;

   * Returns the saved scan settings from the Prefs service.
  getScanSettings(): Promise<string>;

   * Validates that |filePath| exists on the local filesystem and returns its
   * display name. If |filePath| doesn't exist, return an empty SelectedPath.
  ensureValidFilePath(filePath: string): Promise<SelectedPath>;

   * Records the number of completed scans during a session of the Scan app
   * being open.
  recordNumCompletedScans(numCompletedScans: number): void;

export class ScanningBrowserProxyImpl implements ScanningBrowserProxy {
  initialize(): void {

  requestScanToLocation(): Promise<SelectedPath> {
    return sendWithPromise('requestScanToLocation');

  showFileInLocation(pathToFile: string): Promise<boolean> {
    return sendWithPromise('showFileInLocation', pathToFile);

  getPluralString(name: string, count: number): Promise<string> {
    return sendWithPromise('getPluralString', name, count);

  recordScanJobSettings(scanJobSettings: ScanJobSettingsForMetrics): void {
    chrome.send('recordScanJobSettings', [scanJobSettings]);

  getMyFilesPath(): Promise<string> {
    return sendWithPromise('getMyFilesPath');

  openFilesInMediaApp(filePaths: string[]): void {
    chrome.send('openFilesInMediaApp', [filePaths]);

  recordScanCompleteAction(action: ScanCompleteAction): void {
    chrome.send('recordScanCompleteAction', [action]);

  recordNumScanSettingChanges(numChanges: number): void {
    chrome.send('recordNumScanSettingChanges', [numChanges]);

  saveScanSettings(scanSettings: string): void {
    chrome.send('saveScanSettings', [scanSettings]);

  getScanSettings(): Promise<string> {
    return sendWithPromise('getScanSettings');

  ensureValidFilePath(filePath: string): Promise<SelectedPath> {
    return sendWithPromise('ensureValidFilePath', filePath);

  recordNumCompletedScans(numCompletedScans: number): void {
    chrome.send('recordNumCompletedScans', [numCompletedScans]);

  static getInstance(): ScanningBrowserProxy {
    return instance || (instance = new ScanningBrowserProxyImpl());

  static setInstance(obj: ScanningBrowserProxy): void {
    instance = obj;

let instance: ScanningBrowserProxy|null = null;