
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// NOTE: Many of the enums in this file **MUST** be in sync with the enums in
// //third_party/cros_system_api/dbus/rmad/rmad.proto.
// Each synchronised enum is marked with a comment referencing the proto enum
// and the source file.
// See\h for the mapping functions.

// Overview of Shimless RMA and the mojo interface.
// RMA stands for Return Merchandise Authorization which is the point when the
// device is returned by the customer for return, replacement or repair. In this
// case it is used as shorthand for the whole repair flow from the time it
// leaves the customer until it is returned.
// The shimless RMA application manages the final step of device repair before
// a device is returned to a customer or restocked. It replaces the USB RMA shim
// that required OEMs maintain a fleet of specially configured thumb drives.
// The rmad service manages the state of shimless RMA and the webui presents the
// user with the available options for the current state.
// When choices have been made they are sent from the webui to the browser for
// validation and forwarding to rmad. rmad returns the next state and
// an error code.
// To reduce the API surface in most cases choices map to a single parameterless
// method.
// When the webui makes a request the current state is matched against the
// expected state for that call before it is forwarded to rmad. If the states do
// not match then no request is made and an error is returned.
// The webui only maintains state for the current page and is not aware of any
// dependencies, relying on rmad to handle RMA process state.

module ash.shimless_rma.mojom;

import "mojo/public/mojom/base/file_path.mojom";

// RMA states.
// This must remain in sync with RmadState.StateCase (generated from the member
// `oneof state`) in //third_party/cros_system_api/dbus/rmad/rmad.proto.
// See\h.
enum State {
  // Used as a safety fallback default, and therefore should always trigger safe
  // fallback behavior when present.

// Defined error codes.
// This must remain in sync with RmadErrorCode in
// //third_party/cros_system_api/dbus/rmad/rmad.proto.
// See\h.
// TODO( Remove Rmad prefix from name.
enum RmadErrorCode {
  // 0 is the default value. It should never be used.
  kNotSet = 0,
  // No error.
  kOk = 1,
  // No error, and wait for a signal.
  kWait = 2,

  // Expect a reboot soon.
  kExpectReboot = 3,
  // Expect a reboot soon.
  kExpectShutdown = 4,

  // The device is not in RMA mode.
  kRmaNotRequired = 5,

  // No corresponding state handler for a state.
  kStateHandlerMissing = 6,
  // State handler initialization failed.
  kStateHandlerInitializationFailed = 7,
  // The request could not be processed (e.g. bad proto).
  kRequestInvalid = 8,
  // The request is missing mandatory arguments.
  kRequestArgsMissing = 9,
    // The request arguments are violating some rules of the state.
  kRequestArgsViolation = 10,
  // It is not possible to go back to the previous state at this point.
  kTransitionFailed = 11,

  // Failed to abort the RMA process.
  kAbortFailed = 12,

  // An expected component was not found.
  kMissingComponent = 13,

  // Cannot get the RSU challenge code.
  kWriteProtectDisableRsuNoChallenge = 14,
  // The RSU code was incorrect.
  kWriteProtectDisableRsuCodeInvalid = 15,
  // The battery was not disconnected when WP disable was required.
  kWriteProtectDisableBatteryNotDisconnected = 16,
  // WP was not disabled when required.
  kWriteProtectSignalNotDetected = 17,

  // Firmware image could not be downloaded because a network connection was
  // unavailable.
  kReimagingDownloadNoNetwork = 18,
  // Firmware image download did not complete because of a network error.
  kReimagingDownloadNetworkError = 19,
  // The user cancelled the firmware image download.
  kReimagingDownloadCancelled = 20,
  // No valid USB device with a firmware image was found.
  kReimagingUsbNotFound = 21,
  // More than one USB device with a firmware image was found.
  kReimagingUsbTooManyFound = 22,
  // The firmware image found was corrupt.
  kReimagingUsbInvalidImage = 23,
  // The firmware image could not be written.
  kReimagingImagingFailed = 24,
  // An unexpected failure prevented imaging from completing.
  kReimagingUnknownFailure = 25,

  // The device info is incorrect.
  kDeviceInfoInvalid = 26,

  // Calibration component is missing.
  kCalibrationComponentMissing = 27,
  // Calibration componenent status is missing.
  kCalibrationStatusMissing = 28,
  // Calibration component cannot be calibrated.
  kCalibrationComponentInvalid = 29,
  // Calibration failed for a component.
  kCalibrationFailed = 30,

  // Provisioning failed for the device.
  kProvisioningFailed = 31,

  // Device could not be powerwashed.
  kPowerwashFailed = 32,

  // Device finalization failed.
  kFinalizationFailed = 33,

  // Logs failed to upload because the server could not be reached.
  kLogUploadFtpServerCannotConnect = 34,
  // Logs failed to upload because the server refused the connection.
  kLogUploadFtpServerConnectionRejected = 35,
  // Logs failed to upload because the connection was interrupted.
  kLogUploadFtpServerTransferFailed = 36,

  // It is not possible to cancel RMA finalization process at this point.
  kCannotCancelRma = 37,

  // Logs could not be retrieved.
  kCannotGetLog = 38,

  // RMA daemon initialization failed.
  kDaemonInitializationFailed = 39,

  // Update RO firmware failed.
  kUpdateRoFirmwareFailed = 40,

  // WP is expected to be disabled, but it is enabled.
  kWpEnabled = 41,

  // Unable to write data.
  kCannotWrite = 42,

  // Failed to save logs.
  kCannotSaveLog = 43,

  // Failed to record browser actions.
  kCannotRecordBrowserAction = 44,

  // No USB found when performing a task that requires a USB.
  kUsbNotFound = 45,

// Return type from state progression methods.
struct StateResult {
  State state;
  // True when it's safe to abort RMA from `state`
  bool can_exit;
  // True when it's safe to go back to the previous state from `state`
  bool can_go_back;
  RmadErrorCode error;

// TODO(gavindodd): This is copied from
// and the code that uses it is copied from
// Consider moving to a shared location.
// Represents a QR Code image.
struct QrCode {
  // Width and height (which are equal) of the generated QR Code image in
  // number of tiles.
  uint8 size;
  // QR Code image data. This is an array of bytes representing tiles in the
  // QR Code in row major order. Values can be 0 or 1 where 1 indicates that
  // the corresponding tile should be filled.
  array<uint8> data;

// Keep in sync with:
// platform2/system_api/dbus/update_engine/update_engine.proto:Operation
// Note: ERROR removed as it is not used by UpdateEngine - see
enum OsUpdateOperation {
  kIdle = 0,
  kCheckingForUpdate = 1,
  kUpdateAvailable = 2,
  kDownloading = 3,
  kVerifying = 4,
  kFinalizing = 5,
  kUpdatedNeedReboot = 6,
  kReportingErrorEvent = 7,
  kAttemptingRollback = 8,
  kDisabled = 9,
  kNeedPermissionToUpdate = 10,
  kCleanupPreviousUpdate = 11,
  kUpdatedButDeferred = 12,

enum UpdateErrorCode {
  kSuccess = 0,
  kDownloadError = 1,
  // Error includes device out of space, unauthorized, and no update available.
  kOtherError = 2,

// Device components
// This maps to RmadComponent in
// //third_party/cros_system_api/dbus/rmad/rmad.proto.
// See\h.
enum ComponentType {
  // Used as a safety fallback default, and therefore should always trigger safe
  // fallback behavior when present.
  kComponentUnknown = 0,

  // Standard components.
  kAudioCodec = 1,
  kBattery = 2,
  kStorage = 3,
  kVpdCached = 4,
  kNetwork = 5,  // Obsolete in M91.
  kCamera = 6,
  kStylus = 7,
  kTouchpad = 8,
  kTouchsreen = 9,
  kDram = 10,
  kDisplayPanel = 11,
  kCellular = 12,
  kEthernet = 13,
  kWireless = 14,

  // Additional rmad components.
  kScreen = 15,
  kBaseAccelerometer = 16,
  kLidAccelerometer = 17,
  kBaseGyroscope = 18,
  kLidGyroscope = 19,

  // Irrelevant components.
  // TODO(chenghan): Do we really need these?
  kKeyboard = 20,
  kPowerButton = 21,

// Component repair state
// This must remain in sync with
// ComponentsRepairState::ComponentRepairStatus::RepairStatus in
// //third_party/cros_system_api/dbus/rmad/rmad.proto.
// See\h.
enum ComponentRepairStatus {
  // Used as a safety fallback default, and therefore should always trigger safe
  // fallback behavior when present.
  kRepairUnknown = 0,
  kOriginal = 1,
  kReplaced = 2,
  kMissing = 3,

// A replaceable component and its repair state.
struct Component {
  ComponentType component;
  ComponentRepairStatus state;
  string identifier;

// Enumeration of all instructions for next steps after manually disabling write
// protect.
enum WriteProtectDisableCompleteAction {
  kUnknown = 0,
  kSkippedAssembleDevice = 1,
  kCompleteAssembleDevice = 2,
  kCompleteKeepDeviceOpen = 3,
  kCompleteNoOp = 4,

// Status of device read only firmware reimaging.
// In some cases device firmware must be re-written from a recovery image for
// device security.
// This must remain in sync with
// UpdateRoFirmwareStatus in //third_party/cros_system_api/dbus/rmad/rmad.proto.
// See\h.
enum UpdateRoFirmwareStatus {
  kUnknown = 0,
  kWaitUsb = 1,
  kFileNotFound = 2,
  kDownloading = 3,
  kUpdating = 4,
  kRebooting = 5,
  kComplete = 6,

// Enumeration of all instructions needed for calibration that require manual
// setup.
enum CalibrationSetupInstruction {
  kCalibrationInstructionUnknown = 0,
  kCalibrationInstructionPlaceBaseOnFlatSurface = 1,
  kCalibrationInstructionPlaceLidOnFlatSurface = 2,

// Overall status for Calibration.
enum CalibrationOverallStatus {
  kCalibrationOverallComplete = 1,
  kCalibrationOverallCurrentRoundComplete = 2,
  kCalibrationOverallCurrentRoundFailed = 3,
  kCalibrationOverallInitializationFailed = 4,

enum CalibrationStatus {
  kCalibrationWaiting = 1,
  kCalibrationInProgress = 2,
  kCalibrationComplete = 3,
  kCalibrationFailed = 4,
  kCalibrationSkip = 5,

struct CalibrationComponentStatus {
  ComponentType component;
  CalibrationStatus status;
  double progress;

// This must remain in sync with ProvisionStatus::Status in
// //third_party/cros_system_api/dbus/rmad/rmad.proto.
// See\h.
enum ProvisioningStatus {
  kInProgress = 1,
  kComplete = 2,
  kFailedBlocking = 3,
  kFailedNonBlocking = 4,

// This must remain in sync with ProvisionStatus::Error in
// //third_party/cros_system_api/dbus/rmad/rmad.proto.
// See\h.
enum ProvisioningError {
  kUnknown = 0,
  kInternal = 1,
  kWpEnabled = 2,
  kCannotRead = 3,
  kCannotWrite = 4,
  kGenerateSecret = 5,
  kMissingBaseAccelerometer = 6,
  kMissingLidAccelerometer = 7,
  kMissingBaseGyroscope = 8,
  kMissingLidGyroscope = 9,
  kCr50 = 10,
  kGbb = 11,

// This must remain in sync with FinalizeStatus::Status in
// //third_party/cros_system_api/dbus/rmad/rmad.proto.
// See\h.
enum FinalizationStatus {
  kInProgress = 1,
  kComplete = 2,
  kFailedBlocking = 3,
  kFailedNonBlocking = 4,

// This must remain in sync with FinalizeStatus::Error in
// //third_party/cros_system_api/dbus/rmad/rmad.proto.
// See\h.
enum FinalizationError {
  kUnknown = 0,
  kInternal = 1,
  kCannotEnableHardwareWp = 2,
  kCannotEnableSoftwareWp = 3,
  kCr50 = 4,
  kGbb = 5,

// This must remain in sync with RepairCompleteState::ShutdownMethod in
// //third_party/cros_system_api/dbus/rmad/rmad.proto.
// See\h.
enum ShutdownMethod {
  kUnknown = 0,
  kReboot = 1,
  kShutdown = 2,
  kBatteryCutoff = 3,

// This must remain in sync with UpdateDeviceInfoState::FeatureLevel in
// //third_party/cros_system_api/dbus/rmad/rmad.proto.
// See\h.
enum FeatureLevel {
  kRmadFeatureLevelUnsupported = 0,
  kRmadFeatureLevelUnknown = 1,
  kRmadFeatureLevel0 = 2,
  kRmadFeatureLevel1 = 3,

// Information of a 3p diagnostics app.
struct Shimless3pDiagnosticsAppInfo {
  // Name of the app.
  string name;
  // Permission message to show. This is a multi-line string. Is omitted if no
  // permission is required.
  string? permission_message;

// Results of showing 3p diagnostics app.
enum Show3pDiagnosticsAppResult {
  kOk = 0,
  kAppNotInstalled = 1,
  kFailedToLoad = 2,

// Implemented by clients to receive errors from the rmad service.
// rmad runs a lot of asynchronous processing and errors can occur at any time.
interface ErrorObserver {
  // OnError is called whenever there is an error outside of a state transition.
  OnError(RmadErrorCode error);

// Implemented by clients to track the progress of OS update.
// The observer receives the current update operation and the progress in a
// 0 - 1 range.
interface OsUpdateObserver {
  // OnOsUpdateProgressUpdated is called when the UpdateEngine sends a update
  // status change signal.
  OnOsUpdateProgressUpdated(OsUpdateOperation operation, float progress,
      UpdateErrorCode update_error_code);

// Implemented by clients to track the progress of component calibration.
interface CalibrationObserver {
  // OnCalibrationUpdated is called whenever there is an update in the progress
  // of component calibration.
  OnCalibrationUpdated(CalibrationComponentStatus componentStatus);
  // OnCalibrationStepComplete is called whenever a step completes.
  OnCalibrationStepComplete(CalibrationOverallStatus status);

// Implemented by clients to track the progress of device provisioning.
// The observer receives the current provisioning step and the progress of all
// calibration in a 0 - 1 range.
interface ProvisioningObserver {
  // OnProvisioningUpdated is called whenever there is an update in the progress
  // of device provisioning, including an error when provisioning fails.
  OnProvisioningUpdated(ProvisioningStatus status, float progress,
      ProvisioningError error);

// Implemented by clients to track the current state of hardware write
// protection.
interface HardwareWriteProtectionStateObserver {
  // OnHardwareWriteProtectionStateChanged is called to update the state of
  // HWWP.
  // It is only called while HWWP disable is required by rmad, once when disable
  // is first required with the current state and then whenever the state
  // changes until HWWP is disabled when it is no longer required.
  OnHardwareWriteProtectionStateChanged(bool enabled);

// Implemented by clients to track the current state of power cable connection.
interface PowerCableStateObserver {
  // OnPowerCableStateChanged is called to update the state of power cable
  // connection.
  // This is only needed for battery cut off.
  OnPowerCableStateChanged(bool plugged_in);

// Implemented by clients to track the external disk presence.
interface ExternalDiskStateObserver {
  // OnExternalDiskStateChanged is called to update the state of external disk.
  // It is used to display a hint for saving logs in the repair complete state
  // and for firmware updates.
  OnExternalDiskStateChanged(bool detected);

// Implemented by clients to receive status of hardware verification.
interface HardwareVerificationStatusObserver {
  // OnHardwareVerificationResult is called to report if hardware verification
  // succeeded or failed. With an optional error message for failures.
  OnHardwareVerificationResult(bool is_compliant, string error_message);

// Implemented by clients to receive status of finalization progress.
interface FinalizationObserver {
  // OnFinalizationUpdated is called to report progress of device finalization,
  // reporting an error when finalization fails.
  OnFinalizationUpdated(FinalizationStatus status, float progress,
      FinalizationError error);

// Implemented by clients to receive status of RO firmware update progress.
interface UpdateRoFirmwareObserver {
  // OnUpdateRoFirmwareStatusChanged is called to report progress of RO firmware
  // update.
  OnUpdateRoFirmwareStatusChanged(UpdateRoFirmwareStatus status);

// Enables clients in the webui to manage the RMA flow.
// This API is hosted in the web browser exposed to the Shimless RMA SWA.
interface ShimlessRmaService {
  // Returns the current RMA state.
  // Used on application start to determine the location in the RMA flow.
  // Due to reboots it may not always be the welcome screen.
      => (StateResult state_result);
  // Attempt to roll back to the previous RMA state.
  // Returns the updated state to display and an error code.
      => (StateResult state_result);

  // Attempts to abort the RMA.
  AbortRma() => (RmadErrorCode error);

  // Methods for kWelcomeScreen state.
  // User has confirmed they wish to finalize RMA.
      => (StateResult state_result);

  // Methods for kConfigureNetwork state.
  // Called on page initialization to track the pre-existing configured Wi-Fi
  // networks on the device.
  // Called when next is clicked after a network is successfully connected or
  // the user skips connecting to a network.
      => (StateResult state_result);

  // Methods for kUpdateOs state.
  // Returns a string representation of the OS version.
  GetCurrentOsVersion() => (string? version);
  // Returns true if there is an OS update available, false otherwise.
  CheckForOsUpdates() => (bool update_available, string version);
  // Attempts to start a Chrome OS update.
  UpdateOs() => (bool update_started);
  // Skips OS update.
      => (StateResult state_result);

  // Methods for kChooseDestination state.
  // Set the RMA state for the device to be kept by the current owner.
  // Returns the next state to display and an error code.
      => (StateResult state_result);
  // Set the RMA state for the device to be given to a different owner.
  // Returns the next state to display and an error code.
      => (StateResult state_result);

  // Method for kChooseWipeDevice state.
  // Set the RMA state to wipe or preserve the device data on RMA completion.
  SetWipeDevice(bool should_wipe_device)
      => (StateResult state_result);

  // Methods for kChooseWriteProtectDisableMethod state.
  // Choose to disabled HWWP manually e.g. by disconnecting the battery
  // If successful returns the next state and kOk followed by a signalling the
  // HardwareWriteProtectionStateObserver when HWWP is disabled.
  // TODO( Rename SetManuallyDisableWriteProtect for
  // consistency with other methods.
      => (StateResult state_result);
  // Choose to disable HWWP using the RSU code method.
  // Returns the next state to display and an error code.
  // TODO( Rename SetRsuDisableWriteProtect for
  // consistency with other methods.
      => (StateResult state_result);

  // Methods for kEnterRSUWPDisableCode state.
  // Get the RSU challenge code.
  // Returns the challenge as a string.
  GetRsuDisableWriteProtectChallenge() => (string challenge);
  // Get the device hardware ID (HWID) to display during RSU.
  // Returns the HWID as a string.
  GetRsuDisableWriteProtectHwid() => (string hwid);
  // Returns a QR Code image data encoded as a PNG representing the URL to
  // generate the RSU unlock code.
  GetRsuDisableWriteProtectChallengeQrCode() => (array<uint8> qr_code_data);
  // Attempt to disable HWWP using a RSU code.
  // Returns the next state to display and an error code.
  SetRsuDisableWriteProtectCode(string code)
      => (StateResult state_result);

  // Methods for kWaitForManualWPDisable state.
  // Transition to next state after manual write protect disabled signal has
  // been received.
      => (StateResult state_result);

  // Methods for kWPDisableComplete state.
  // Get the action enum that specifies any steps the user needs to take before
  // progressing to the next state.
  // The device may need to be re-assembled or left disassembled, depending on
  // the method of HWWP disable chosen.
      => (WriteProtectDisableCompleteAction action);
  // User acknowledges manual HWWP disable is complete and transitions to next
  // state.
      => (StateResult state_result);

  // Methods for kSelectComponents state.
  // Get the list of components that could have been replaced and their current
  // state.
  GetComponentList() => (array<Component> components);
  // Set the repair state of a list of components and attempt to move to the
  // next state.
  // This list only needs to contain the components set as repaired (any others
  // included will be ignored by rmad service).
  SetComponentList(array<Component> components)
      => (StateResult state_result);
  // Go to rework flow.
      => (StateResult state_result);

  // Method for kUpdateRoFirmware state.
  // Continue after firmware reimaging completes.
      => (StateResult state_result);

  // Methods for kRestock state.
  // Shutdown the device so mainboard can be restocked.
  // Note: This will only return a result if there is an error.
      => (StateResult state_result);
  // Continue RMA finalization after mainboard is used in another device.
      => (StateResult state_result);

  // Methods for kUpdateDeviceInformation state.
  // Get the list of OEM regions for this device.
  GetRegionList() => (array<string> regions);
  // Get the list of OEM SKUs for this device.
  GetSkuList() => (array<uint64> skus);
  // Get the list of valid custom-labels for this device.
  GetCustomLabelList() => (array<string> custom_labels);
  // Get the list of OEM SKU descriptions for this device.
  GetSkuDescriptionList() => (array<string> sku_descriptions);
  // Get the device serial number at RMA start.
  GetOriginalSerialNumber() => (string serial_number);
  // Get the device region index at RMA start.
  GetOriginalRegion() => (int32 region_index);
  // Get the device SKU index at RMA start.
  GetOriginalSku() => (int32 sku_index);
  // Get the device custom-label index at RMA start.
  GetOriginalCustomLabel() => (int32 custom_label_index);
  // Get the device dram part number at RMA start.
  GetOriginalDramPartNumber() => (string dram_part_number);
  // Get the device feature level at RMA start.
  GetOriginalFeatureLevel() => (FeatureLevel original_feature_level);
  // Attempt to set device info and transition to the next state.
  // Returns the next state to display and an error code.
      string serial_number, int32 region_index, int32 sku_index,
      int32 custom_label_index, string dram_part_number,
      bool is_chassis_branded, int32 hw_compliance_version)
          => (StateResult state_result);

  // Methods for kCheckCalibration state.
  // Calibration is a little more complicated than other states because it can
  // loop to handle setup for calibrating different components.
  // It goes:
  //   kCheckCalibration ←                  ←
  //           ↓                             ↑
  //   kSetupCalibration ←            ←
  //           ↓                       ↑
  //    kRunCalibration  → [success]  →
  //           ↓                             ↑
  //        [failure]    →                  →
  // Get the list of components being calibrated.
      => (array<CalibrationComponentStatus> components);
  // Get the enum of the instructions to display.
      => (CalibrationSetupInstruction instructions);
  // Request transition to the begin calibration.
  // Next state will be kSetupCalibration if setup is required, or
  // kRunCalibration if not.
  StartCalibration(array<CalibrationComponentStatus> components)
      => (StateResult state_result);
  // Request transition from kSetupCalibration to run this calibration step.
      => (StateResult state_result);
  // Request transition from kRunCalibration to the next setup state.
      => (StateResult state_result);
  // Request transition from kRunCalibratoin to the next RMA state.
  // This can only be called after kCalibrationOverallComplete has been
  // observed.
      => (StateResult state_result);

  // Methods for kProvisionDevice state
  // Retries provisioning after a blocking failure.
  RetryProvisioning() => (StateResult state_result);
      => (StateResult state_result);

  // Methods for kFinalize state
  // Retries provisioning after a failure.
      => (StateResult state_result);
      => (StateResult state_result);

  // Methods for kWaitForManualWPEnable state
  // Transition to next state after manual write protect enabled signal has been
  // received.
      => (StateResult state_result);

  // Methods for kRepairComplete state.
  // Get the RMA Log.
  // Returns an error indicating success or a failure.
  GetLog() => (string log, RmadErrorCode error);
  // Save the RMA Log to the USB drive.
  // Returns an error indicating success or a failure.
  SaveLog() => (mojo_base.mojom.FilePath save_path, RmadErrorCode error);
  // Get whether need to powerwash at the end of repair.
  GetPowerwashRequired() => (bool powerwash_required);
  // Launch the system diagnostics app.
  // Complete RMA using the `shutdown_method`.
  // Returns an error indicating success or a failure.
  EndRma(ShutdownMethod shutdown_method)
      => (StateResult state_result);

  // Methods for kHardwareError state.
  // Shut down after encountering an unrecoverable hardware error.

  // Critical error handling
  // These methods will fail if backend is not in critical error state.
  // Currently the only critical error is when error is kRmaNotRequired
  // (state is kUnknown).
  // Attempt to exit RMA and restart Chrome without checking RMA.
  CriticalErrorExitToLogin() => (RmadErrorCode error);
  // Attempt to exit RMA and reboot the device.
  CriticalErrorReboot() => (RmadErrorCode error);

  // Methods for 3p diagnostics
  // Third-party (3p) diagnostics is diagnostics features provided by device
  // manufacturer. These methods are related to loading and showing the
  // 3p diagnostics to users.
  // Get the 3p diagnostics provider name. It is the manufacturer of this device
  // if the manufacturer provides any 3p diagnostics app.
  Get3pDiagnosticsProvider() => (string? provider);
  // Get the installable 3p diagnostics app path. Returns null if there is no
  // installable app. Otherwise, returns its path.
  GetInstallable3pDiagnosticsAppPath() => (mojo_base.mojom.FilePath? app_path);
  // Install the diagnostics app found by the last call to
  // `GetInstallable3pDiagnosticsAppPath`. Returns null if fail to install.
  // Otherwise, returns the information of the app. Note that the installation
  // is not yet finished. We will need users to review the app's permissions.
      => (Shimless3pDiagnosticsAppInfo? app_info);
  // Completes the last installation triggered by
  // `InstallLastFound3pDiagnosticsApp`. If users approve the installation,
  // this will move the app files from a temporary place to a place that will be
  // kept through the whole RMA process.
  CompleteLast3pDiagnosticsInstallation(bool is_approved) => ();
  // Show the installed 3p diagnostics app.
  Show3pDiagnosticsApp() => (Show3pDiagnosticsAppResult result);

  // Observers
  // Registers an observer for any out of band error that occurs, such as a
  // calibration failure.
  ObserveError(pending_remote<ErrorObserver> observer);
  // Registers an observer for updates on progress of OS update installation.
  ObserveOsUpdateProgress(pending_remote<OsUpdateObserver> observer);
  // Registers an observer for updates on progress of component calibration.
  ObserveCalibrationProgress(pending_remote<CalibrationObserver> observer);
  // Registers an observer for updates on progress of device provisioning.
  ObserveProvisioningProgress(pending_remote<ProvisioningObserver> observer);
  // Registers an observer for changes in hardware write protection state.
      pending_remote<HardwareWriteProtectionStateObserver> observer);
  // Registers an observer for changes in power cable connection state.
  // The power cable state is needed to indicate if the device is ready for
  // battery cutoff.
  ObservePowerCableState(pending_remote<PowerCableStateObserver> observer);
  // Registers an observer for changes in external disk state.
  // The external disk state is needed to display a hint when saving logs
  // and for firmware updates.
  ObserveExternalDiskState(pending_remote<ExternalDiskStateObserver> observer);
  // Registers an observer for completion of hardware verification.
      pending_remote<HardwareVerificationStatusObserver> observer);
  // Registers an observer for status of finalization.
  ObserveFinalizationStatus(pending_remote<FinalizationObserver> observer);
  // Registers an observer for status of RO firmware update.
      pending_remote<UpdateRoFirmwareObserver> observer);