#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
'''Creates a ADMX group policy template file from an extension schema.json file.
generate_extension_admx.py --name <name> --id <id> --schema <schema_file>
--admx <admx_file> --adml <adml_file>
<name> is the human-readable name of the extension.
<id> is the 32-character extension ID.
<schema_file> is the file path of the input schema.json file.
<admx_file> is the file path of the output ADMX file.
<adml_file> is the file path of the output ADML language file (e.g. in en-US).
Download the managed bookmarks extension from
to obtain the schema.json file.
generate_extension_admx.py --name 'Managed Bookmarks'
--id 'gihmafigllmhbppdfjnfecimiohcljba'
--schema '/path/to/schema.json'
--admx '/path/to/managed_bookmarks.admx'
--adml '/path/to/en-US/managed_bookmarks.adml'
import re
import sys
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from xml.dom import minidom
class AdmxGenerator(object):
'''Generates ADMX and ADML templates'''
def __init__(self, extension_name, extension_id, schema):
self._extension_name = extension_name
self._extension_id = extension_id
self._schema = schema
self._schema_map = {}
self._strings_seen = {}
self._admx_doc = None
self._adml_doc = None
self._policies_elem = None
self._string_table_elem = None
self._presentation_table_elem = None
# Registry key for policies. Treat all policies as mandatory. Recommended
# policies would use 'Recommended' instead of 'Policy'.
self._REGISTRY_KEY = \
'Software\\Policies\\Google\\Chrome\\3rdparty\\extensions\\' + \
extension_id + '\\Policy'
def CreateTemplateXml(self):
Creates ADMX and ADML templates.
@return (ADMX xml, ADML xml) tuple.
# ADML must be first as ADMX uses the ADML doc to write strings.
root_category_name = 'extension'
# Add a category element for the root
self._AddCategory(self._extension_name, root_category_name,
properties = self._schema['properties']
for policy_name, policy_schema in properties.items():
self._AddPolicy(policy_name, policy_schema, root_category_name,
return self._ToPrettyXml(self._admx_doc.toxml()), self._ToPrettyXml(
def _AddElement(self, parent, name):
Adds an element named |name| as child of |parent|.
@return The new XML element.
doc = parent.ownerDocument
element = doc.createElement(name)
return element
def _SetAttribute(self, elem, name, value, string_id=None):
Sets the attribute |name| = |value| on the element |elem|. If |string_id|
is given, a new string with that ID is added to the strings table in the
ADML file.
string_id = self._ToId(string_id)
if (string_id):
elem.setAttribute(name, '$(string.%s)' % string_id)
self._AddString(string_id, value)
elem.setAttribute(name, value)
def _ToId(self, id_str):
Replaces all non-alphanumeric characters by underscores.
return re.sub('[^0-9a-zA-Z]+', '_', id_str) if id_str else None
def _AddString(self, string_id, text):
Adds a string with ID |string_id| to the strings table in the ADML doc or
reuses an existing string.
string_id = self._ToId(string_id)
if string_id in self._strings_seen:
assert text == self._strings_seen[string_id]
self._strings_seen[string_id] = text
string_elem = self._AddElement(self._string_table_elem, 'string')
self._SetAttribute(string_elem, 'id', string_id)
def _AddNamespace(self, namespaces_elem, elem_name, namespace, prefix):
Adds an ADMX namespace node.
namespace_elem = self._AddElement(namespaces_elem, elem_name)
self._SetAttribute(namespace_elem, 'namespace', namespace)
self._SetAttribute(namespace_elem, 'prefix', prefix)
def _AddCategory(self, display_name, category_full_name,
Adds an ADMX category.
display_name: The human-readable name of the category.
A unique name for the category.
This is used in 'name' attributes, which may only contain lowercase
letters, uppercase letters, digits and the underscore character.
parent_category_full_name: The unique 'full name' of the parent category.
category_elem = self._AddElement(self.categories_elem_, 'category')
self._SetAttribute(category_elem, 'displayName', display_name,
self._SetAttribute(category_elem, 'name', category_full_name)
parent_category_elem = self._AddElement(category_elem, 'parentCategory')
self._SetAttribute(parent_category_elem, 'ref', parent_category_full_name)
def _BeginAdmlTemplate(self):
Writes the header of the ADML doc.
dom_impl = minidom.getDOMImplementation('')
self._adml_doc = dom_impl.createDocument(None, 'policyDefinitionResources',
root_elem = self._adml_doc.documentElement
self._SetAttribute(root_elem, 'revision', '1.0')
self._SetAttribute(root_elem, 'schemaVersion', '1.0')
self._AddElement(root_elem, 'displayName')
self._AddElement(root_elem, 'description')
resources_elem = self._AddElement(root_elem, 'resources')
self._string_table_elem = self._AddElement(resources_elem, 'stringTable')
self._presentation_table_elem = self._AddElement(resources_elem,
def _BeginAdmxTemplate(self):
Writes the header of the ADMX doc.
dom_impl = minidom.getDOMImplementation('')
self._admx_doc = dom_impl.createDocument(None, 'policyDefinitions', None)
root_elem = self._admx_doc.documentElement
self._SetAttribute(root_elem, 'revision', '1.0')
self._SetAttribute(root_elem, 'schemaVersion', '1.0')
namespaces_elem = self._AddElement(root_elem, 'policyNamespaces')
self._AddNamespace(namespaces_elem, 'target',
'Google.Policies.ThirdParty.' + self._extension_id,
self._AddNamespace(namespaces_elem, 'using', 'Google.Policies', 'Google')
self._AddNamespace(namespaces_elem, 'using', 'Microsoft.Policies.Windows',
resources_elem = self._AddElement(root_elem, 'resources')
self._SetAttribute(resources_elem, 'minRequiredRevision', '1.0')
supported_on_elem = self._AddElement(root_elem, 'supportedOn')
definitions_elem = self._AddElement(supported_on_elem, 'definitions')
definition_elem = self._AddElement(definitions_elem, 'definition')
self._SetAttribute(definition_elem, 'displayName',
'Microsoft Windows 7 or later', 'SUPPORTED_WIN7')
self._SetAttribute(definition_elem, 'name', 'SUPPORTED_WIN7')
self.categories_elem_ = self._AddElement(root_elem, 'categories')
self._policies_elem = self._AddElement(root_elem, 'policies')
def _AddPolicy(self, policy_name, policy_schema, parent_category_full_name,
Adds a policy with name |policy_name| and schema data |policy_schema| to
the ADMX/ADML docs.
policy_name: The name of the policy.
policy_schema: Schema data of the policy.
The unique 'full name' of the category this policy should be placed
This is used in 'name' attributes, which may only contain lowercase
letters, uppercase letters, digits and the underscore character.
parenty_key: The registry key of the parent.
policy_id = self._ToId(policy_name)
full_name = parent_category_full_name + '_' + policy_id
policy_title = policy_schema.get('title', policy_name)
if 'id' in policy_schema:
# Keep id map for referenced schema.
self._schema_map[policy_schema['id']] = policy_schema
elif ('$ref' in policy_schema):
# Instantiate referenced schema.
referenced_schema = self._schema_map[policy_schema['$ref']]
for key, value in referenced_schema.items():
if not key in policy_schema:
policy_schema[key] = value
# For 'object' type items create a new category (folder) and add children.
if (policy_schema['type'] == 'object'):
self._AddCategory(policy_title, full_name, parent_category_full_name)
properties = policy_schema['properties']
for child_policy_name, child_policy_schema in properties.items():
self._AddPolicy(child_policy_name, child_policy_schema, full_name,
parent_key + '\\' + policy_name)
policy_elem = self._AddElement(self._policies_elem, 'policy')
policy_desc = policy_schema.get('description', None)
self._SetAttribute(policy_elem, 'name', full_name)
self._SetAttribute(policy_elem, 'class', 'Both')
self._SetAttribute(policy_elem, 'displayName', policy_title, full_name)
if policy_desc:
self._SetAttribute(policy_elem, 'explainText', policy_desc,
full_name + '_Explain')
self._SetAttribute(policy_elem, 'presentation',
'$(presentation.%s)' % full_name)
self._SetAttribute(policy_elem, 'key', parent_key)
parent_category_elem = self._AddElement(policy_elem, 'parentCategory')
self._SetAttribute(parent_category_elem, 'ref', parent_category_full_name)
supported_on_elem = self._AddElement(policy_elem, 'supportedOn')
self._SetAttribute(supported_on_elem, 'ref', 'SUPPORTED_WIN7')
desc_id = full_name + '_Part'
presentation_elem = self._AddElement(self._presentation_table_elem,
self._SetAttribute(presentation_elem, 'id', full_name)
if policy_schema['type'] == 'boolean':
self._SetAttribute(policy_elem, 'valueName', policy_id)
enabled_value_elem = self._AddElement(policy_elem, 'enabledValue')
decimal_elem = self._AddElement(enabled_value_elem, 'decimal')
self._SetAttribute(decimal_elem, 'value', '1')
disabled_value_elem = self._AddElement(policy_elem, 'disabledValue')
decimal_elem = self._AddElement(disabled_value_elem, 'decimal')
self._SetAttribute(decimal_elem, 'value', '0')
elif policy_schema['type'] == 'integer':
elements_elem = self._AddElement(policy_elem, 'elements')
decimal_elem = self._AddElement(elements_elem, 'decimal')
self._SetAttribute(decimal_elem, 'id', desc_id)
self._SetAttribute(decimal_elem, 'valueName', policy_id)
textbox_elem = self._AddElement(presentation_elem, 'decimalTextBox')
self._SetAttribute(textbox_elem, 'refId', desc_id)
elif (policy_schema['type'] == 'string' or
policy_schema['type'] == 'number'):
# Note: 'number' are doubles, but ADMX only supports integers
# (decimal), thus use 'string' and rely on string-to-double
# conversion in RegistryDict.
elements_elem = self._AddElement(policy_elem, 'elements')
text_elem = self._AddElement(elements_elem, 'text')
self._SetAttribute(text_elem, 'id', desc_id)
self._SetAttribute(text_elem, 'valueName', policy_id)
textbox_elem = self._AddElement(presentation_elem, 'textBox')
self._SetAttribute(textbox_elem, 'refId', desc_id)
label_elem = self._AddElement(textbox_elem, 'label')
elif policy_schema['type'] == 'array':
elements_elem = self._AddElement(policy_elem, 'elements')
list_elem = self._AddElement(elements_elem, 'list')
self._SetAttribute(list_elem, 'id', desc_id)
self._SetAttribute(list_elem, 'key', parent_key + '\\' + policy_name)
self._SetAttribute(list_elem, 'valuePrefix', None)
listbox_elem = self._AddElement(presentation_elem, 'listBox')
self._SetAttribute(listbox_elem, 'refId', desc_id)
raise Exception('Unhandled schema type "%s"' % policy_schema['type'])
def _ToPrettyXml(self, xml):
# return doc.toprettyxml(indent=' ')
# The above pretty-printer does not print the doctype and adds spaces
# around texts, e.g.:
# <string>
# value of the string
# </string>
# This is problematic both for the OSX Workgroup Manager (plist files) and
# the Windows Group Policy Editor (admx files). What they need instead:
# <string>value of string</string>
# So we use a hacky pretty printer here. It assumes that there are no
# mixed-content nodes.
# Get all the XML content in a one-line string.
# Determine where the line breaks will be. (They will only be between tags.)
lines = xml[1:len(xml) - 1].split('><')
indent = ''
# Determine indent for each line.
for i, line in enumerate(lines):
if line[0] == '/':
# If the current line starts with a closing tag, decrease indent before
# printing.
indent = indent[2:]
lines[i] = indent + '<' + line + '>'
if (line[0] not in ['/', '?', '!'] and '</' not in line and
line[len(line) - 1] != '/'):
# If the current line starts with an opening tag and does not conatin a
# closing tag, increase indent after the line is printed.
indent += ' '
# Reconstruct XML text from the lines.
return '\n'.join(lines)
def ConvertJsonToAdmx(extension_id, extension_name, schema_file, admx_file,
Loads the schema.json file |schema_file|, generates the ADMX and ADML docs and
saves them to |admx_file| and |adml_file|, respectively. The name of the
template and the registry keys are determined from the |extension_name| and
the 32-byte |extension_id|, respectively.
# Load that schema.
with open(schema_file, 'r') as f:
schema = eval(f.read())
admx_generator = AdmxGenerator(extension_id, extension_name, schema)
admx, adml = admx_generator.CreateTemplateXml()
with open(admx_file, 'w') as f:
with open(adml_file, 'w') as f:
def main():
'''Main function, usage see top of file.'''
parser = ArgumentParser(usage=__doc__)
help='extension name (e.g. Managed Bookmarks)')
help='extension id (e.g. gihmafigllmhbppdfjnfecimiohcljba)')
help='Input schema.json file for the extension',
'--admx', dest='admx_file', help='Output ADMX file', metavar='FILE')
'--adml', dest='adml_file', help='Output ADML file', metavar='FILE')
args = parser.parse_args()
if (not args.extension_name or not args.extension_id or
not args.schema_file or not args.admx_file or not args.adml_file):
return 1
ConvertJsonToAdmx(args.extension_name, args.extension_id, args.schema_file,
args.admx_file, args.adml_file)
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':