
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
Checks a policy_templates.json file for conformity to its syntax specification.

import argparse
import ast
import json
import os
import re
import sys
from schema_validator import SchemaValidator

_SRC_PATH = os.path.abspath(
    os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..', '..'))
sys.path.append(os.path.join(_SRC_PATH, 'third_party'))
import pyyaml

# Matches all non-empty strings that contain no whitespaces.
NO_WHITESPACE = re.compile('[^\s]+$')

SOURCE_DIR = os.path.dirname(

# List of boolean policies that have been introduced with negative polarity in
# the past and should not trigger the negative polarity check.

# List of policies where the 'string' part of the schema is actually a JSON
# string which has its own schema.
    # NOTE: Do not add any new policies to this list! Do not store policies with
    # complex schemas using stringified JSON - instead, store them as dicts.

# List of 'integer' policies that allow a negative 'minimum' value.

# Legacy boolean policies that don't describe the enable/disable case
# specifically.
    'DisablePluginFinder', 'IntegratedWebAuthenticationAllowed'

# Device policies which are not prefixed 'Device'.

# User policies which are prefixed with 'Device'.

# List of policies where not all properties are required to be presented in the
# example value. This could be useful e.g. in case of mutually exclusive fields.
# See for the details.

# Each policy must have a description message shorter than 4096 characters in
# all its translations (ADM format limitation). However, translations of the
# description might exceed this limit, so a lower limit of is used instead.

# Dictionaries that define how the checks can determine if a change to a policy
# value are backwards compatible.

# Defines specific keys in specific types that have custom validation functions
# for checking if a change to the value is a backwards compatible change.
# For instance increasing the 'maxmimum' value for an integer is less
# restrictive than decreasing it.
    'integer': {
        'minimum': lambda old_value, new_value: new_value <= old_value,
        'maximum': lambda old_value, new_value: new_value >= old_value

# Defines keys per type that can simply be removed in a newer version of a
# policy. For example, removing a 'required' field makes a policy schema less
# restrictive.
# This dictionary allows us to state that the given key can be totally removed
# when checking for a particular type. Or if the key usually represents an
# array of values, it states that entries in the array can be removed. Normally
# no array value can be removed in a policy change if we want to keep it
# backwards compatible.
    'integer': ['minimum', 'maximum'],
    'string': ['pattern'],
    'object': ['required']

# Defines keys per type that that can be changed in any way without affecting
# policy compatibility (for example we can change, remove or add a 'description'
# to a policy schema without causing incompatibilities).
    'integer': ['description', 'sensitiveValue'],
    'string': ['description', 'sensitiveValue'],
    'object': ['description', 'sensitiveValue'],
    'boolean': ['description']

# Defines keys per type that themselves define a further dictionary of
# properties each with their own schemas. For example, 'object' types define
# a 'properties' key that list all the possible keys in the object.
    'object': ['properties', 'patternProperties']

# Defines keys per type that themselves define a schema. For example, 'array'
# types define an 'items' key defines the schema for each item in the array.
    'object': ['additionalProperties'],
    'array': ['items']

# The list of platforms policy could support.
    'chrome_frame', 'chrome_os', 'android', 'webview_android', 'ios', 'fuchsia',
    '', 'chrome.win7', 'chrome.linux', 'chrome.mac', 'chrome.*'

# The list of platforms that chrome.* represents.
CHROME_STAR_PLATFORMS = ['', 'chrome.mac', 'chrome.linux']

# List of supported metapolicy types.
METAPOLICY_TYPES = ['merge', 'precedence']

# Helper function to determine if a given type defines a key in a dictionary
# that is used to condition certain backwards compatibility checks.
def IsKeyDefinedForTypeInDictionary(type, key, key_per_type_dict):
  return type in key_per_type_dict and key in key_per_type_dict[type]

# Helper function that expand chrome.* in the |platforms| list or dict.
def ExpandChromeStar(platforms):
  if platforms and 'chrome.*' in platforms:
    if isinstance(platforms, list):
      index = platforms.index('chrome.*')
      platforms[index:index + 1] = CHROME_STAR_PLATFORMS
    elif isinstance(platforms, dict):
      value = platforms.pop('chrome.*')
      for chrome_star_platform in CHROME_STAR_PLATFORMS:
        # copy reference here as the value shouldn't be changed.
        platforms[chrome_star_platform] = value
  return platforms

def _GetSupportedVersionPlatformAndRange(supported_on):
  (supported_on_platform, supported_on_versions) = supported_on.split(':')

  (supported_on_from, supported_on_to) = supported_on_versions.split('-')

  return supported_on_platform, (int(supported_on_from) if supported_on_from
                                 else None), (int(supported_on_to)
                                              if supported_on_to else None)

def _GetPolicyValueType(policy_type):
  if policy_type == 'main':
    return bool
  elif policy_type in ('string', 'string-enum'):
    return str
  elif policy_type in ('int', 'int-enum'):
    return int
  elif policy_type in ('list', 'string-enum-list'):
    return list
  elif policy_type == 'external':
    return dict
  elif policy_type == 'dict':
    return [dict, list]
    raise NotImplementedError('Unknown value type for policy type: %s' %

def _GetPolicyItemType(policy_type):
  if policy_type == 'main':
    return bool
  elif policy_type in ('string-enum', 'string-enum-list'):
    return str
  elif policy_type in ('int-enum'):
    return int
    raise NotImplementedError('Unknown item type for policy type: %s' %

def LenWithoutPlaceholderTags(text):
  PATTERN = re.compile('<ph [^>]*>')
  length = len(text)

  for match in PATTERN.finditer(text):
    length -= len(

  length -= 5 * text.count('</ph>')

  return length

def _IsAllowedDevicePolicyPrefix(name):
  return name.startswith('Device')

class PolicyTypeProvider():
  def __init__(self):
    # TODO( Persist the deduced schema types into a separate
    # file to further speed up the presubmit scripts.
    self._policy_types = {}
    # List of policies which are type 'dict' but should be type 'external'
    # according to their schema. There are several reasons for such exceptions:
    # - The file being downloaded is large (on the order of GB)
    # - The downloaded file shouldn't be publicly accessible
    self._external_type_mismatch_allowlist = ['PluginVmImage']

  def GetPolicyType(self, policy, schemas_by_id={}):
    '''Gets the type of `policy` according to its schema.

      policy (dict): The policy to get the type for.
      schemas_by_id (dict): Maps schema id to a schema.

    # Policies may have the same name as the groups they belong to, so caching
    # would not work. Instead, first check if the policy is a group; if it's
    # not, go ahead with caching.
    if self._IsGroup(policy):
      return 'group'

    policy_name = policy.get('name')
    if not policy_name or policy_name not in self._policy_types:
      return self._policy_types.setdefault(
          policy_name, self._GetPolicyTypeFromSchema(policy, schemas_by_id))
    return self._policy_types[policy_name]

  def _IsGroup(self, policy):
    return policy.get('type') == 'group'

  def _GetPolicyTypeFromSchema(self, policy, schemas_by_id):
    schema = policy.get('schema')
    if not schema:
      raise NotImplementedError(
          'Policy %s does not have a schema. A schema must be implemented for '
          'all non-group type policies.' % policy.get('name'))

    if '$ref' in schema:
      if not schema['$ref'] in schemas_by_id:
        raise NotImplementedError(
            'Policy %s uses unknown $ref %s in schema. If you are '
            'removing a $ref that is no longer used, please remove it in a '
            'separate CL.' % (policy['name'], schema['$ref']))
      schema = schemas_by_id[schema['$ref']]

    schema_type = schema.get('type')
    if schema_type == 'boolean':
      return 'main'
    elif schema_type == 'integer':
      items = policy.get('items')
      if items and all([
          item.get('name') and item.get('value') is not None for item in items
        return 'int-enum'
      return 'int'
    elif schema_type == 'string':
      items = policy.get('items')
      if items and all([
          item.get('name') and item.get('value') is not None for item in items
        return 'string-enum'
      return 'string'
    elif schema_type == 'array':
      schema_items = schema.get('items')
      if schema_items.get('type') == 'string' and schema_items.get('enum'):
        return 'string-enum-list'
      elif schema_items.get('type') == 'object' and schema_items.get(
        return 'dict'
      elif ('$ref' in schema_items
            and schemas_by_id[schema_items['$ref']].get('type') == 'object'):
        return 'dict'
      return 'list'
    elif schema_type == 'object':
      schema_properties = schema.get('properties')
      if schema_properties and schema_properties.get(
          'url') and schema_properties.get('hash') and policy.get(
              'name') not in self._external_type_mismatch_allowlist:
        return 'external'
      return 'dict'

class PolicyTemplateChecker(object):

  def __init__(self):
    self.num_policies = 0
    self.num_groups = 0
    self.options = None
    self.features = []
    self.schema_validator = SchemaValidator()
    self.has_schema_error = False
    self.policy_type_provider = PolicyTypeProvider()
    self.errors = []
    self.warnings = []

  def _Warning(self, message):
    self.warnings.append(f'Warning: {message}')

  def _Error(self,
    error_prompt = ''
    if identifier is not None and parent_element is not None:
      error_prompt += f'In {parent_element} {identifier}: '

    formatted_error_message = f'Error: {error_prompt}{message}'
    if offending_snippet is not None:
      if isinstance(offending_snippet, dict) or isinstance(
          offending_snippet, list):
        yaml_str = pyyaml.dump(offending_snippet, indent=2)
        formatted_error_message += f'\n  Offending: {yaml_str}'
        formatted_error_message += f'\n  {offending_snippet}'

  def _LineError(self, message, line_number):
    self._Error(f'In line {line_number}: {message}')

  def _LineWarning(self, message, line_number):
    self._Warning(f'In line {line_number}: Automatically fixing formatting: '

  def _PolicyError(self, message, policy, field=None, value=None):
    Log an error `message for `policy`.

    Set `field` if the error is found for a certain policy `field`.
    Set `value` if the error is found for a certain policy `field` with `value`.
    field_str = None
    if field:
      if value is None:
        value = policy.get(field, "<not set>")
      field_str = json.dumps({field: value})[1:-1]
    self._Error(message, 'policy', policy.get('name', '<No name>'), field_str)

  def _SchemaCompatibleError(self, message):

  def _CheckContains(self,
    Checks |container| for presence of |key| with value of type |value_type|.
    If |value_type| is string and |regexp_check| is specified, then an error is
    reported when the value does not match the regular expression object.

    |value_type| can also be a list, if more than one type is supported.

    The other parameters are needed to generate, if applicable, an appropriate
    human-readable error message of the following form:

    In |parent_element| |identifier|:
      (if the key is not present):
      Error: |container_name| must have a |value_type| named |key|.
      Offending snippet: |offending| (if specified; defaults to |container|)
      (if the value does not have the required type):
      Error: Value of |key| must be a |value_type|.
      Offending snippet: |container[key]|

    Returns: |container[key]| if the key is present and there are no errors,
             None otherwise.
    if identifier is None:
        identifier = container.get('name')
        self._Error('Cannot access container name of "%s".' % container_name)
        return None
    if container_name is None:
      container_name = parent_element
    if offending == '__CONTAINER__':
      offending = container
    if key not in container:
      if optional:
            '%s does not have a %s "%s".' %
            (container_name.title(), value_type.__name__, key), container_name,
            identifier, offending)
      return None
    value = container[key]
    value_types = value_type if isinstance(value_type, list) else [value_type]
    if not any(isinstance(value, type) for type in value_types):
          'Value of "%s" is not one of [ %s ].' %
          (key, ', '.join([type.__name__ for type in value_types])),
          container_name, identifier, value)
      return None
    if str in value_types and regexp_check and not regexp_check.match(value):
          'Value of "%s" does not match "%s".' % (key, regexp_check.pattern),
          container_name, identifier, value)
      return None
    return value

  def _ValidateSchema(self, schema, schema_name, policy, schemas_by_id):
    ''' Helper fuction to call `schema_validator.ValidateSchema`. Appends error
        to `self.errors` if necessary.
    schema_errors = self.schema_validator.ValidateSchema(schema, schemas_by_id)
    if schema_errors:
      schema_error_message = "\n  ".join(schema_errors)
          f'{schema_name.capitalize()} is invalid\n'
          f'  {schema_error_message}', policy)
      self.has_schema_error = True

  def _ValidateValue(self, schema, example, enforce_use_entire_schema,
                     schema_name, policy):
    '''Helper function to call `schema_validator.ValidateValue()` Appends error
       to `self.errors` if needed.
    value_errors = self.schema_validator.ValidateValue(
        schema, example, enforce_use_entire_schema)
    if value_errors:
      value_error_message = "\n  ".join(value_errors)
          f'Example does not comply to the policy\'s {schema_name} or '
          'does not use all properties at least once.\n'
          f'  {value_error_message}', policy)

  def _CheckPolicySchema(self, policy, policy_type, schemas_by_id):
    '''Checks that the 'schema' field matches the 'type' field.'''
    self.has_schema_error = False

    if policy_type == 'group':
      self._Error('Schema should not be defined for group type policy %s.' %
      self.has_schema_error = True

    schema = self._CheckContains(policy, 'schema', dict)
    if not schema:
      # Schema must be defined for all non-group type policies. An appropriate
      # |_Error| message is populated in the |_CheckContains| call above, so it
      # is not repeated here.
      self.has_schema_error = True

    policy_type_legacy = policy.get('type')
    # TODO( Remove this check once 'type' is removed from
    # policy_templates.
    if policy_type != policy_type_legacy:
          f'Unexpected type. Type "{policy_type}" was expected based on the '
          'schema.', policy, 'type')

    self._ValidateSchema(schema, 'schema', policy, schemas_by_id)

    if 'validation_schema' in policy:
      self._ValidateSchema(policy.get('validation_schema'), 'validation schema',
                           policy, schemas_by_id)

    # Checks that boolean policies are not negated (which makes them harder to
    # reason about).
    if (policy_type == 'main' and 'disable' in policy.get('name').lower()
        and policy.get('name') not in LEGACY_INVERTED_POLARITY_ALLOWLIST):
          'Boolean policy uses negative polarity name, please follow the '
          'XYZEnabled pattern. See', policy, 'name')

    # Checks that the policy doesn't have a validation_schema - the whole
    # schema should be defined in 'schema'- unless listed as legacy.
    if ('validation_schema' in policy
        and policy.get('name') not in LEGACY_EMBEDDED_JSON_ALLOWLIST):
          '"validation_schema" is no longer recommended, use '
          '"schema" instead.', policy)

    # Try to make sure that any policy with a complex schema is storing it as
    # a 'dict', not embedding it inside JSON strings - unless listed as legacy.
    if (self._AppearsToContainEmbeddedJson(policy.get('example_value'))
        and policy.get('name') not in LEGACY_EMBEDDED_JSON_ALLOWLIST):
          'Example value is JSON string.\n'
          '  Do not store complex data as '
          'stringified JSON - instead, store it in a dict and '
          'define it in "schema".', policy, 'schema')

    # Checks that integer policies do not allow negative values.
    if (policy_type == 'int' and schema.get('minimum', 0) < 0
        and policy.get('name') not in LEGACY_NEGATIVE_MINIMUM_ALLOWED):
          f'Integer policy allows negative values.\n'
          '  Negative values are forbidden and could silently be replaced with '
          'zeros when using them. See also', policy,

  # Returns True if the example value for a policy seems to contain JSON
  # embedded inside a string. Simply checks if strings start with '{', so it
  # doesn't flag numbers (which are valid JSON) but it does flag both JSON
  # objects and python objects (regardless of the type of quotes used).
  def _AppearsToContainEmbeddedJson(self, example_value):
    if isinstance(example_value, str):
      return example_value.strip().startswith('{')
    elif isinstance(example_value, list):
      return any(self._AppearsToContainEmbeddedJson(v) for v in example_value)
    elif isinstance(example_value, dict):
      return any(
          self._AppearsToContainEmbeddedJson(v) for v in example_value.values())

  def _NeedsDefault(self, policy):
    return self.policy_type_provider.GetPolicyType(policy) in ('int', 'main',

  def _CheckDefault(self, policy, current_version):
    if not self._NeedsDefault(policy):

    # If a policy should have a default but it is no longer supported, we can
    # safely ignore this error.
    if ('default' not in policy
        and not self._SupportedPolicy(policy, current_version)):

    # Only validate the default when present.
    # TODO( Always validate the default for types that
    # should have it.
    if 'default' not in policy:
    policy_type = self.policy_type_provider.GetPolicyType(policy)
    default = policy.get('default')
    if policy_type == 'int':
      # A default value of None is acceptable when the default case is
      # equivalent to the policy being unset and there is no numeric equivalent.
      if default is None:

      if not isinstance(default, int):
        self._PolicyError('Default value it not an integer.', policy, 'default')
      elif default < 0:
        self._PolicyError(f'Default value less than zero.', policy, 'default')

    if policy_type == 'main':
      # If the policy doesn't have items but is no longer supported, predefined
      # values are used. Otherwise the policy must have items defined.
      if 'items' not in policy and not self._SupportedPolicy(
          policy, current_version):
        acceptable_values = (True, False, None)
        acceptable_values = [x['value'] for x in policy['items']]
    elif policy_type in ('string-enum', 'int-enum'):
      acceptable_values = [None] + [x['value'] for x in policy['items']]
      raise NotImplementedError('Unimplemented policy type: %s' % policy_type)

    if default not in acceptable_values:
      self._PolicyError(f'Default value is not one of {acceptable_values}',
                        policy, 'default')

  def _NeedsItems(self, policy):
    return (not policy.get('deprecated', False)
            and self.policy_type_provider.GetPolicyType(policy) in (
                'main', 'int-enum', 'string-enum', 'string-enum-list'))

  def _CheckItems(self, policy, current_version):
    if not self._NeedsItems(policy):

    # If a policy should have items, but it is no longer supported, we
    # can safely ignore this error.
    if 'items' not in policy and not self._SupportedPolicy(
        policy, current_version):

    items = self._CheckContains(policy, 'items', list)
    if items is None:

    if len(items) < 1:
      self._PolicyError('"items" is empty.', policy, 'items')

    # Ensure all items have valid captions.
    for item in items:

    policy_type = self.policy_type_provider.GetPolicyType(policy)
    if policy_type == 'main':
      # Main (bool) policies must contain a list of items to clearly
      # indicate what the states mean.
      required_values = [True, False]

      # The unset item can only appear if the default is None, since
      # there is no other way for it to be set.
      if 'default' in policy and policy['default'] == None:

      # Since the item captions don't appear everywhere the description does,
      # try and ensure the items are still described in the descriptions.
      value_to_names = {
          None: {'none', 'unset', 'not set', 'not configured'},
          True: {'true', 'enable', 'allowed'},
          False: {'false', 'disable', 'not allowed', 'disallowed'},
      if policy['name'] not in LEGACY_NO_ENABLE_DISABLE_DESC:
        for value in required_values:
          names = value_to_names[value]
          if not any(name in policy['desc'].lower() for name in names):
                'Description does not describe what happens when it is '
                f'set to {value}. If possible update the description to '
                f'describe this while using at least one of {names}', policy,

      values_seen = set()
      for item in items:
        # Bool items shouldn't have names, since it's the same information
        # as the value field.
        if 'name' in item:
          self._PolicyError('Item has an unnecessary "name" field.', policy,
                            'items', [item])

        # Each item must have a value.
        if 'value' not in item:
          self._PolicyError('Item does not have "value" field', policy, 'items',
          value = item['value']
          if value in values_seen:
            self._PolicyError(f'Duplicate item value {value}', policy, 'items',
            if value not in required_values:
                  f'Unexpected item value {value}. must be one of '
                  f'{required_values}', policy, 'items', [item])

      if not values_seen.issuperset(required_values):
        self._PolicyError('Missing item values {required_values - values_seen}',
                          policy, 'items')

    if policy_type in ('int-enum', 'string-enum', 'string-enum-list'):
      for item in items:
        # Each item must have a name.

        # Each item must have a value of the correct type.

  def _CheckOwners(self, policy):
    owners = self._CheckContains(policy, 'owners', list)
    if not owners:

    for owner in owners:
      FILE_PREFIX = 'file://'
      if owner.startswith(FILE_PREFIX):
        file_path = owner[len(FILE_PREFIX):]
        full_file_path = os.path.join(SOURCE_DIR, file_path)
        if not (os.path.exists(full_file_path)):
              'Policy %s lists non-existant owners files, %s, as an owner. '
              'Please either add the owners file or remove it from this list.' %
              (policy.get('name'), full_file_path))
      elif '@' in owner:
        # TODO(pastarmovj): Validate the email is a committer's.
            'Unexpected owner, %s, all owners should '
            'be committer emails or OWNERS path with file://', policy, 'owners')

  def _SupportedPolicy(self, policy, current_version):
    # If a policy has any future_on platforms, it is still supported.
    if len(policy.get('future_on', [])) > 0:
      return True

    for s in policy.get('supported_on', []):
      _, _, supported_on_to = _GetSupportedVersionPlatformAndRange(s)

      # If supported_on_to isn't given, this policy is still supported.
      if supported_on_to is None:
        return True

      # If supported_on_to is equal or greater than the current version, it's
      # still supported.
      if current_version <= int(supported_on_to):
        return True

    return False

  # Checks if the policy supported on a specific platform via 'supported_on'
  # field. Does not take into account the 'future_on' field.
  def _SupportedOnPlatformPolicy(self, policy, current_version, platform):
    for s in policy.get('supported_on', []):
      ) = _GetSupportedVersionPlatformAndRange(s)

      # Skip other platforms.
      if supported_on_platform != platform:

      # If supported_on_to isn't given, this policy is still supported.
      if supported_on_to is None:
        return True

      return current_version <= int(supported_on_to)

    return False

  def _CheckPolicyDefinition(self, policy, current_version, schemas_by_id):
    if not isinstance(policy, dict):
      self._Error('Each policy must be a dictionary.', 'policy', None, policy)

    # There should not be any unknown keys in |policy|.
    for key in policy:
      if key not in (
        self._PolicyError(f'Unknown key: {key}', policy, key)

    # Each policy must have a name.
    self._CheckContains(policy, 'name', str, regexp_check=NO_WHITESPACE)

    # Each policy must have a type.
    policy_types = ('group', 'main', 'string', 'int', 'list', 'int-enum',
                    'string-enum', 'string-enum-list', 'dict', 'external')
    policy_type = self.policy_type_provider.GetPolicyType(policy, schemas_by_id)
    if policy_type not in policy_types:
      self._PolicyError('Policy type is not one of: ' + ', '.join(policy_types),
      return  # Can't continue for unsupported type.

    # Each policy must have a caption message.
    self._CheckContains(policy, 'caption', str)

    # Each policy's description should be within the limit.
    desc = self._CheckContains(policy, 'desc', str)
    if LenWithoutPlaceholderTags(desc) > POLICY_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH_SOFT_LIMIT:
          'Length of description is more than '
          f'{POLICY_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH_SOFT_LIMIT} characters. Please create a '
          'help center article instead.', policy, {'desc': desc[:50] + '...'})

    # If 'label' is present, it must be a string.
    self._CheckContains(policy, 'label', str, True)

    # If 'deprecated' is present, it must be a bool.
    self._CheckContains(policy, 'deprecated', bool, True)

    # If 'arc_support' is present, it must be a string.
    self._CheckContains(policy, 'arc_support', str, True)

    # If 'generate_device_proto' is present, it must be a bool.
    self._CheckContains(policy, 'generate_device_proto', bool, True)

    if policy_type == 'group':
      # Each policy group must have a list of policies.
      policies = self._CheckContains(policy, 'policies', list)

      # Policy list should not be empty
      if isinstance(policies, list) and len(policies) == 0:
        self._Error('Policy list should not be empty.', 'policies', None,

      # Groups must not have an |id|.
      if 'id' in policy:
        self._Error('Policies of type "group" must not have an "id" field.',
                    'policy', policy)

      # Statistics.
      self.num_groups += 1

    # policy_type != group
      # Each policy must have an owner.

      # Each policy must have a tag list.
      self._CheckContains(policy, 'tags', list)

      # 'schema' is the new 'type'.
      # TODO( remove 'type' from policy_templates and
      # all supporting files (including this one), and exclusively use 'schema'.
      self._CheckPolicySchema(policy, policy_type, schemas_by_id)

      # Each policy must have a supported_on list.
      supported_on = self._CheckContains(policy,
      supported_platforms = []
      if supported_on:
        for s in supported_on:
          ) = _GetSupportedVersionPlatformAndRange(s)

          if not isinstance(supported_on_platform,
                            str) or not supported_on_platform:
            self._PolicyError('One entry in "supported_on" has no platform',
                              policy, 'supported_on', [supported_on])
          elif not isinstance(supported_on_from, int):
                'Entries in "supported_on" have an invalid starting version',
                policy, 'supported_on', [supported_on])
          elif isinstance(supported_on_to,
                          int) and supported_on_to < supported_on_from:
                'Entries in "supported_on" have an invalid ending version',
                policy, 'supported_on', [supported_on])

        if (not self._SupportedPolicy(policy, current_version)
            and not policy.get('deprecated', False)):
              'Marked as no longer supported, but is not marked as '
              '  Unsupported policies must be marked as `deprecated: true`. '
              'You may see this error after branch point. Please fix the '
              'issue and cc the policy owners.', policy, 'supported_on')

      supported_platforms = ExpandChromeStar(supported_platforms)
      future_on = ExpandChromeStar(
          self._CheckContains(policy, 'future_on', list, optional=True))

      self._CheckPlatform(supported_platforms, 'supported_on', policy)
      self._CheckPlatform(future_on, 'future_on', policy)

      if not supported_platforms and not future_on:
            'No valid platform in "supported_on" or '
            '"future_on"', policy)

      if supported_on == []:
        self._Warning("Policy %s: supported_on' is empty." %

      if future_on == []:
        self._Warning("Policy %s: 'future_on' is empty." % (policy.get('name')))

      if future_on:
        for platform in set(supported_platforms).intersection(future_on):
              f'Platform {platform} is marked as "supported_on" and '
              '"future_on". Put released platform in "supported_on" only',
              policy, 'future_on')

      # Each policy must have a 'features' dict.
      features = self._CheckContains(policy, 'features', dict)

      # All the features must have a documenting message.
      if features:
        for feature in features:
          if not feature in self.features:
                f'Unknown feature. Known features must have a '
                'documentation string in the messages dictionary.', policy,
                'features', {feature: features[feature]})

      can_be_recommended = self._CheckContains(features,
      can_be_mandatory = self._CheckContains(features,

      can_be_recommended = False if (
          can_be_recommended) is None else can_be_recommended
      can_be_mandatory = True if can_be_mandatory is None else can_be_mandatory

      if not can_be_recommended and not can_be_mandatory:
        self._PolicyError('Policy can not be mandatory or recommended.', policy,

      # All user policies must have a per_profile feature flag.
      if (not policy.get('device_only', False)
          and not policy.get('deprecated', False)
          and not 'chrome_frame' in supported_platforms):

      # If 'device only' policy is on, feature 'per_profile' shouldn't exist.
      if (policy.get('device_only', False) and
          features.get('per_profile', False)):
            '"per_profile" attribute is set with device_only=True', policy,

      # 'generate_device_proto' can only be present on 'device_only' policies.
      if (not policy.get('device_only', False)
          and 'generate_device_proto' in policy):
            'generate_device_proto must only be set on a policy that is '

      # If 'device only' policy is on, 'default_for_enterprise_users' shouldn't
      # exist.
      if (policy.get('device_only', False) and
          'default_for_enterprise_users' in policy):
            'default_for_enteprise_users is set with device_only=True.\n'
            '  Please use default_for_managed_devices_doc_only to document a'
            'differing default value for enrolled devices. Please note '
            'that default_for_managed_devices_doc_only is for '
            'documentation only - it has no side effects, so you will '
            ' still have to implement the enrollment-dependent default '
            'value handling yourself in all places where the device '
            'policy proto is evaluated. This will probably include '
            ' for chrome, but could '
            'also have to done in other components if they read the '
            'proto directly. Details:', policy,

      default_policy_level = self._CheckContains(

      if default_policy_level:
        if 'default_for_enterprise_users' not in policy:
              '"default_policy_level" is set without '
              'default_for_enterprise_users.', policy, 'default_policy_level')
        if (default_policy_level == 'recommended' and not can_be_recommended):
              '"default_policy_level" is set to "recommended" while policy is '
              'not recommendable', policy, 'default_policy_level')
        if (default_policy_level == 'mandatory' and not can_be_mandatory):
              '"default_policy_level" is set to "mandatory" while policy is '
              'not mandatoryable', policy, 'default_policy_level')
        if 'default_for_enterprise_users' in policy and not can_be_mandatory:
              '"default_policy_level" is missing while policy is not '
              'mandatoryable.', policy, 'default_for_enterprise_users')

      if (not policy.get('device_only', False) and
          'default_for_managed_devices_doc_only' in policy):
            '"default_for_managed_devices_doc_only" is set for non-device '
            'policy', policy, 'default_for_managed_devices_doc_only')

      if (policy.get('device_only', False)
          and not _IsAllowedDevicePolicyPrefix(policy.get('name'))
          and policy.get('name') not in LEGACY_DEVICE_POLICY_NAME_OFFENDERS):
        self._PolicyError('Device policy name is not prefixed with "Device"',
                          policy, 'name')

      if (_IsAllowedDevicePolicyPrefix(policy.get('name'))
          and not policy.get('device_only', False)
          and policy.get('name') not in LEGACY_USER_POLICY_NAME_OFFENDERS):
        self._PolicyError('Non-device policy name is prefixed with "Device"',
                          policy, 'name')

      # All policies must declare whether they allow changes at runtime.

      # 'cloud_only' feature must be an optional boolean flag.
      cloud_only = self._CheckContains(

      # 'platform_only' feature must be an optional boolean flag.
      platform_only = self._CheckContains(

      # 'internal_only' feature must be an optional boolean flag.
      internal_only = self._CheckContains(features,

      # 'user_only' feature must be an optional boolean flag.
      user_only = self._CheckContains(features,

      # 'private' feature must be an optional boolean flag.
      is_unlisted = self._CheckContains(features,

      # 'metapolicy_type' feature must be one of the supported types.
      metapolicy_type = self._CheckContains(features,
      if metapolicy_type and metapolicy_type not in METAPOLICY_TYPES:
            '"metapolicy_type" is not supported. '
            f'Please use one of {METAPOLICY_TYPES}', policy, 'features')

      if cloud_only and platform_only:
            '"cloud_only" and "platfrom_only" are true at the same time.',
            policy, 'features')

      if user_only and not features.get('per_profile', False):
        self._PolicyError('"user_only" is used by non per_profile policy.',
                          policy, 'features')

      if is_unlisted and not cloud_only:
        self._PolicyError('"unlisted" is used by non cloud only policy.',
                          policy, 'features')

      # Each policy must have an 'example_value' of appropriate type.
      self._CheckContains(policy, 'example_value',

      # Verify that the example complies with the schema and that all properties
      # are used at least once, so the examples are as useful as possible for
      # admins.
      schema = policy.get('schema')
      example = policy.get('example_value')
      enforce_use_entire_schema = policy.get(

      if not self.has_schema_error:
        self._ValidateValue(schema, example, enforce_use_entire_schema,
                            'schema', policy)

        if 'validation_schema' in policy and 'description_schema' in policy:
              '"validation_schema" and "description_schema" both defined.',
        secondary_schema = policy.get('validation_schema',
        if secondary_schema:
          real_example = {}
          if policy_type == 'string':
            real_example = json.loads(example)
          elif policy_type == 'list':
            real_example = [json.loads(entry) for entry in example]
                'Unsupported type for legacy embedded json policy.', policy)
          self._ValidateValue(secondary_schema, real_example, True,
                              'validation_schema', policy)

      self._CheckDefault(policy, current_version)

      # Statistics.
      self.num_policies += 1

      self._CheckItems(policy, current_version)

      if policy_type == 'external':
        # Each policy referencing external data must specify a maximum data
        # size.
        self._CheckContains(policy, 'max_size', int)
      elif 'max_size' in policy:
        self._PolicyError('"max_size" is used for non external policies.',
                          policy, 'max_size')

  def _CheckPlatform(self, platforms, field_name, policy):
    ''' Verifies the |platforms| list. Records any error with |field_name| and
        |policy_name|.  '''
    if not platforms:

    duplicated = set()
    for platform in platforms:
      if len(platform) == 0:
      if platform not in ALL_SUPPORTED_PLATFORMS:
            f'Platform "{platform}" is not supported in {field_name}. Valid '
            f'platforms are {ALL_SUPPORTED_PLATFORMS}.', policy, field_name)
      if platform in duplicated:
            f'Platform "{platform}" appears more than once in {field_name}.',
            policy, field_name)

  def _CheckSingleSchemaValueIsCompatible(self, old_schema_value,
    Checks if a |new_schema_value| in a schema is compatible with an
    |old_schema_value| in a schema. The check will either use the provided
    |custom_value_validation| if any or do a normal equality comparison.
    return (custom_value_validation == None
            and old_schema_value == new_schema_value) or (
                custom_value_validation != None
                and custom_value_validation(old_schema_value, new_schema_value))

  def _CheckSchemaValueIsCompatible(self, schema_key_path, old_schema_value,
                                    new_schema_value, only_removals_allowed,
    Checks if two leaf schema values defined by |old_schema_value| and
    |new_schema_value| are compatible with each other given certain conditions
    concerning removal (|only_removals_allowed|) and also for custom
    compatibility validation (|custom_value_validation|). The leaf schema should
    never be a dictionary type.

    |schema_key_path|: Used for error reporting, this is the current path in the
      policy schema that we are processing represented as a list of paths.
    |old_schema_value|: The value of the schema property in the original policy
      templates file.
    |new_schema_value|: The value of the schema property in the modified policy
      templates file.
    |only_removals_allowed|: Specifies whether the schema value can be removed
      in the modified policy templates file. For list type schema values, this
      flag will also allow removing some entries in the list while keeping other
    |custom_value_validation|: Custom validation function used to compare the
      old and new values to see if they are compatible. If None is provided then
      an equality comparison is used.
    current_schema_key = '/'.join(schema_key_path)

    # If there is no new value but an old one exists, generally this is
    # considered an incompatibility and should be reported unless removals are
    # allowed for this value.
    if (new_schema_value == None):
      if not only_removals_allowed:
            'Value in policy schema path \'%s\' was removed in new schema '
            'value.' % (current_schema_key))

    # Both old and new values must be of the same type.
    if type(old_schema_value) != type(new_schema_value):
          'Value in policy schema path \'%s\' is of type \'%s\' but value in '
          'schema is of type \'%s\'.' %
          (current_schema_key, type(old_schema_value).__name__,

    # We are checking a leaf schema key and do not expect to ever get a
    # dictionary value at this level.
    if (type(old_schema_value) is dict):
          'Value in policy schema path \'%s\' had an unexpected type: \'%s\'.' %
          (current_schema_key, type(old_schema_value).__name__))
    # We have a list type schema value. In general additions to the list are
    # allowed (e.g. adding a new enum value) but removals from the lists are
    # not allowed. Also additions to the list must only occur at the END of the
    # old list and not in the middle.
    elif (type(old_schema_value) is list):
      # If only removal from the list is allowed check that there are no new
      # values and that only old values are removed. Since we are enforcing
      # strict ordering we can check the lists sequentially for this condition.
      if only_removals_allowed:
        j = 0
        i = 0

        # For every old value, check that it either exists in the new value in
        # the same order or was removed. This loop only iterates sequentially
        # on both lists.
        while i < len(old_schema_value) and j < len(new_schema_value):
          # Keep looking in the old value until we find a matching new_value at
          # our current position in the list or until we reach the end of the
          # old values.
          while not self._CheckSingleSchemaValueIsCompatible(
              old_schema_value[i], new_schema_value[j],
            i += 1
            if i >= len(old_schema_value):

          # Here either we've found the matching old value so that we can say
          # the new value matches and move to the next new value (j += 1) and
          # the next old value (i += 1) to check, or we have exhausted the old
          # value list and can exit the loop.
          if i < len(old_schema_value):
            j += 1
            i += 1
        # Everything we have not processed in the new value list is in error
        # because only allow removal in this list.
        while j < len(new_schema_value):
              'Value \'%s\' in policy schema path \'%s/[%s]\' was added which '
              'is not allowed.' %
              (str(new_schema_value[j]), current_schema_key, j))
          j += 1
        # If removals are not allowed we should be able to add to the list, but
        # only at the end. We only need to check that all the old values appear
        # in the same order in the new value as in the old value. Everything
        # added after the end of the old value list is allowed.
        # If the new value list is shorter than the old value list we will end
        # up with calls to _CheckSchemaValueIsCompatible where
        # new_schema_value == None and this will raise an error on the first
        # check in the function.
        for i in range(len(old_schema_value)):
              schema_key_path + ['[' + str(i) + ']'], old_schema_value[i],
              new_schema_value[i] if len(new_schema_value) > i else None,
              only_removals_allowed, custom_value_validation)
    # For non list values, we compare the two values against each other with
    # the custom_value_validation or standard equality comparisons.
    elif not self._CheckSingleSchemaValueIsCompatible(
        old_schema_value, new_schema_value, custom_value_validation):
          'Value in policy schema path \'%s\' was changed from \'%s\' to '
          '\'%s\' which is not allowed.' %
          (current_schema_key, str(old_schema_value), str(new_schema_value)))

  def _CheckSchemasAreCompatible(self, schema_key_path, old_schema, new_schema,
    current_schema_key = '/'.join(schema_key_path)
    Checks if two given schemas are compatible with each other.

    This function will raise errors if it finds any incompatibilities between
    the |old_schema| and |new_schema|.

    |schema_key_path|: Used for error reporting, this is the current path in the
      policy schema that we are processing represented as a list of paths.
    |old_schema|: The full contents of the schema as found in the original
      policy templates file.
    |new_schema|: The full contents of the new schema as found (if any) in the
      modified policy templates file.

    # If the old schema was present and the new one is no longer present, this
    # is an error. This case can occur while we are recursing through various
    # 'object' type schemas.
    if (new_schema is None):
          'Policy schema path \'%s\' in old schema was removed in newer '
          'version.' % (current_schema_key))

    # Both old and new schema information must be in dict format.
    if type(old_schema) is not dict:
          'Policy schema path \'%s\' in old policy is of type \'%s\', it must '
          'be dict type.' % (current_schema_key, type(old_schema)))

    if type(new_schema) is not dict:
          'Policy schema path \'%s\' in new policy is of type \'%s\', it must '
          'be dict type.' % (current_schema_key, type(new_schema)))

    # Both schemas should either have a 'type' key or be '$ref' schemas. If this
    # is not the case, it is possible that a schema that previously had a type
    # is now converted into a '$ref' schema, or vice versa. In this case we want
    # to expand the '$ref' and see if the before and after are still compatible.
    if ('type' in old_schema) != ('type' in new_schema):
      if '$ref' in old_schema:
        if not old_schema['$ref'] in schemas_by_id:
          raise NotImplementedError(
              'Policy %s uses unknown $ref %s in old_schema' %
              (policy['name'], old_schema['$ref']))
        old_schema = schemas_by_id[old_schema['$ref']]

      if '$ref' in new_schema:
        if not new_schema['$ref'] in schemas_by_id:
          raise NotImplementedError(
              'Policy %s uses unknown $ref %s in new_schema' %
              (policy['name'], new_schema['$ref']))
        new_schema = schemas_by_id[new_schema['$ref']]

    # For schemas that define a 'type', make sure they match.
    schema_type = None
    if ('type' in old_schema):
      if (old_schema['type'] != new_schema['type']):
            'Policy schema path \'%s\' in old schema is of type \'%s\' but '
            'new schema is of type \'%s\'.' %
            (current_schema_key, old_schema['type'], new_schema['type']))
      schema_type = old_schema['type']

    # If a schema does not have 'type' we will simply end up comparing every
    # key/value pair for exact matching (the final else in this loop). This will
    # ensure that '$ref' type schemas match.
    for old_key, old_value in old_schema.items():
      # 'type' key was already checked above.
      if (old_key == 'type'):

      # If the schema key is marked as modifiable (e.g. 'description'), then
      # no validation is needed. Anything can be done to it including removal.
      if IsKeyDefinedForTypeInDictionary(schema_type, old_key,

      # If a key was removed in the new schema, check if the removal was
      # allowed. If not this is an error. The removal of some schema keys make
      # the schema less restrictive (e.g. removing 'required' keys in
      # dictionaries or removing 'minimum' in integer schemas).
      if old_key not in new_schema:
        if not IsKeyDefinedForTypeInDictionary(
            schema_type, old_key, REMOVABLE_SCHEMA_VALUES_PER_TYPE):
              'Key \'%s\' in old policy schema path \'%s\' was removed in '
              'newer version.' % (old_key, current_schema_key))

      # For a given type that has a key that can define dictionaries of schemas
      # (e.g. 'object' types), we need to validate the schema of each individual
      # property that is defined. We also need to validate that no old
      # properties were removed. Any new properties can be added.
      if IsKeyDefinedForTypeInDictionary(
          schema_type, old_key, KEYS_DEFINING_PROPERTY_DICT_SCHEMAS_PER_TYPE):
        if type(old_value) is not dict:
              'Unexpected type \'%s\' at policy schema path \'%s\'. It must be '
              'dict' % (type(old_value).__name__, ))

        # Make sure that all old properties exist and are compatible. Everything
        # else that is new requires no validation.
        new_schema_value = new_schema[old_key]
        for sub_key in old_value.keys():
              schema_key_path + [old_key, sub_key], old_value[sub_key],
              if sub_key in new_schema_value else None, schemas_by_id)
      # For types that have a key that themselves define a schema (e.g. 'items'
      # schema in an 'array' type), we need to validate the schema defined in
      # the key.
      elif IsKeyDefinedForTypeInDictionary(schema_type, old_key,
            schema_key_path + [old_key], old_value,
            new_schema[old_key] if old_key in new_schema else None,
      # For any other key, we just check if the two values of the key are
      # compatible with each other, possibly allowing removal of entries in
      # array values if needed (e.g. removing 'required' fields makes the schema
      # less restrictive).
            schema_key_path + [old_key], old_value, new_schema[old_key],
            IsKeyDefinedForTypeInDictionary(schema_type, old_key,
            if IsKeyDefinedForTypeInDictionary(
                schema_type, old_key,

    for new_key in (old_key for old_key in new_schema.keys()
                    if not old_key in old_schema.keys()):
          'Key \'%s\' was added to policy schema path \'%s\' in new schema.' %
          (new_key, current_schema_key))

  def SetFeatures(self, known_features):
      'known_features' is a list of features that we can find in the feature
      list for policies.
    self.features = known_features

  def CheckPolicyDefinitions(self, policy_list, current_version, schemas_by_id):
      Checks that policy comply to the definitions checks.
      with the `current_version` and previous versions of the policy.
      This also check that the policy definition schema matches the expected
      schema for a policy.
    for policy in policy_list:
      self._CheckPolicyDefinition(policy, current_version, schemas_by_id)

  def CheckModifiedPolicies(self, policy_change_list, current_version,
                            schemas_by_id, skip_compatibility_check):
      Checks that changes made to policies `policy_change_list` are compatible
      with the `current_version` and previous versions of the policy.
      This also check that the policy definition schema matches the expected
      schema for a policy.
      'skip_compatibility_check' is a flag used to bypass compatibility checks
      (use `BYPASS_POLICY_COMPATIBILITY_CHECK=<reason>` in CL description to
      skip these checks).
      Returns warnings and errors found in the policies.
    for policy_change in policy_change_list:
      policy = policy_change['new_policy']
      # Nothing to check if the policy was removed.
      if policy is None:

      self._CheckPolicyDefinition(policy, current_version, schemas_by_id)

      if skip_compatibility_check:

      self.schema_compatible_errors = []
      old_schema = {}
      if policy_change['old_policy'] is not None:
        old_schema = policy_change['old_policy']['schema']
        self._CheckSchemasAreCompatible([policy['name']], old_schema,
                                        policy['schema'], schemas_by_id)

      if self.schema_compatible_errors:
        schema_compatible_error_message = '\n  '.join(
            'Schema compatible errors.\n'
            f'  {schema_compatible_error_message}', policy)

      # Check that defaults have not changed for a launched policy.
      if policy_change['old_policy'] is not None:
        old_policy = policy_change['old_policy']
        supported_on = self._CheckContains(policy,
        for key in [
            'default', 'default_for_enterprise_users', 'default_policy_level'
          # Nothing changed.
          if old_policy.get(key) == policy.get(key):
          if key == 'default':
            if not supported_on:
                'You seem to change a default value for a launched policy '
                '\'%s\'. This will certainly break the contract if the policy '
                'is already supported in the Admin Console. Please consider '
                'contacting [email protected] for guidance.' %

          # Handle default_for_enterprise_users and default_policy_level
          if self._SupportedOnPlatformPolicy(old_policy, current_version,
                'You seem to change defaults for enterprise users on ChromeOS '
                'for a launched policy \'%s\'. This will certainly break the '
                ' contract if the policy is already supported in the Admin '
                'Console. Please consider contacting '
                '[email protected] for guidance' % policy['name'])

    return self.errors, self.warnings