
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.

import copy
import os
import re
import sys

def IsGroupOrAtomicGroup(policy):
  return policy['type'] == 'group' or policy['type'] == 'atomic_group'

class PolicyTemplateGenerator:
  '''Generates template text for a particular platform.

  This class is used to traverse a JSON structure from a .json template
  definition metafile and merge GUI message string definitions that come
  from a .grd resource tree onto it. After this, it can be used to output
  this data to policy template files using TemplateWriter objects.

  def _ImportMessage(self, msg_txt):
    lines = msg_txt.split('\n')

    # Strip any extra leading spaces, but keep useful indentation:
    min_leading_spaces = min(list(self._IterateLeadingSpaces(lines)) or [0])
    if min_leading_spaces > 0:
      lstrip_pattern = re.compile('^[ ]{1,%s}' % min_leading_spaces)
      lines = [lstrip_pattern.sub('', line) for line in lines]
    # Strip all trailing spaces:
    lines = [line.rstrip() for line in lines]
    return "\n".join(lines)

  def _IterateLeadingSpaces(self, lines):
    '''Yields the number of leading spaces on each line, skipping lines which
    have no leading spaces.'''
    for line in lines:
      match ='^[ ]+', line)
      if match:
        yield len(

  def __init__(self, config, policy_data):
    '''Initializes this object with all the data necessary to output a
    policy template.

      config: Writer configuration.
      policy_data: The list of defined policies and groups, as parsed from the
        policy metafile. See
        for description and content.
    # List of all the policies. Create a copy since the data is modified.
    self._policy_data = copy.deepcopy(policy_data)
    # Localized messages to be inserted to the policy_definitions structure:
    self._messages = self._policy_data['messages']
    self._config = config
    for key in self._messages.keys():
      self._messages[key]['text'] = self._ImportMessage(
        'policy_atomic_group_definitions'] = self._ExpandAtomicGroups(
    self._policy_data['policy_definitions'] = self._ExpandGroups(
    self._policy_definitions = self._policy_data['policy_definitions']

  def _ProcessProductPlatformString(self, product_platform_string):
    '''Splits the |product_platform_string| string to product and a list of
    if '.' in product_platform_string:
      product, platform = product_platform_string.split('.')
      if platform == '*':
        # e.g.: 'chrome.*:8-10'
        platforms = ['linux', 'mac', 'win']
        # e.g.: ''
        platforms = [platform]
      # e.g.: 'chrome_frame:7-'
      product, platform = {
          'android': ('chrome', 'android'),
          'webview_android': ('webview', 'android'),
          'ios': ('chrome', 'ios'),
          'chrome_os': ('chrome_os', 'chrome_os'),
          'chrome_frame': ('chrome_frame', 'win'),
          'fuchsia': ('chrome', 'fuchsia'),
      platforms = [platform]
    return product, platforms

  def _ProcessSupportedOn(self, supported_on):
    '''Parses and converts the string items of the list of supported platforms
    into dictionaries.

      supported_on: The list of supported platforms. E.g.:
        ['', 'chrome_frame:10-']

      supported_on: The list with its items converted to dictionaries. E.g.:
        'product': 'chrome',
        'platform': 'win',
        'since_version': '8',
        'until_version': '10'
      }, {
        'product': 'chrome_frame',
        'platform': 'win',
        'since_version': '10',
        'until_version': ''
    result = []
    for supported_on_item in supported_on:
      product_platform_part, version_part = supported_on_item.split(':')
      product, platforms = self._ProcessProductPlatformString(

      since_version, until_version = version_part.split('-')
      for platform in platforms:
            'product': product,
            'platform': platform,
            'since_version': since_version,
            'until_version': until_version
    return result

  def _ProcessFutureOn(self, future_on):
    '''Parses and converts the |future_on| strings into a list of dictionaries
    contain product and platform string pair.

      future_on: A list of platform strings. E.g.:
      ['', 'chromeos']
      future_on: A list of dictionaries. E.g.:
        'product': 'chrome',
        'platform': 'win',
        'product': 'chrome_os',
        'platform': 'chrome_os',
    result = []
    for future in future_on:
      product, platforms = self._ProcessProductPlatformString(future)
      for platform in platforms:
            'product': product,
            'platform': platform,
    return result

  def _ProcessPolicy(self, policy):
    '''Processes localized message strings in a policy or a group.
     Also breaks up the content of 'supported_on' attribute into a list.

      policy: The data structure of the policy or group, that will get message
        strings here.
    if policy['type'] != 'atomic_group':
      policy['desc'] = self._ImportMessage(policy['desc'])
    policy['caption'] = self._ImportMessage(policy['caption'])
    if 'label' in policy:
      policy['label'] = self._ImportMessage(policy['label'])
    if 'arc_support' in policy:
      policy['arc_support'] = self._ImportMessage(policy['arc_support'])

    if IsGroupOrAtomicGroup(policy):
    elif policy['type'] in ('string-enum', 'int-enum', 'string-enum-list'):
      # Iterate through all the items of an enum-type policy, and add captions.
      for item in policy['items']:
        item['caption'] = self._ImportMessage(item['caption'])
        if 'supported_on' in item:
          item['supported_on'] = self._ProcessSupportedOn(item['supported_on'])
    if not IsGroupOrAtomicGroup(policy):
      if not 'label' in policy:
        # If 'label' is not specified, then it defaults to 'caption':
        policy['label'] = policy['caption']
      policy['supported_on'] = self._ProcessSupportedOn(
          policy.get('supported_on', []))
      policy['future_on'] = self._ProcessFutureOn(policy.get('future_on', []))

  def _ProcessPolicyList(self, policy_list):
    '''Adds localized message strings to each item in a list of policies and
    groups. Also breaks up the content of 'supported_on' attributes into lists
    of dictionaries.

      policy_list: A list of policies and groups. Message strings will be added
        for each item and to their child items, recursively.
    for policy in policy_list:

  def GetTemplateText(self, template_writer):
    '''Generates the text of the template from the arguments given
    to the constructor, using a given TemplateWriter.

      template_writer: An object implementing TemplateWriter. Its methods
        are called here for each item of self._policy_data.

      The text of the generated template.
    # Create a copy, so that writers can't screw up subsequent writers.
    policy_data_copy = copy.deepcopy(self._policy_data)
    return template_writer.WriteTemplate(policy_data_copy)

  def _AddGroups(self, policy_list):
    '''Adds a 'group' field, which is set to be the group's name, to the
       policies that are part of a group.

      policy_list: A list of policies and groups whose policies will have a
      'group' field added.
    groups = [policy for policy in policy_list if policy['type'] == 'group']
    policy_lookup = {
        policy['name']: policy
        for policy in policy_list
        if not IsGroupOrAtomicGroup(policy)
    for group in groups:
      for policy_name in group['policies']:
        policy_lookup[policy_name]['group'] = group['name']

  def _AddAtomicGroups(self, policy_list, policy_atomic_groups):
    '''Adds an 'atomic_group' field to the policies that are part of an atomic

      policy_list: A list of policies and groups.
      policy_atomic_groups: A list of policy atomic groups
    policy_lookup = {
        policy['name']: policy
        for policy in policy_list
        if not IsGroupOrAtomicGroup(policy)
    for group in policy_atomic_groups:
      for policy_name in group['policies']:
        policy_lookup[policy_name]['atomic_group'] = group['name']

  def _ExpandAtomicGroups(self, policy_list, policy_atomic_groups):
    '''Replaces policies names inside atomic group definitions for actual
    policies definitions.

      policy_list: A list of policies and groups.

      Modified policy_list
    policies = [
        policy for policy in policy_list if not IsGroupOrAtomicGroup(policy)
    for group in policy_atomic_groups:
      group['type'] = 'atomic_group'
    expanded = self._ExpandGroups(policies + policy_atomic_groups)
    expanded = [policy for policy in expanded if IsGroupOrAtomicGroup(policy)]
    return copy.deepcopy(expanded)

  def _ExpandGroups(self, policy_list):
    '''Replaces policies names inside group definitions for actual policies
    definitions. If policy does not belong to any group, leave it as is.

      policy_list: A list of policies and groups.

      Modified policy_list
    groups = [policy for policy in policy_list if IsGroupOrAtomicGroup(policy)]
    policies = {
        policy['name']: policy
        for policy in policy_list
        if not IsGroupOrAtomicGroup(policy)
    policies_in_groups = set()
    result_policies = []
    for group in groups:
      group_policies = group['policies']
      expanded_policies = [
          policies[policy_name] for policy_name in group_policies
      assert policies_in_groups.isdisjoint(group_policies)
      group['policies'] = expanded_policies

        policy for policy in policy_list if not IsGroupOrAtomicGroup(policy) and
        policy['name'] not in policies_in_groups
    return result_policies