#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import os
import sys
if __name__ == '__main__':
sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../../..'))
import unittest
import policy_template_generator
from writers import mock_writer
from writers import template_writer
class PolicyTemplateGeneratorUnittest(unittest.TestCase):
'''Unit tests for policy_template_generator.py.'''
'app_name': '_app_name',
'frame_name': '_frame_name',
'os_name': '_os_name',
'messages': {},
'placeholders': [],
'policy_definitions': [],
'policy_atomic_group_definitions': [],
def do_test(self, policy_data, writer):
'''Executes a test case.
Creates and invokes an instance of PolicyTemplateGenerator with
the given arguments.
Notice: Plain comments are used in test methods instead of docstrings,
so that method names do not get overridden by the docstrings in the
test output.
policy_data: The list of policies and groups as it would be
loaded from policy_templates.json.
writer: A writer used for this test. It is usually derived from
writer.tester = self
policy_data = dict(self.TEST_POLICY_DATA, **policy_data)
policy_generator = policy_template_generator.PolicyTemplateGenerator(
self.TEST_CONFIG, policy_data)
res = policy_generator.GetTemplateText(writer)
return res
def testSequence(self):
# Test the sequence of invoking the basic PolicyWriter operations,
# in case of empty input data structures.
class LocalMockWriter(mock_writer.MockWriter):
def __init__(self):
self.log = 'init;'
def Init(self):
self.log += 'prepare;'
def BeginTemplate(self):
self.log += 'begin;'
def EndTemplate(self):
self.log += 'end;'
def GetTemplateText(self):
self.log += 'get_text;'
return 'writer_result_string'
def Test(self):
self.tester.assertEquals(self.log, 'init;prepare;begin;end;get_text;')
result = self.do_test({}, LocalMockWriter())
self.assertEquals(result, 'writer_result_string')
def testEmptyGroups(self):
# Test that empty policy groups are not passed to the writer.
policies_mock = {
'policy_definitions': [
'name': 'Group1',
'type': 'group',
'policies': [],
'desc': '',
'caption': ''
'name': 'Group2',
'type': 'group',
'policies': [],
'desc': '',
'caption': ''
'name': 'Group3',
'type': 'group',
'policies': [],
'desc': '',
'caption': ''
class LocalMockWriter(mock_writer.MockWriter):
def __init__(self):
self.log = ''
def BeginPolicyGroup(self, group):
self.log += '['
def EndPolicyGroup(self):
self.log += ']'
def Test(self):
self.tester.assertEquals(self.log, '')
self.do_test(policies_mock, LocalMockWriter())
def testGroups(self):
# Test that policy groups are passed to the writer in the correct order.
policies_mock = {
'policy_definitions': [
'name': 'Group1',
'type': 'group',
'caption': '',
'desc': '',
'policies': ['TAG1'],
'name': 'Group2',
'type': 'group',
'caption': '',
'desc': '',
'policies': ['TAG2',],
'name': 'Group3',
'type': 'group',
'caption': '',
'desc': '',
'policies': ['TAG3'],
'name': 'TAG1',
'type': 'mock',
'supported_on': [],
'caption': '',
'desc': ''
'name': 'TAG2',
'type': 'mock',
'supported_on': [],
'caption': '',
'desc': ''
'name': 'TAG3',
'type': 'mock',
'supported_on': [],
'caption': '',
'desc': ''
class LocalMockWriter(mock_writer.MockWriter):
def __init__(self):
self.log = ''
def BeginPolicyGroup(self, group):
self.log += '[' + group['policies'][0]['name']
def EndPolicyGroup(self):
self.log += ']'
def Test(self):
self.tester.assertEquals(self.log, '[TAG1][TAG2][TAG3]')
self.do_test(policies_mock, LocalMockWriter())
def testPolicies(self):
# Test that policies are passed to the writer in the correct order.
policy_defs_mock = {
'policy_definitions': [
'name': 'Group1',
'type': 'group',
'caption': '',
'desc': '',
'policies': ['Group1Policy1', 'Group1Policy2'],
'name': 'Group2',
'type': 'group',
'caption': '',
'desc': '',
'policies': ['Group2Policy3'],
'name': 'Group1Policy1',
'type': 'string',
'supported_on': [],
'caption': '',
'desc': ''
'name': 'Group1Policy2',
'type': 'string',
'supported_on': [],
'caption': '',
'desc': ''
'name': 'Group2Policy3',
'type': 'string',
'supported_on': [],
'caption': '',
'desc': ''
class LocalMockWriter(mock_writer.MockWriter):
def __init__(self):
self.policy_name = None
self.policy_list = []
def BeginPolicyGroup(self, group):
self.group = group
def EndPolicyGroup(self):
self.group = None
def WritePolicy(self, policy):
self.tester.assertEquals(policy['name'][0:6], self.group['name'])
def Test(self):
['Group1Policy1', 'Group1Policy2', 'Group2Policy3'])
self.do_test(policy_defs_mock, LocalMockWriter())
def testIntEnumTexts(self):
# Test that GUI messages are assigned correctly to int-enums
# (aka dropdown menus).
policy_defs_mock = {
'policy_definitions': [{
'supported_on': [],
'items': [
'name': 'item1',
'value': 0,
'caption': 'string1',
'desc': ''
'name': 'item2',
'value': 1,
'caption': 'string2',
'desc': ''
'name': 'item3',
'value': 3,
'caption': 'string3',
'desc': ''
class LocalMockWriter(mock_writer.MockWriter):
def WritePolicy(self, policy):
self.tester.assertEquals(policy['items'][0]['caption'], 'string1')
self.tester.assertEquals(policy['items'][1]['caption'], 'string2')
self.tester.assertEquals(policy['items'][2]['caption'], 'string3')
self.do_test(policy_defs_mock, LocalMockWriter())
def testStringEnumTexts(self):
# Test that GUI messages are assigned correctly to string-enums
# (aka dropdown menus).
policy_data_mock = {
'policy_definitions': [{
'supported_on': [],
'items': [
'name': 'item1',
'value': 'one',
'caption': 'string1',
'desc': ''
'name': 'item2',
'value': 'two',
'caption': 'string2',
'desc': ''
'name': 'item3',
'value': 'three',
'caption': 'string3',
'desc': ''
class LocalMockWriter(mock_writer.MockWriter):
def WritePolicy(self, policy):
self.tester.assertEquals(policy['items'][0]['caption'], 'string1')
self.tester.assertEquals(policy['items'][1]['caption'], 'string2')
self.tester.assertEquals(policy['items'][2]['caption'], 'string3')
self.do_test(policy_data_mock, LocalMockWriter())
def testStringEnumTexts(self):
# Test that GUI messages are assigned correctly to string-enums
# (aka dropdown menus).
policy_data_mock = {
'policy_definitions': [{
'supported_on': [],
'items': [
'name': 'item1',
'value': 'one',
'caption': 'string1',
'desc': ''
'name': 'item2',
'value': 'two',
'caption': 'string2',
'desc': ''
'name': 'item3',
'value': 'three',
'caption': 'string3',
'desc': ''
class LocalMockWriter(mock_writer.MockWriter):
def WritePolicy(self, policy):
self.tester.assertEquals(policy['items'][0]['caption'], 'string1')
self.tester.assertEquals(policy['items'][1]['caption'], 'string2')
self.tester.assertEquals(policy['items'][2]['caption'], 'string3')
self.do_test(policy_data_mock, LocalMockWriter())
def testWin7OnlyPolicy(self):
# Test that Win7 only policy is marked as windows policy with speicial flag.
policy_data_mock = {
'policy_definitions': [{
'supported_on': ['chrome.win7:2-'],
'items': [{
'name': 'item1',
'value': 'one',
'caption': 'string1',
'desc': '',
'supported_on': ['chrome.win7:2-'],
class LocalMockWriter(mock_writer.MockWriter):
def WritePolicy(self, policy):
self.tester.assertEquals(policy['supported_on'][0]['platform'], 'win7')
policy['items'][0]['supported_on'][0]['platform'], 'win7')
self.do_test(policy_data_mock, LocalMockWriter())
def testFutures(self):
# Test that 'future_on' tag has been processed successfully.
policy_data_mock = {
'policy_definitions': [{
'name': 'UnrelasedPolicy',
'type': 'string',
'caption': '',
'desc': '',
'future_on': ['chrome.*', 'chrome_os']
}, {
'supported_on': ['chrome.win:2-', 'chrome.mac:2-', 'chrome_os:4-'],
'future_on': ['chrome.linux', 'chrome_os'],
}, {
'name': 'ReleasedPolicy',
'type': 'string',
'caption': '',
'desc': '',
'supported_on': ['chrome.*:2-', 'chrome_os:4-'],
expected_future_on = {
'UnrelasedPolicy': [{
'product': 'chrome',
'platform': 'linux'
}, {
'product': 'chrome',
'platform': 'mac'
}, {
'product': 'chrome',
'platform': 'win'
}, {
'product': 'chrome_os',
'platform': 'chrome_os'
'PartiallyReleasedPolicy': [{
'product': 'chrome',
'platform': 'linux'
}, {
'product': 'chrome_os',
'platform': 'chrome_os'
'ReleasedPolicy': [],
class LocalMockWriter(mock_writer.MockWriter):
def WritePolicy(self, policy):
self.tester.assertTrue(isinstance(policy['supported_on'], list))
self.do_test(policy_data_mock, LocalMockWriter())
def testPolicyFiltering(self):
# Test that policies are filtered correctly based on their annotations.
policy_data_mock = {
'policy_definitions': [
'name': 'Group1',
'type': 'group',
'caption': '',
'desc': '',
'policies': ['Group1Policy1', 'Group1Policy2'],
'name': 'Group2',
'type': 'group',
'caption': '',
'desc': '',
'policies': ['Group2Policy3'],
'name': 'SinglePolicy',
'type': 'int',
'caption': '',
'desc': '',
'supported_on': ['chrome.eee:8-']
'supported_on': [
'chrome.aaa:8-', 'chrome.bbb:8-', 'chrome.ccc:8-'
'name': 'Group1Policy2',
'type': 'string',
'caption': '',
'desc': '',
'supported_on': ['chrome.ddd:8-']
'name': 'Group2Policy3',
'type': 'string',
'caption': '',
'desc': '',
'supported_on': ['chrome.eee:8-']
# This writer accumulates the list of policies it is asked to write.
# This list is stored in the result_list member variable and can
# be used later for assertions.
class LocalMockWriter(mock_writer.MockWriter):
def __init__(self, platforms):
super(LocalMockWriter, self).__init__(platforms)
self.policy_name = None
self.result_list = []
def BeginPolicyGroup(self, group):
self.group = group
self.result_list.append('begin_' + group['name'])
def EndPolicyGroup(self):
self.group = None
def WritePolicy(self, policy):
def IsPolicySupported(self, policy):
# Call the original (non-mock) implementation of this method.
return template_writer.TemplateWriter.IsPolicySupported(self, policy)
local_mock_writer = LocalMockWriter(['eee'])
self.do_test(policy_data_mock, local_mock_writer)
# Test that only policies of platform 'eee' were written:
['begin_Group2', 'Group2Policy3', 'end_group', 'SinglePolicy'])
local_mock_writer = LocalMockWriter(['ddd', 'bbb'])
self.do_test(policy_data_mock, local_mock_writer)
# Test that only policies of platforms 'ddd' and 'bbb' were written:
['begin_Group1', 'Group1Policy1', 'Group1Policy2', 'end_group'])
def testSortingInvoked(self):
# Tests that policy-sorting happens before passing policies to the writer.
policy_data = {
'policy_definitions': [
'name': 'zp',
'type': 'string',
'supported_on': [],
'caption': '',
'desc': ''
'name': 'ap',
'type': 'string',
'supported_on': [],
'caption': '',
'desc': ''
class LocalMockWriter(mock_writer.MockWriter):
def __init__(self):
self.result_list = []
def WritePolicy(self, policy):
def Test(self):
self.tester.assertEquals(self.result_list, ['ap', 'zp'])
self.do_test(policy_data, LocalMockWriter())
def testImportMessage_noIndentation(self):
message = '''
Simple policy:
Description of simple policy'''
policy_generator = policy_template_generator.PolicyTemplateGenerator(
self.assertEquals(message, policy_generator._ImportMessage(message))
def testImportMessage_withIndentation(self):
message = '''JSON policy:
JSON spec:
"key": {
"key2": "value"
imported_message = '''JSON policy:
JSON spec:
"key": {
"key2": "value"
policy_generator = policy_template_generator.PolicyTemplateGenerator(
if __name__ == '__main__':