
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.

from xml.dom import minidom
from writers import gpo_editor_writer, xml_formatted_writer
from writers.admx_writer import AdmxElementType
import json
import re

def GetWriter(config):
  '''Factory method for instanciating the ADMLWriter. Every Writer needs a
  GetWriter method because the TemplateFormatter uses this method to
  instantiate a Writer.
  return ADMLWriter(['win', 'win7'], config)

class ADMLWriter(xml_formatted_writer.XMLFormattedWriter,
  ''' Class for generating an ADML policy template. It is used by the
  PolicyTemplateGenerator to write the ADML file.

  # DOM root node of the generated ADML document.
  _doc = None

  # The string-table contains all ADML "string" elements.
  _string_table_elem = None

  # The presentation-table is the container for presentation elements, that
  # describe the presentation of Policy-Groups and Policies.
  _presentation_table_elem = None

  def _AddString(self, id, text):
    ''' Adds an ADML "string" element to _string_table_elem. The following
    ADML snippet contains an example:

    <string id="$(id)">$(text)</string>

      id: ID of the newly created "string" element.
      text: Value of the newly created "string" element.
    id = id.replace('.', '_')
    if id in self.strings_seen:
      assert text == self.strings_seen[id]
      self.strings_seen[id] = text
      string_elem = self.AddElement(self._string_table_elem, 'string',
                                    {'id': id})

  def _GetAdmxElementType(self, policy):
    '''Returns the ADMX element type for a particular Policy.'''
    return AdmxElementType.GetType(policy, allow_multi_strings=False)

  def WritePolicy(self, policy):
    '''Generates the ADML elements for a Policy.
      <string id="$(policy_group_name)">$(caption)</string>
      <string id="$(policy_group_name)_Explain">$(description)</string>

      <presentation id=$(policy_group_name)/>

      policy: The Policy to generate ADML elements for.
    policy_name = policy['name']
    policy_caption = policy.get('caption', policy_name)
    policy_label = policy.get('label', policy_name)

    policy_desc = policy.get('desc')
    example_value_text = self._GetExampleValueText(policy)

    if policy_desc is not None and self.HasExpandedPolicyDescription(policy):
      policy_desc += '\n' + self.GetExpandedPolicyDescription(policy) + '\n'

    if (policy_desc is not None and example_value_text is not None and
        not self._IsRemovedPolicy(policy)):
      policy_explain = policy_desc + '\n\n' + example_value_text
    elif policy_desc is not None:
      policy_explain = policy_desc
    elif example_value_text is not None:
      policy_explain = example_value_text
      # No explanation found at all.
      policy_explain = policy_name

    self._AddString(policy_name, policy_caption)
    self._AddString(policy_name + '_Explain', policy_explain)
    presentation_elem = self.AddElement(self._presentation_table_elem,
                                        'presentation', {'id': policy_name})

    admx_element_type = self._GetAdmxElementType(policy)
    if admx_element_type == AdmxElementType.MAIN:
    elif admx_element_type == AdmxElementType.STRING:
      textbox_elem = self.AddElement(presentation_elem, 'textBox',
                                     {'refId': policy_name})
      label_elem = self.AddElement(textbox_elem, 'label')
    elif admx_element_type == AdmxElementType.MULTI_STRING:
      # We currently also show a single-line textbox - see http://crbug/829328
      textbox_elem = self.AddElement(presentation_elem, 'textBox',
                                     {'refId': policy_name + '_Legacy'})
      label_elem = self.AddElement(textbox_elem, 'label')
      legacy_label = self._GetLegacySingleLineLabel(policy_label)
      self._AddString(policy_name + '_Legacy', legacy_label)
      # New multi-line textbox, easier to use than old single-line textbox:
      multitextbox_elem = self.AddElement(presentation_elem, 'multiTextBox', {
          'refId': policy_name,
          'defaultHeight': '8'
    elif admx_element_type == AdmxElementType.INT:
      textbox_elem = self.AddElement(presentation_elem, 'decimalTextBox',
                                     {'refId': policy_name})
      textbox_elem.appendChild(self._doc.createTextNode(policy_label + ':'))
    elif admx_element_type == AdmxElementType.ENUM:
      for item in policy['items']:
        self._AddString(policy_name + "_" + item['name'], item['caption'])
      dropdownlist_elem = self.AddElement(presentation_elem, 'dropdownList',
                                          {'refId': policy_name})
    elif admx_element_type == AdmxElementType.LIST:
      self._AddString(policy_name + 'Desc', policy_caption)
      listbox_elem = self.AddElement(presentation_elem, 'listBox',
                                     {'refId': policy_name + 'Desc'})
    elif admx_element_type == AdmxElementType.GROUP:
      raise Exception('Unknown element type %s.' % admx_element_type)

  def BeginPolicyGroup(self, group):
    '''Generates ADML elements for a Policy-Group. For each Policy-Group two
    ADML "string" elements are added to the string-table. One contains the
    caption of the Policy-Group and the other a description. A Policy-Group also
    requires an ADML "presentation" element that must be added to the
    presentation-table. The "presentation" element is the container for the
    elements that define the visual presentation of the Policy-Goup's Policies.
    The following ADML snippet shows an example:

      group: The Policy-Group to generate ADML elements for.
    # Add ADML "string" elements to the string-table that are required by a
    # Policy-Group.
    self._AddString(group['name'] + '_group', group['caption'])

  def _AddBaseStrings(self):
    ''' Adds ADML "string" elements to the string-table that are referenced by
    the ADMX file but not related to any specific Policy-Group or Policy.
    categories = self.winconfig['mandatory_category_path'] + \
    strings = self.winconfig['category_path_strings']
    for category in categories:
      if (category in strings):
        # Replace {...} by localized messages.
        string = re.sub(r"\{(\w+)\}", \
                        lambda m: self.messages[]['text'], \
        self._AddString(category, string)

  def _GetExampleValueText(self, policy):
    '''Generates a string that describes the example value, if needed.
    Returns None if no string is needed. For instance, if the setting is a
    boolean, the user can only select true or false, so example text is not
    example_value = policy.get('example_value')
    # If there is no example_value, we show nothing.
    if not example_value:
      return None

    # Strings are simple - just return them as-is, on the same line.
    if isinstance(example_value, str):
      return self.GetLocalizedMessage('example_value') + ' ' + example_value

    # Dicts are pretty simple - json.dumps them onto multiple lines.
    if isinstance(example_value, dict):
      value_as_text = json.dumps(example_value, indent=2)
      return self.GetLocalizedMessage('example_value') + '\n\n' + value_as_text

    # Lists are the more complicated - the example value we show the user
    # depends on if they need to enter the list into a textbox (using JSON
    # array syntax) or into a listbox (which doesn't need JSON array syntax,
    # but does need exactly one entry per line).
    if isinstance(example_value, list):
      policy_type = policy.get('type')
      if policy_type == 'dict':
        # If the policy type is dict, that means they get to enter in the
        # whole policy as JSON, including the JSON array square brackets:
        value_as_text = json.dumps(example_value, indent=2)

      elif policy_type is not None and 'list' in policy_type:
        # But if the policy type is list, then they get to enter each item
        # into a listbox, one item per line.
        if isinstance(example_value[0], str):
          # Items are strings. These don't need quotes when in a listbox.
          value_as_text = '\n'.join([str(v) for v in example_value])
          # Items are dicts. We dump each item onto a single line, since the
          # user has to enter one item per line into the listbox.
          value_as_text = '\n'.join([json.dumps(v) for v in example_value])

        # Lists should be type 'dict', 'list', or something like '...enum-list'
        raise Exception(
            'Unexpected policy type with list example value: %s' % policy_type)

      return self.GetLocalizedMessage('example_value') + '\n\n' + value_as_text

    # Other types - mostly booleans - we don't show example values.
    return None

  def _GetLegacySingleLineLabel(self, policy_label):
    '''Generates a label for a legacy single-line textbox.'''
    return (self.GetLocalizedMessage('legacy_single_line_label').replace(
        '$6', policy_label))

  def BeginTemplate(self):
    dom_impl = minidom.getDOMImplementation('')
    self._doc = dom_impl.createDocument(None, 'policyDefinitionResources', None)
    if self._GetChromiumVersionString() is not None:
      self.AddComment(self._doc.documentElement, self.config['build'] + \
          ' version: ' + self._GetChromiumVersionString())
    policy_definitions_resources_elem = self._doc.documentElement
    policy_definitions_resources_elem.attributes['revision'] = '1.0'
    policy_definitions_resources_elem.attributes['schemaVersion'] = '1.0'

    self.AddElement(policy_definitions_resources_elem, 'displayName')
    self.AddElement(policy_definitions_resources_elem, 'description')
    resources_elem = self.AddElement(policy_definitions_resources_elem,
    self._string_table_elem = self.AddElement(resources_elem, 'stringTable')
    self._presentation_table_elem = self.AddElement(resources_elem,

  def Init(self):
    # Map of all strings seen.
    self.strings_seen = {}
    # Shortcut to platform-specific ADMX/ADM specific configuration.
    assert len(self.platforms) <= 2
    self.winconfig = self.config['win_config'][self.platforms[0]]

  def GetTemplateText(self):
    # Using "toprettyxml()" confuses the Windows Group Policy Editor
    # (gpedit.msc) because it interprets whitespace characters in text between
    # the "string" tags. This prevents gpedit.msc from displaying the category
    # names correctly.
    return self._doc.toxml()