
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
'''Unit tests for writers.json_writer'''

import os
import sys
if __name__ == '__main__':
  sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../../../..'))

import unittest

from writers import writer_unittest_common

// Policy template for Linux.
// Uncomment the policies you wish to activate and change their values to
// something useful for your case. The provided values are for reference only
// and do not provide meaningful defaults!

// chromium version:
// Policy template for Linux.
// Uncomment the policies you wish to activate and change their values to
// something useful for your case. The provided values are for reference only
// and do not provide meaningful defaults!


    'doc_schema_description_link': {
      'text': 'See $6'

class JsonWriterUnittest(writer_unittest_common.WriterUnittestCommon):
  '''Unit tests for JsonWriter.'''

  def CompareOutputs(self, output, expected_output):
    '''Compares the output of the json_writer with its expected output.

      output: The output of the json writer.
      expected_output: The expected output.

      AssertionError: if the two strings are not equivalent.
    self.assertEquals(output.strip(), expected_output.strip())

  def testEmpty(self):
    # Test the handling of an empty policy list.
    policy_json = '''
          "policy_definitions": [],
          "policy_atomic_group_definitions": [],
          "placeholders": [],
          "messages": {},
    output = self.GetOutput(policy_json, {'_chromium': '1'}, 'json')
    expected_output = TEMPLATE_HEADER + '}'
    self.CompareOutputs(output, expected_output)

  def testEmptyWithVersion(self):
    # Test the handling of an empty policy list.
    policy_json = '''
          "policy_definitions": [],
          "policy_atomic_group_definitions": [],
          "placeholders": [],
          "messages": {},
    output = self.GetOutput(policy_json, {
        '_chromium': '1',
        'version': ''
    }, 'json')
    expected_output = TEMPLATE_HEADER_WITH_VERSION + '}'
    self.CompareOutputs(output, expected_output)

  def testMainPolicy(self):
    # Tests a policy group with a single policy of type 'main'.
    policy_json = '''
          "policy_definitions": [
              "name": "MainPolicy",
              "type": "main",
              "caption": "Example Main Policy",
              "desc": "Example Main Policy",
              "supported_on": ["chrome.linux:8-"],
              "example_value": True
          "policy_atomic_group_definitions": [],
          "placeholders": [],
          "messages": {},
    output = self.GetOutput(policy_json, {'_google_chrome': '1'}, 'json')
    expected_output = (
        TEMPLATE_HEADER + '  // Example Main Policy\n' + HEADER_DELIMETER +
        '  // Example Main Policy\n\n'
        '  //"MainPolicy": true\n\n'
    self.CompareOutputs(output, expected_output)

  def testRecommendedOnlyPolicy(self):
    # Tests a policy group with a single policy of type 'main'.
    policy_json = '''
          "policy_definitions": [
              "name": "MainPolicy",
              "type": "main",
              "caption": "Example Main Policy",
              "desc": "Example Main Policy",
              "features": {
                "can_be_recommended": True,
                "can_be_mandatory": False
              "supported_on": ["chrome.linux:8-"],
              "example_value": True
          "policy_atomic_group_definitions": [],
          "placeholders": [],
          "messages": {},
    output = self.GetOutput(policy_json, {'_google_chrome': '1'}, 'json')
    expected_output = (
        '  // Note: this policy is supported only in recommended mode.\n' +
        '  // The JSON file should be placed in' +
        ' /etc/opt/chrome/policies/recommended.\n' +
        '  // Example Main Policy\n' + HEADER_DELIMETER +
        '  // Example Main Policy\n\n'
        '  //"MainPolicy": true\n\n'
    self.CompareOutputs(output, expected_output)

  def testStringPolicy(self):
    # Tests a policy group with a single policy of type 'string'.
    policy_json = '''
          "policy_definitions": [
              "name": "StringPolicy",
              "type": "string",
              "caption": "Example String Policy",
              "desc": "Example String Policy",
              "supported_on": ["chrome.linux:8-"],
              "example_value": "hello, world!"
          "policy_atomic_group_definitions": [],
          "placeholders": [],
          "messages": {},
    output = self.GetOutput(policy_json, {'_chromium': '1'}, 'json')
    expected_output = (
        TEMPLATE_HEADER + '  // Example String Policy\n' + HEADER_DELIMETER +
        '  // Example String Policy\n\n'
        '  //"StringPolicy": "hello, world!"\n\n'
    self.CompareOutputs(output, expected_output)

  def testIntPolicy(self):
    # Tests a policy group with a single policy of type 'string'.
    policy_json = '''
          "policy_definitions": [
              "name": "IntPolicy",
              "type": "int",
              "caption": "Example Int Policy",
              "desc": "Example Int Policy",
              "supported_on": ["chrome.linux:8-"],
              "example_value": 15
          "policy_atomic_group_definitions": [],
          "placeholders": [],
          "messages": {},
    output = self.GetOutput(policy_json, {'_chromium': '1'}, 'json')
    expected_output = (
        TEMPLATE_HEADER + '  // Example Int Policy\n' + HEADER_DELIMETER +
        '  // Example Int Policy\n\n'
        '  //"IntPolicy": 15\n\n'
    self.CompareOutputs(output, expected_output)

  def testIntEnumPolicy(self):
    # Tests a policy group with a single policy of type 'int-enum'.
    policy_json = '''
          "policy_definitions": [
              "name": "EnumPolicy",
              "type": "int-enum",
              "caption": "Example Int Enum",
              "desc": "Example Int Enum",
              "items": [
                {"name": "ProxyServerDisabled", "value": 0, "caption": ""},
                {"name": "ProxyServerAutoDetect", "value": 1, "caption": ""},
              "supported_on": ["chrome.linux:8-"],
              "example_value": 1
          "policy_atomic_group_definitions": [],
          "placeholders": [],
          "messages": {},
    output = self.GetOutput(policy_json, {'_google_chrome': '1'}, 'json')
    expected_output = (
        TEMPLATE_HEADER + '  // Example Int Enum\n' + HEADER_DELIMETER +
        '  // Example Int Enum\n\n'
        '  //"EnumPolicy": 1\n\n'
    self.CompareOutputs(output, expected_output)

  def testStringEnumPolicy(self):
    # Tests a policy group with a single policy of type 'string-enum'.
    policy_json = '''
          "policy_definitions": [
              "name": "EnumPolicy",
              "type": "string-enum",
              "caption": "Example String Enum",
              "desc": "Example String Enum",
              "items": [
                {"name": "ProxyServerDisabled", "value": "one",
                 "caption": ""},
                {"name": "ProxyServerAutoDetect", "value": "two",
                 "caption": ""},
              "supported_on": ["chrome.linux:8-"],
              "example_value": "one"
          "policy_atomic_group_definitions": [],
          "placeholders": [],
          "messages": {},
    output = self.GetOutput(policy_json, {'_google_chrome': '1'}, 'json')
    expected_output = (
        TEMPLATE_HEADER + '  // Example String Enum\n' + HEADER_DELIMETER +
        '  // Example String Enum\n\n'
        '  //"EnumPolicy": "one"\n\n'
    self.CompareOutputs(output, expected_output)

  def testListPolicy(self):
    # Tests a policy group with a single policy of type 'list'.
    policy_json = '''
          "policy_definitions": [
              "name": "ListPolicy",
              "type": "list",
              "caption": "Example List",
              "desc": "Example List",
              "supported_on": ["chrome.linux:8-"],
              "example_value": ["foo", "bar"]
          "policy_atomic_group_definitions": [],
          "placeholders": [],
          "messages": {},
    output = self.GetOutput(policy_json, {'_chromium': '1'}, 'json')
    expected_output = (
        TEMPLATE_HEADER + '  // Example List\n' + HEADER_DELIMETER +
        '  // Example List\n\n'
        '  //"ListPolicy": ["foo", "bar"]\n\n'
    self.CompareOutputs(output, expected_output)

  def testStringEnumListPolicy(self):
    # Tests a policy group with a single policy of type 'string-enum-list'.
    policy_json = '''
          "policy_definitions": [
              "name": "ListPolicy",
              "type": "string-enum-list",
              "caption": "Example List",
              "desc": "Example List",
              "items": [
                {"name": "ProxyServerDisabled", "value": "one",
                 "caption": ""},
                {"name": "ProxyServerAutoDetect", "value": "two",
                 "caption": ""},
              "supported_on": ["chrome.linux:8-"],
              "example_value": ["one", "two"]
          "policy_atomic_group_definitions": [],
          "placeholders": [],
          "messages": {},
    output = self.GetOutput(policy_json, {'_chromium': '1'}, 'json')
    expected_output = (
        TEMPLATE_HEADER + '  // Example List\n' + HEADER_DELIMETER +
        '  // Example List\n\n'
        '  //"ListPolicy": ["one", "two"]\n\n'
    self.CompareOutputs(output, expected_output)

  def testDictionaryPolicy(self):
    # Tests a policy group with a single policy of type 'dict'.
    example = {
        'bool': True,
        'dict': {
            'a': 1,
            'b': 2,
        'int': 10,
        'list': [1, 2, 3],
        'string': 'abc',
    policy_json = '''
          "policy_definitions": [
              "name": "DictionaryPolicy",
              "type": "dict",
              "caption": "Example Dictionary Policy",
              "desc": "Example Dictionary Policy",
              "supported_on": ["chrome.linux:8-"],
              "example_value": ''' + str(example) + '''
          "policy_atomic_group_definitions": [],
          "placeholders": [],
          "messages": %s,
        }''' % MESSAGES
    output = self.GetOutput(policy_json, {'_chromium': '1'}, 'json')
    expected_output = (
        TEMPLATE_HEADER + '  // Example Dictionary Policy\n' + HEADER_DELIMETER
        + '  // Example Dictionary Policy See '
        '  // enterprise/policies/?policy=DictionaryPolicy\n\n'
        '  //"DictionaryPolicy": {"bool": true, "dict": {"a": 1, '
        '"b": 2}, "int": 10, "list": [1, 2, 3], "string": "abc"}\n\n'
    self.CompareOutputs(output, expected_output)

  def testExternalPolicy(self):
    # Tests a policy group with a single policy of type 'external'.
    example = {
        "url": "",
        "hash": "deadbeef",
    policy_json = '''
          "policy_definitions": [
              "name": "ExternalPolicy",
              "type": "external",
              "caption": "Example External Policy",
              "desc": "Example External Policy",
              "supported_on": ["chrome.linux:8-"],
              "example_value": %s
          "policy_atomic_group_definitions": [],
          "placeholders": [],
          "messages": %s,
        }''' % (str(example), MESSAGES)
    output = self.GetOutput(policy_json, {'_chromium': '1'}, 'json')
    expected_output = (
        TEMPLATE_HEADER + '  // Example External Policy\n' + HEADER_DELIMETER +
        '  // Example External Policy See '
        '  // enterprise/policies/?policy=ExternalPolicy\n\n'
        '  //"ExternalPolicy": {"hash": "deadbeef", "url": ""}\n\n'
    self.CompareOutputs(output, expected_output)

  def testNonSupportedPolicy(self):
    # Tests a policy that is not supported on Linux, so it shouldn't
    # be included in the JSON file.
    policy_json = '''
          "policy_definitions": [
              "name": "NonLinuxPolicy",
              "type": "list",
              "caption": "",
              "desc": "",
              "supported_on": ["chrome.mac:8-"],
              "example_value": ["a"]
          "policy_atomic_group_definitions": [],
          "placeholders": [],
          "messages": {},
    output = self.GetOutput(policy_json, {'_chromium': '1'}, 'json')
    expected_output = TEMPLATE_HEADER + '}'
    self.CompareOutputs(output, expected_output)

  def testPolicyGroup(self):
    # Tests a policy group that has more than one policies.
    policy_json = '''
          "policy_definitions": [
              "name": "Group1",
              "type": "group",
              "caption": "",
              "desc": "",
              "policies": ["Policy1", "Policy2"],
              "name": "Policy1",
              "type": "list",
              "caption": "Policy One",
              "desc": "Policy One",
              "supported_on": ["chrome.linux:8-"],
              "example_value": ["a", "b"]
              "name": "Policy2",
              "type": "string",
              "caption": "Policy Two",
              "desc": "Policy Two",
              "supported_on": ["chrome.linux:8-"],
              "example_value": "c"
          "policy_atomic_group_definitions": [],
          "placeholders": [],
          "messages": {},
    output = self.GetOutput(policy_json, {'_chromium': '1'}, 'json')
    expected_output = (
        TEMPLATE_HEADER + '  // Policy One\n' + HEADER_DELIMETER +
        '  // Policy One\n\n'
        '  //"Policy1": ["a", "b"],\n\n'
        '  // Policy Two\n' + HEADER_DELIMETER + '  // Policy Two\n\n'
        '  //"Policy2": "c"\n\n'
    self.CompareOutputs(output, expected_output)

if __name__ == '__main__':