// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto2";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_package = "org.chromium.components.power_bookmarks";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
package power_bookmarks;
import "components/power_bookmarks/core/proto/shopping_specifics.proto";
// Used to query specific bookmark verticals.
enum PowerBookmarkType {
// This message is used to store the extra information associated with a
// bookmark. This information is stored with and synced with bookmarks.
// DEPRECATED: Use power_bookmark_specifics.proto instead.
message PowerBookmarkMeta {
// Generic properties
// This is the main image that will be shown in the UI.
optional Image lead_image = 1;
// Fallback images are made available for future edits or if the lead is
// unavailable.
repeated Image fallback_images = 2;
repeated Tag tags = 3;
// Vertical specifics
// How to add a new vertical:
// 1. Add a new proto with the required data.
// 2. Include that proto at the top of the file.
// 3. Add a new option field below.
// Shopping-specific data populated when a user bookmarks a product-page.
optional ShoppingSpecifics shopping_specifics = 6;
// Deprecated fields
// TODO(wylieb): Remove this field once the migration code has baked.
oneof type_specifics {
ShoppingSpecifics old_shopping_specifics = 5;
// Previously used values, don't reuse.
reserved 4;
message Tag {
// The name of the tag as displayed to the user.
optional string display_name = 1;
message Image {
// The URL of the image.
optional string url = 1;