// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module ash.shortcut_customization.mojom;
import "ash/public/mojom/accelerator_info.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/string16.mojom";
// Search result metadata. Used by clients (e.g. the Shortcuts app) to render
// an individual search result in the UI.
struct SearchResult {
// The shortcut's AcceleratorLayoutInfo contains the description and other
// fields that are necessary to display the shortcuts correctly + route to the
// shortcuts on selection.
ash.mojom.AcceleratorLayoutInfo accelerator_layout_info;
// A list of all accelerator_infos for this shortcut.
array<ash.mojom.AcceleratorInfo> accelerator_infos;
// Relevance score, in the range [0, 1]. A score of 1 indicates a perfect
// string match.
double relevance_score;
// Used to observe changes to search results.
interface SearchResultsAvailabilityObserver {
// Called when the availability of one or more search results has changed. In
// this context, "availability" refers to whether a search result can be
// returned based on the user's current state. E.g. some results might only be
// shown if an external keyboard is plugged in. Clients can use this function
// to ensure that they do not show "stale" results which are no longer
// actionable by the user. Note that the observer doesn't provide the new
// search results, so clients will have to redo the SearchHandler.Search()
// call to retrieve new results.
// Provides search results. Implemented in the browser process;
// intended to be called from the Shortcuts app TS and Launcher C++.
interface SearchHandler {
// Searches for the given query and returns a list of results, sorted
// from most relevant to least relevant. An empty array indicates no relevant
// results.
// The search query will match against shortcut descriptions and shortcut
// keys. For example, searching for "tab" might show results for both
// "New Tab [Ctrl+T]" and "Switch windows [Ctrl+Tab]".
// This function returns an array with a maximum size of |max_num_results|,
// but the array may contain fewer elements if there are fewer results.
// Clients should never pass a value of 0 for |max_num_results|, since that
// would return an empty result array.
Search(mojo_base.mojom.String16 query,
uint32 max_num_results) => (array<SearchResult> results);
// Adds an observer of search result availability. Disconnected observers are
// discarded; to stop observing, close the connection.
pending_remote<SearchResultsAvailabilityObserver> observer);