# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
component("proxy_config") {
sources = [
deps = [
# TODO(crbug.com/40446749): Break a header include cycle on ChromeOS
# and disable include checking so GN doesn't complain about the missing
# dependency (it still links OK). This cycle should be fixed and header
# checking enabled.
if (is_chromeos_ash) {
check_includes = false
} else {
deps += [ "//components/pref_registry" ]
if (!is_ios) {
sources += [
source_set("unit_tests") {
testonly = true
sources = [
deps = [
if (!is_ios) {
sources += [ "proxy_policy_handler_unittest.cc" ]