
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "components/reading_list/core/reading_list_entry.h"

#include <memory>
#include "base/memory/scoped_refptr.h"

#include "base/test/simple_test_tick_clock.h"
#include "components/reading_list/core/proto/reading_list.pb.h"
#include "components/sync/protocol/reading_list_specifics.pb.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"

namespace {
const int kFirstBackoff =;
const int kSecondBackoff =;
const int kThirdBackoff =;
const int kFourthBackoff =;
const int kFifthBackoff =;

}  // namespace

TEST(ReadingListEntry, CompareIgnoreTitle) {}

TEST(ReadingListEntry, CompareFailureIgnoreTitleAndCreationTime) {}

TEST(ReadingListEntry, MovesAreEquals) {}

TEST(ReadingListEntry, ReadState) {}

TEST(ReadingListEntry, SpecificsShouldBeValid) {}

TEST(ReadingListEntry, SpecificsWithEmptyIdShouldBeNotValid) {}

TEST(ReadingListEntry, SpecificsWithEmptyUrlShouldBeNotValid) {}

TEST(ReadingListEntry, SpecificsWithUnequalEntryIdandUrlShouldBeNotValid) {}

TEST(ReadingListEntry, SpecificsWithInvalidUrlShouldBeNotValid) {}

TEST(ReadingListEntry, SpecificsWithTilteContainsNonUTF8ShouldBeNotValid) {}

TEST(ReadingListEntry, UpdateTitle) {}

TEST(ReadingListEntry, DistilledInfo) {}

TEST(ReadingListEntry, DistilledState) {}

// Tests that the the time until next try increase exponentially when the state
// changes from non-error to error.
TEST(ReadingListEntry, TimeUntilNextTry) {}

// Tests that if the time until next try is in the past, 0 is returned.
TEST(ReadingListEntry, TimeUntilNextTryInThePast) {}

// Tests that if the entry gets a distilled URL, 0 is returned.
TEST(ReadingListEntry, ResetTimeUntilNextTry) {}

// Tests that the failed download counter is incremented when the state change
// from non-error to error.
TEST(ReadingListEntry, FailedDownloadCounter) {}

// Tests that the reading list entry is correctly encoded to
// sync_pb::ReadingListSpecifics.
TEST(ReadingListEntry, AsReadingListSpecifics) {}

// Tests that the reading list entry is correctly parsed from
// sync_pb::ReadingListSpecifics.
TEST(ReadingListEntry, FromReadingListValidSpecifics) {}

// Tests that the reading list entry is correctly encoded to
// reading_list::ReadingListLocal.
TEST(ReadingListEntry, AsReadingListLocal) {}

// Tests that the reading list entry is correctly parsed from
// sync_pb::ReadingListLocal.
TEST(ReadingListEntry, FromReadingListLocal) {}

// Tests the merging of two ReadingListEntry.
// Additional merging tests are done in
// ReadingListSyncBridgeTest.CompareEntriesForSync
TEST(ReadingListEntry, MergeWithEntry) {}