// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import "components/remote_cocoa/app_shim/native_widget_ns_window_bridge.h"
#import <AppKit/AppKit.h>
#include <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#include <Security/Security.h>
#import <SecurityInterface/SecurityInterface.h>
#import <objc/runtime.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <cmath>
#include <memory>
#include "base/apple/bridging.h"
#import "base/apple/foundation_util.h"
#include "base/apple/scoped_cftyperef.h"
#include "base/command_line.h"
#include "base/functional/bind.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/mac/mac_util.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/no_destructor.h"
#include "base/ranges/algorithm.h"
#include "base/strings/sys_string_conversions.h"
#include "base/task/single_thread_task_runner.h"
#import "components/remote_cocoa/app_shim/NSToolbar+Private.h"
#import "components/remote_cocoa/app_shim/bridged_content_view.h"
#import "components/remote_cocoa/app_shim/browser_native_widget_window_mac.h"
#import "components/remote_cocoa/app_shim/context_menu_runner.h"
#import "components/remote_cocoa/app_shim/mouse_capture.h"
#import "components/remote_cocoa/app_shim/native_widget_mac_frameless_nswindow.h"
#import "components/remote_cocoa/app_shim/native_widget_mac_nswindow.h"
#import "components/remote_cocoa/app_shim/native_widget_mac_overlay_nswindow.h"
#import "components/remote_cocoa/app_shim/native_widget_ns_window_host_helper.h"
#include "components/remote_cocoa/app_shim/select_file_dialog_bridge.h"
#import "components/remote_cocoa/app_shim/views_nswindow_delegate.h"
#import "components/remote_cocoa/app_shim/window_move_loop.h"
#include "components/remote_cocoa/common/native_widget_ns_window_host.mojom.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/self_owned_receiver.h"
#include "net/cert/x509_util_apple.h"
#include "ui/accelerated_widget_mac/window_resize_helper_mac.h"
#import "ui/base/cocoa/constrained_window/constrained_window_animation.h"
#include "ui/base/cocoa/cursor_utils.h"
#include "ui/base/cocoa/remote_accessibility_api.h"
#import "ui/base/cocoa/window_size_constants.h"
#include "ui/base/emoji/emoji_panel_helper.h"
#include "ui/base/hit_test.h"
#include "ui/base/mojom/ui_base_types.mojom-shared.h"
#include "ui/base/ui_base_switches.h"
#include "ui/display/display.h"
#include "ui/display/screen.h"
#include "ui/events/cocoa/cocoa_event_utils.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/dip_util.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/size_conversions.h"
#import "ui/gfx/mac/coordinate_conversion.h"
#import "ui/gfx/mac/nswindow_frame_controls.h"
using remote_cocoa::mojom::VisibilityTransition;
using remote_cocoa::mojom::WindowVisibilityState;
namespace {
constexpr auto kUIPaintTimeout = base::Seconds(5);
// Returns the display that the specified window is on.
display::Display GetDisplayForWindow(NSWindow* window) {
return display::Screen::GetScreen()->GetDisplayNearestWindow(window);
} // namespace
// The NSView that hosts the composited CALayer drawing the UI. It fills the
// window but is not hittable so that accessibility hit tests always go to the
// BridgedContentView.
@interface ViewsCompositorSuperview : NSView
@implementation ViewsCompositorSuperview
- (NSView*)hitTest:(NSPoint)aPoint {
return nil;
// Self-owning animation delegate that starts a hide animation, then calls
// -[NSWindow close] when the animation ends, releasing itself.
@interface ViewsNSWindowCloseAnimator : NSObject <NSAnimationDelegate> {
NSWindow* __strong _window;
NSAnimation* __strong _animation;
+ (void)closeWindowWithAnimation:(NSWindow*)window;
- (instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
- (instancetype)initWithWindow:(NSWindow*)window NS_UNAVAILABLE;
@implementation ViewsNSWindowCloseAnimator
- (instancetype)initWithWindow:(NSWindow*)window {
if ((self = [super init])) {
_window = window;
_animation = [[ConstrainedWindowAnimationHide alloc] initWithWindow:window];
[_animation setDelegate:self];
[_animation setAnimationBlockingMode:NSAnimationNonblocking];
[_animation startAnimation];
return self;
+ (NSMutableSet<ViewsNSWindowCloseAnimator*>*)allAnimators {
static NSMutableSet<ViewsNSWindowCloseAnimator*>* set = [NSMutableSet set];
return set;
+ (void)closeWindowWithAnimation:(NSWindow*)window {
ViewsNSWindowCloseAnimator* animator =
[[ViewsNSWindowCloseAnimator alloc] initWithWindow:window];
if (animator) {
[[ViewsNSWindowCloseAnimator allAnimators] addObject:animator];
- (void)animationDidEnd:(NSAnimation*)animation {
[_window close];
[_animation setDelegate:nil];
[[ViewsNSWindowCloseAnimator allAnimators]
// This class overrides NSAnimation methods to invalidate the shadow for each
// frame. It is required because the show animation uses CGSSetWindowWarp()
// which is touchy about the consistency of the points it is given. The show
// animation includes a translate, which fails to apply properly to the window
// shadow, when that shadow is derived from a layer-hosting view. So invalidate
// it. This invalidation is only needed to cater for the translate. It is not
// required if CGSSetWindowWarp() is used in a way that keeps the center point
// of the window stationary (e.g. a scale). It's also not required for the hide
// animation: in that case, the shadow is never invalidated so retains the
// shadow calculated before a translate is applied.
@interface ModalShowAnimationWithLayer
: ConstrainedWindowAnimationShow <NSAnimationDelegate>
@implementation ModalShowAnimationWithLayer {
// This is the "real" delegate, but this class acts as the NSAnimationDelegate
// to avoid a separate object.
raw_ptr<remote_cocoa::NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge> _bridgedNativeWidget;
- (instancetype)initWithBridgedNativeWidget:
(remote_cocoa::NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge*)widget {
if ((self = [super initWithWindow:widget->ns_window()])) {
_bridgedNativeWidget = widget;
self.delegate = self;
return self;
- (void)dealloc {
- (void)animationDidEnd:(NSAnimation*)animation {
// The call to `OnShowAnimationComplete()` will immediately reset an owning
// pointer of this object. Therefore, make sure all the invariants of the
// `-dealloc` method above are satisfied now by moving the pointer value to be
// local.
remote_cocoa::NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge* bridgedNativeWidget =
_bridgedNativeWidget = nullptr;
self.delegate = nil;
- (void)stopAnimation {
[super stopAnimation];
[self.window invalidateShadow];
- (void)setCurrentProgress:(NSAnimationProgress)progress {
[super setCurrentProgress:progress];
[self.window invalidateShadow];
namespace remote_cocoa {
namespace {
using RankMap = std::map<NSView*, int>;
// Return the content size for a minimum or maximum widget size.
gfx::Size GetClientSizeForWindowSize(NSWindow* window,
const gfx::Size& window_size) {
NSRect frame_rect =
NSMakeRect(0, 0, window_size.width(), window_size.height());
// Note gfx::Size will prevent dimensions going negative. They are allowed to
// be zero at this point, because Widget::GetMinimumSize() may later increase
// the size.
return gfx::Size([window contentRectForFrameRect:frame_rect].size);
NSComparisonResult SubviewSorter(__kindof NSView* lhs,
__kindof NSView* rhs,
void* rank_as_void) {
DCHECK_NE(lhs, rhs);
if ([lhs isKindOfClass:[ViewsCompositorSuperview class]])
return NSOrderedAscending;
const RankMap* rank = static_cast<const RankMap*>(rank_as_void);
auto left_rank = rank->find(lhs);
auto right_rank = rank->find(rhs);
bool left_found = left_rank != rank->end();
bool right_found = right_rank != rank->end();
// Sort unassociated views above associated views.
if (left_found != right_found)
return left_found ? NSOrderedAscending : NSOrderedDescending;
if (left_found) {
return left_rank->second < right_rank->second ? NSOrderedAscending
: NSOrderedDescending;
// If both are unassociated, consider that order is not important
return NSOrderedSame;
// Counts windows managed by a NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge instance in the
// |child_windows| array ignoring the windows added by AppKit.
NSUInteger CountBridgedWindows(NSArray* child_windows) {
NSUInteger count = 0;
for (NSWindow* child in child_windows) {
if ([[child delegate] isKindOfClass:[ViewsNSWindowDelegate class]]) {
return count;
std::map<uint64_t, NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge*>& GetIdToWidgetImplMap() {
static base::NoDestructor<std::map<uint64_t, NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge*>>
return *id_map;
std::map<NSWindow*, std::u16string>& GetPendingWindowTitleMap() {
static base::NoDestructor<std::map<NSWindow*, std::u16string>> map;
return *map;
} // namespace
// static
gfx::Size NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::GetWindowSizeForClientSize(
NSWindow* window,
const gfx::Size& content_size) {
NSRect content_rect =
NSMakeRect(0, 0, content_size.width(), content_size.height());
NSRect frame_rect = [window frameRectForContentRect:content_rect];
return gfx::Size(NSWidth(frame_rect), NSHeight(frame_rect));
// static
NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge* NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::GetFromId(
uint64_t bridged_native_widget_id) {
auto found = GetIdToWidgetImplMap().find(bridged_native_widget_id);
if (found == GetIdToWidgetImplMap().end())
return nullptr;
return found->second;
// static
NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge* NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::GetFromNativeWindow(
gfx::NativeWindow native_window) {
NSWindow* window = native_window.GetNativeNSWindow();
if (NativeWidgetMacNSWindow* widget_window =
base::apple::ObjCCast<NativeWidgetMacNSWindow>(window)) {
return GetFromId([widget_window bridgedNativeWidgetId]);
return nullptr;
// static
NativeWidgetMacNSWindow* NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::CreateNSWindow(
const mojom::CreateWindowParams* params) {
NativeWidgetMacNSWindow* ns_window;
switch (params->window_class) {
case mojom::WindowClass::kDefault:
ns_window = [[NativeWidgetMacNSWindow alloc]
case mojom::WindowClass::kBrowser:
ns_window = [[BrowserNativeWidgetWindow alloc]
case mojom::WindowClass::kFrameless:
ns_window = [[NativeWidgetMacFramelessNSWindow alloc]
case mojom::WindowClass::kOverlay:
ns_window = [[NativeWidgetMacOverlayNSWindow alloc]
ns_window.releasedWhenClosed = NO;
if (params->titlebar_appears_transparent) {
ns_window.titlebarAppearsTransparent = YES;
if (params->window_title_hidden) {
ns_window.titleVisibility = NSWindowTitleHidden;
if (params->animation_enabled) {
ns_window.animationBehavior = NSWindowAnimationBehaviorDocumentWindow;
return ns_window;
uint64_t bridged_native_widget_id,
NativeWidgetNSWindowHost* host,
NativeWidgetNSWindowHostHelper* host_helper,
mojom::TextInputHost* text_input_host)
: id_(bridged_native_widget_id),
text_input_host_(text_input_host) {
DCHECK(GetIdToWidgetImplMap().find(id_) == GetIdToWidgetImplMap().end());
GetIdToWidgetImplMap().insert(std::make_pair(id_, this));
NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::~NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge() {
// The delegate should be cleared already. Note this enforces the precondition
// that -[NSWindow close] is invoked on the hosted window before the
// destructor is called.
DCHECK(![window_ delegate]);
void NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::BindReceiver(
mojo::PendingAssociatedReceiver<mojom::NativeWidgetNSWindow> receiver,
base::OnceClosure connection_closed_callback) {
void NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::SetWindow(NativeWidgetMacNSWindow* window) {
window_delegate_ =
[[ViewsNSWindowDelegate alloc] initWithBridgedNativeWidget:this];
window_ = window;
window_.bridge = this;
window_.bridgedNativeWidgetId = id_;
window_.releasedWhenClosed = NO;
window_.delegate = window_delegate_;
void NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::SetCommandDispatcher(
NSObject<CommandDispatcherDelegate>* delegate,
id<UserInterfaceItemCommandHandler> command_handler) {
window_command_dispatcher_delegate_ = delegate;
[window_ setCommandDispatcherDelegate:delegate];
[window_ setCommandHandler:command_handler];
void NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::SetParent(uint64_t new_parent_id) {
// Remove from the old parent.
if (parent_) {
parent_ = nullptr;
if (!new_parent_id)
// It is only valid to have a NativeWidgetMac be the parent of another
// NativeWidgetMac.
NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge* new_parent =
if (!new_parent) {
// When the OS tells us a window is closing it is removed from the id map.
// Since nothing is stopping the browser process from still trying to use
// that id until the browser process has been informed that the window is
// gone, it is totally possible to be passed no longer valid ids here.
parent_ = new_parent;
// Widget::ShowInactive() could result in a Space switch when the widget has a
// parent, and we're calling -orderWindow:relativeTo:. Use Transient
// collection behaviour to prevent that.
// https://crbug.com/697829
[window_ setCollectionBehavior:[window_ collectionBehavior] |
if (wants_to_be_visible_)
void NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::CreateSelectFileDialog(
mojo::PendingReceiver<mojom::SelectFileDialog> receiver) {
void NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::ShowCertificateViewer(
const scoped_refptr<net::X509Certificate>& certificate) {
NSArray* cert_chain = base::apple::CFToNSOwnershipCast(
if (!cert_chain) {
[[[SFCertificatePanel alloc] init] beginSheetForWindow:window_
void NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::StackAbove(uint64_t sibling_id) {
NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge* sibling_bridge =
if (!sibling_bridge) {
// When the OS tells us a window is closing it is removed from the id map.
// Since nothing is stopping the browser process from still trying to use
// that id until the browser process has been informed that the window is
// gone, it is totally possible to be passed no longer valid ids here.
NSInteger sibling = sibling_bridge->ns_window().windowNumber;
[window_ orderWindowByShuffling:NSWindowAbove relativeTo:sibling];
void NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::StackAtTop() {
[window_ orderWindowByShuffling:NSWindowAbove relativeTo:0];
void NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::ShowEmojiPanel() {
void NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::CreateWindow(
mojom::CreateWindowParamsPtr params) {
void NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::InitWindow(
mojom::NativeWidgetNSWindowInitParamsPtr params) {
modal_type_ = params->modal_type;
is_translucent_window_ = params->is_translucent;
pending_restoration_data_ = params->state_restoration_data;
if (params->is_headless_mode_window)
headless_mode_window_ = std::make_optional<HeadlessModeWindow>();
[window_ setIsHeadless:params->is_headless_mode_window];
// Register for application hide notifications so that visibility can be
// properly tracked. This is not done in the delegate so that the lifetime is
// tied to the C++ object, rather than the delegate (which may be reference
// counted). This is required since the application hides do not send an
// orderOut: to individual windows. Unhide, however, does send an order
// message.
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
// Validate the window's initial state, otherwise the bridge's initial
// tracking state will be incorrect.
DCHECK(![window_ isVisible]);
DCHECK_EQ(0u, [window_ styleMask] & NSWindowStyleMaskFullScreen);
// Include "regular" windows without the standard frame in the window cycle.
// These use NSWindowStyleMaskBorderless so do not get it by default.
if (params->force_into_collection_cycle) {
setCollectionBehavior:[window_ collectionBehavior] |
[window_ setHasShadow:params->has_window_server_shadow];
// Don't allow dragging sheets.
if (params->modal_type == ui::mojom::ModalType::kWindow) {
[window_ setMovable:NO];
[window_ setIsTooltip:params->is_tooltip];
void NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::SetInitialBounds(
const gfx::Rect& new_bounds,
const gfx::Size& minimum_content_size) {
gfx::Rect adjusted_bounds = new_bounds;
if (new_bounds.IsEmpty()) {
// If a position is set, but no size, complain. Otherwise, a 1x1 window
// would appear there, which might be unexpected.
<< "Zero-sized windows not supported on Mac.";
// Otherwise, bounds is all zeroes. Cocoa will currently have the window at
// the bottom left of the screen. To support a client calling SetSize() only
// (and for consistency across platforms) put it at the top-left instead.
// Read back the current frame: it will be a 1x1 context rect but the frame
// size also depends on the window style.
NSRect frame_rect = [window_ frame];
adjusted_bounds = gfx::Rect(
gfx::Point(), gfx::Size(NSWidth(frame_rect), NSHeight(frame_rect)));
SetBounds(adjusted_bounds, minimum_content_size, std::nullopt);
void NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::SetBounds(
const gfx::Rect& new_bounds,
const gfx::Size& minimum_content_size,
const std::optional<gfx::Size>& maximum_content_size) {
// -[NSWindow contentMinSize] and [NSWindow contentMaxSize] are only checked
// by Cocoa for user-initiated resizes. This is not what toolkit-views
// expects, so clamp.
gfx::Size clamped_content_size =
GetClientSizeForWindowSize(window_, new_bounds.size());
if (maximum_content_size.has_value()) {
// A contentRect with zero width or height is a banned practice in ChromeMac,
// due to unpredictable macOS treatment.
<< "Zero-sized windows not supported on Mac";
if (!window_visible_ && IsWindowModalSheet()) {
// Window-Modal dialogs (i.e. sheets) are positioned by Cocoa when shown for
// the first time. They also have no frame, so just update the content size.
[window_ setContentSize:NSMakeSize(clamped_content_size.width(),
gfx::Rect actual_new_bounds(
GetWindowSizeForClientSize(window_, clamped_content_size));
NSScreen* previous_screen = [window_ screen];
[window_ setFrame:gfx::ScreenRectToNSRect(actual_new_bounds)
// If the window has focus but is not on the active space and the window was
// moved to a different display, re-activate it to switch the space to the
// active window. (crbug.com/1316543)
if ([window_ isKeyWindow] && ![window_ isOnActiveSpace] &&
[window_ screen] != previous_screen) {
void NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::SetSize(
const gfx::Size& new_size,
const gfx::Size& minimum_content_size) {
// Ensure the top-left corner stays in-place (rather than the bottom-left,
// which -[NSWindow setContentSize:] would do).
gfx::Rect new_window_bounds = gfx::ScreenRectFromNSRect([window_ frame]);
SetBounds(new_window_bounds, minimum_content_size, std::nullopt);
void NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::SetSizeAndCenter(
const gfx::Size& content_size,
const gfx::Size& minimum_content_size) {
gfx::Rect new_window_bounds = gfx::ScreenRectFromNSRect([window_ frame]);
new_window_bounds.set_size(GetWindowSizeForClientSize(window_, content_size));
SetBounds(new_window_bounds, minimum_content_size, std::nullopt);
// Note that this is not the precise center of screen, but it is the standard
// location for windows like dialogs to appear on screen for Mac.
// TODO(tapted): If there is a parent window, center in that instead.
[window_ center];
void NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::DestroyContentView() {
if (!bridged_view_)
[bridged_view_ clearView];
bridged_view_ = nil;
[window_ setContentView:nil];
void NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::CreateContentView(uint64_t ns_view_id,
const gfx::Rect& bounds) {
bridged_view_ = [[BridgedContentView alloc] initWithBridge:this
bridged_view_id_mapping_ =
std::make_unique<ScopedNSViewIdMapping>(ns_view_id, bridged_view_);
// Objective C initializers can return nil. However, if |view| is non-NULL
// this should be treated as an error and caught early.
// Send the accessibility tokens for the NSView now that it exists.
// Beware: This view was briefly removed (in favor of a bare CALayer) in
// https://crrev.com/c/1236675. The ordering of unassociated layers relative
// to NSView layers is undefined on macOS 10.12 and earlier, so the compositor
// layer ended up covering up subviews (see https://crbug.com/899499).
NSView* compositor_view =
[[ViewsCompositorSuperview alloc] initWithFrame:[bridged_view_ bounds]];
setAutoresizingMask:NSViewWidthSizable | NSViewHeightSizable];
auto* background_layer = [CALayer layer];
display_ca_layer_tree_ =
[compositor_view setLayer:background_layer];
[compositor_view setWantsLayer:YES];
[bridged_view_ addSubview:compositor_view];
[bridged_view_ setWantsLayer:YES];
[window_ setContentView:bridged_view_];
void NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::CloseWindow() {
if (fullscreen_controller_.HasDeferredWindowClose())
// Make a local variable of the window on the stack so that the block can
// capture a reference to it.
NSWindow* window = ns_window();
if (IsWindowModalSheet() && window.sheet) {
// Sheets can't be closed normally. This starts the sheet closing. Once the
// sheet has finished animating, it will call the end-sheet block defined
// when the sheet was displayed. Note it still needs to be asynchronous,
// since code calling Widget::Close() doesn't expect things to be deleted
// upon return. Ensure |window| is retained by a block. Note in some cases
// during teardown, [window sheetParent] may be nil.
FROM_HERE, base::BindOnce(^{
[NSApp endSheet:window];
// For other modal types, animate the close.
if (ShouldRunCustomAnimationFor(VisibilityTransition::kHide) &&
[ns_window() isVisible]) {
[ViewsNSWindowCloseAnimator closeWindowWithAnimation:window];
// Destroy the content view so that it won't call back into |host_| while
// being torn down.
// If the window wants to be visible and has a parent, then the parent may
// order it back in (in the period between orderOut: and close).
wants_to_be_visible_ = false;
// Widget::Close() ensures [Non]ClientView::CanClose() returns true, so there
// is no need to call the NSWindow or its delegate's -windowShouldClose:
// implementation in the manner of -[NSWindow performClose:]. But,
// like -performClose:, first remove the window from AppKit's display
// list to avoid crashes like http://crbug.com/156101.
[window orderOut:nil];
// Defer closing windows until after fullscreen transitions complete.
if (fullscreen_controller_.HasDeferredWindowClose())
// Many tests assume that base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle() is always sufficient
// to execute a close. However, in rare cases, -performSelector:..afterDelay:0
// does not do this. So post a regular task.
[window close];
void NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::CloseWindowNow() {
// NSWindows must be retained until -[NSWindow close] returns.
NSWindow* __attribute__((objc_precise_lifetime)) window_retain = window_;
// If there's a bridge at this point, it means there must be a window as well.
[window_ close];
// Note: |this| will be deleted here.
void NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::SetVisibilityState(
WindowVisibilityState new_state) {
// In headless mode the platform window is always hidden, so instead of
// changing its visibility state just maintain a local flag to track the
// expected visibility state and lie to the upper layer pretending the
// window did change its visibility and activation state.
if (headless_mode_window_) {
headless_mode_window_->visibility_state =
new_state != WindowVisibilityState::kHideWindow;
if (new_state == WindowVisibilityState::kShowAndActivateWindow) {
[](const base::WeakPtr<NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge>& bridge) {
if (bridge) {
// During session restore this method gets called from RestoreTabsToBrowser()
// with new_state = kShowAndActivateWindow. We consume restoration data on our
// first time through this method so we can use its existence as an
// indication that session restoration is underway. We'll use this later to
// decide whether or not to actually honor the WindowVisibilityState change
// request. This window may live in the dock, for example, in which case we
// don't really want to kShowAndActivateWindow. Even if the window is on the
// desktop we still won't want to kShowAndActivateWindow because doing so
// might trigger a transition to a different space (and we don't want to
// switch spaces on start-up). When session restore determines the Active
// window it will also call SetVisibilityState(), on that pass the window
// can/will be activated.
bool session_restore_in_progress = false;
// Restore Cocoa window state.
if (HasWindowRestorationData()) {
NSData* restore_ns_data =
[NSData dataWithBytes:pending_restoration_data_.data()
NSKeyedUnarchiver* decoder =
[[NSKeyedUnarchiver alloc] initForReadingFromData:restore_ns_data
[window_ restoreStateWithCoder:decoder];
session_restore_in_progress = true;
// Ensure that:
// - A window with an invisible parent is not made visible.
// - A parent changing visibility updates child window visibility.
// * But only when changed via this function - ignore changes via the
// NSWindow API, or changes propagating out from here.
wants_to_be_visible_ = new_state != WindowVisibilityState::kHideWindow &&
new_state != WindowVisibilityState::kMiniaturizeWindow;
[show_animation_ stopAnimation]; // If set, calls OnShowAnimationComplete().
if (new_state == WindowVisibilityState::kHideWindow) {
// Calling -orderOut: on a window with an attached sheet encounters broken
// AppKit behavior. The sheet effectively becomes "lost".
// See http://crbug.com/667602. Alternatives: call -setAlphaValue:0 and
// -setIgnoresMouseEvents:YES on the NSWindow, or dismiss the sheet before
// hiding.
// TODO(ellyjones): Sort this entire situation out. This DCHECK doesn't
// trigger in shipped builds, but it does trigger when the browser exits
// "abnormally" (not via one of the UI paths to exiting), such as in browser
// tests, so this breaks a slew of browser tests in MacViews mode. See also
// https://crbug.com/834926.
// DCHECK(![window_ attachedSheet]);
[window_ orderOut:nil];
} else if (new_state == WindowVisibilityState::kMiniaturizeWindow) {
[window_ miniaturize:nil];
if (!ca_transaction_sync_suppressed_)
// If the parent (or an ancestor) is hidden, return and wait for it to become
// visible.
for (auto* ancestor = parent_.get(); ancestor; ancestor = ancestor->parent_) {
if (!ancestor->window_visible_)
// Don't activate a window during session restore, to avoid switching spaces
// (or pulling it out of the dock) during startup.
if (session_restore_in_progress &&
new_state == WindowVisibilityState::kShowAndActivateWindow) {
new_state = WindowVisibilityState::kShowInactive;
if (IsWindowModalSheet()) {
if (parent_)
if (new_state == WindowVisibilityState::kShowAndActivateWindow) {
[window_ makeKeyAndOrderFront:nil];
[NSApp activateIgnoringOtherApps:YES];
} else if (new_state == WindowVisibilityState::kShowInactive && !parent_ &&
![window_ isMiniaturized]) {
if ([[NSApp mainWindow] screen] == [window_ screen] ||
![[NSApp mainWindow] isKeyWindow]) {
// When the new window is on the same display as the main window or the
// main window is inactive, order the window relative to the main window.
// Avoid making it the front window (with e.g. orderFront:), which can
// cause a space switch.
[window_ orderWindow:NSWindowBelow
} else {
// When opening an inactive window on another screen, put the window at
// the front and trigger a space switch.
[window_ orderFrontKeepWindowKeyState];
// For non-sheet modal types, use the constrained window animations to make
// the window appear.
if (ShouldRunCustomAnimationFor(VisibilityTransition::kShow)) {
show_animation_ =
[[ModalShowAnimationWithLayer alloc] initWithBridgedNativeWidget:this];
// The default mode is blocking, which would block the UI thread for the
// duration of the animation, but would keep it smooth. The window also
// hasn't yet received a frame from the compositor at this stage, so it is
// fully transparent until the GPU sends a frame swap IPC. For the blocking
// option, the animation needs to wait until
// AcceleratedWidgetCALayerParamsUpdated has been called at least once,
// otherwise it will animate nothing.
[show_animation_ setAnimationBlockingMode:NSAnimationNonblocking];
[show_animation_ startAnimation];
void NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::SetTransitionsToAnimate(
VisibilityTransition transitions) {
// TODO(tapted): Use scoping to disable native animations at appropriate
// times as well.
transitions_to_animate_ = transitions;
void NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::AcquireCapture() {
if (HasCapture())
if (!window_visible_)
return; // Capture on hidden windows is disallowed.
mouse_capture_ = std::make_unique<CocoaMouseCapture>(this);
// Initiating global event capture with addGlobalMonitorForEventsMatchingMask:
// will reset the mouse cursor to an arrow. Asking the window for an update
// here will restore what we want. However, it can sometimes cause the cursor
// to flicker, once, on the initial mouseDown.
// TODO(tapted): Make this unnecessary by only asking for global mouse capture
// for the cases that need it (e.g. menus, but not drag and drop).
[window_ cursorUpdate:[NSApp currentEvent]];
void NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::ReleaseCapture() {
bool NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::HasCapture() {
return mouse_capture_ && mouse_capture_->IsActive();
void NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::SetLocalEventMonitorEnabled(bool enabled) {
if (enabled) {
// Create the event monitor if it does not exist yet.
if (key_down_event_monitor_) {
base::WeakPtr<NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge> weak_ptr = factory_.GetWeakPtr();
auto block = ^NSEvent*(NSEvent* event) {
if (!weak_ptr) {
return event;
std::unique_ptr<ui::Event> ui_event =
bool event_handled = false;
return event_handled ? nil : event;
key_down_event_monitor_ =
[NSEvent addLocalMonitorForEventsMatchingMask:NSEventMaskKeyDown
} else {
// Destroy the event monitor if it exists.
if (!key_down_event_monitor_)
[NSEvent removeMonitor:key_down_event_monitor_];
key_down_event_monitor_ = nil;
bool NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::HasWindowRestorationData() {
return !pending_restoration_data_.empty();
bool NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::RunMoveLoop(const gfx::Vector2d& drag_offset) {
// https://crbug.com/876493
// Does some *other* widget have capture?
// RunMoveLoop caller is responsible for updating the window to be under the
// mouse, but it does this using possibly outdated coordinate from the mouse
// event, and mouse is very likely moved beyond that point.
// Compensate for mouse drift by shifting the initial mouse position we pass
// to CocoaWindowMoveLoop, so as it handles incoming move events the window's
// top left corner will be |drag_offset| from the current mouse position.
const gfx::Rect frame = gfx::ScreenRectFromNSRect([window_ frame]);
const gfx::Point mouse_in_screen(frame.x() + drag_offset.x(),
frame.y() + drag_offset.y());
window_move_loop_ = std::make_unique<CocoaWindowMoveLoop>(
this, gfx::ScreenPointToNSPoint(mouse_in_screen));
return window_move_loop_->Run();
// |this| may be destroyed during the RunLoop, causing it to exit early.
// Even if that doesn't happen, CocoaWindowMoveLoop will clean itself up by
// calling EndMoveLoop(). So window_move_loop_ will always be null before the
// function returns. But don't DCHECK since |this| might not be valid.
void NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::EndMoveLoop() {
void NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::SetCursor(NSCursor* cursor) {
[window_delegate_ setCursor:cursor];
void NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::SetCursor(const ui::Cursor& cursor) {
void NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::EnableImmersiveFullscreen(
uint64_t fullscreen_overlay_widget_id,
uint64_t tab_widget_id) {
NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge* tab_widget_bridge = GetFromId(tab_widget_id);
if (tab_widget_bridge) {
NSWindow* tab_window = tab_widget_bridge->ns_window();
immersive_mode_controller_ =
ns_window(), GetFromId(fullscreen_overlay_widget_id)->ns_window(),
} else {
immersive_mode_controller_ = std::make_unique<ImmersiveModeControllerCocoa>(
ns_window(), GetFromId(fullscreen_overlay_widget_id)->ns_window());
// It is possible for the fullscreen transition to complete before the
// immersive mode controller is created. Mark the transition as complete as
// needed here.
if (!fullscreen_controller_.IsInFullscreenTransition() &&
fullscreen_controller_.GetTargetFullscreenState()) {
// Reveal locks can outlive immersive_mode_controller_, re-establish any
// outstanding locks.
for (int i = 0; i < immersive_fullscreen_reveal_lock_count_; ++i) {
void NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::DisableImmersiveFullscreen() {
void NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::UpdateToolbarVisibility(
remote_cocoa::mojom::ToolbarVisibilityStyle style) {
if (immersive_mode_controller_) {
void NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::OnTopContainerViewBoundsChanged(
const gfx::Rect& bounds) {
if (immersive_mode_controller_) {
void NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::ImmersiveFullscreenRevealLock() {
if (immersive_mode_controller_) {
void NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::ImmersiveFullscreenRevealUnlock() {
DCHECK(immersive_fullscreen_reveal_lock_count_ >= 0);
if (immersive_mode_controller_) {
bool NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::ShouldUseCustomTitlebarHeightForFullscreen()
const {
return immersive_mode_controller_ &&
immersive_mode_controller_->is_initialized() &&
immersive_mode_controller_->IsTabbed() &&
void NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::OnImmersiveFullscreenToolbarRevealChanged(
bool is_revealed) {
void NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::OnImmersiveFullscreenMenuBarRevealChanged(
float reveal_amount) {
void NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::OnAutohidingMenuBarHeightChanged(
int menu_bar_height) {
void NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::SetCanGoBack(bool can_go_back) {
can_go_back_ = can_go_back;
void NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::SetCanGoForward(bool can_go_forward) {
can_go_forward_ = can_go_forward;
void NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::DisplayContextMenu(
mojom::ContextMenuPtr menu,
mojo::PendingRemote<mojom::MenuHost> host,
mojo::PendingReceiver<mojom::Menu> receiver) {
ContextMenuRunner runner(std::move(host), std::move(receiver));
NSView* target_view = GetNSViewFromId(menu->target_view_id);
runner.ShowMenu(std::move(menu), GetWindow(), target_view);
void NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::SetAllowScreenshots(bool allow) {
setSharingType:allow ? NSWindowSharingReadOnly : NSWindowSharingNone];
void NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::OnWindowWillClose() {
// Immersive full screen needs to be disabled synchronously when the window
// is closing. So disable it right away, rather than waiting for the browser
// process to signal us to disable immersive fullscreen after being informed
// of the window closing.
[window_ setCommandHandler:nil];
[window_ setCommandDispatcherDelegate:nil];
// Ensure NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge does not have capture, otherwise
// OnMouseCaptureLost() may reference a deleted |host_| when called via
// ~CocoaMouseCapture() upon the destruction of |mouse_capture_|. See
// https://crbug.com/622201. Also we do this before setting the delegate to
// nil, because this may lead to callbacks to bridge which rely on a valid
// delegate.
if (parent_) {
parent_ = nullptr;
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:window_delegate_];
[show_animation_ stopAnimation]; // If set, calls OnShowAnimationComplete().
[window_ setDelegate:nil];
[window_ setBridge:nullptr];
// Ensure that |this| cannot be reached by its id while it is being destroyed.
size_t erased = GetIdToWidgetImplMap().erase(id_);
DCHECK_EQ(1u, erased);
// Note: |this| and its host will be deleted here.
void NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::OnSizeChanged() {
void NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::OnPositionChanged() {
void NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::OnVisibilityChanged() {
const bool window_visible = [window_ isVisible];
if (window_visible_ == window_visible)
window_visible_ = window_visible;
// If arriving via SetVisible(), |wants_to_be_visible_| should already be set.
// If made visible externally (e.g. Cmd+H), just roll with it. Don't try (yet)
// to distinguish being *hidden* externally from being hidden by a parent
// window - we might not need that.
if (window_visible_) {
wants_to_be_visible_ = true;
if (parent_ && !window_visible_)
} else {
ReleaseCapture(); // Capture on hidden windows is not permitted.
// When becoming invisible, remove the entry in any parent's childWindow
// list. Cocoa's childWindow management breaks down when child windows are
// hidden.
if (parent_)
[parent_->ns_window() removeChildWindow:window_];
// Showing a translucent window after hiding it should trigger shadow
// invalidation.
if (window_visible && ![window_ isOpaque])
invalidate_shadow_on_frame_swap_ = true;
void NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::OnSystemColorsChanged() {
void NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::OnScreenOrBackingPropertiesChanged() {
void NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::OnWindowKeyStatusChangedTo(bool is_key) {
is_key, [window_ contentView] == [window_ firstResponder],
[NSApp isFullKeyboardAccessEnabled]);
// If the window just became key, this is a good chance to add child windows
// from when the window wasn't on the current space.
if (is_key)
void NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::SetSizeConstraints(const gfx::Size& min_size,
const gfx::Size& max_size,
bool is_resizable,
bool is_maximizable) {
// Don't modify the size constraints or fullscreen collection behavior while
// in fullscreen or during a transition.
if (!fullscreen_controller_.CanResize())
bool shows_resize_controls =
is_resizable && (min_size.IsEmpty() || min_size != max_size);
bool shows_fullscreen_controls = is_resizable && is_maximizable;
gfx::ApplyNSWindowSizeConstraints(window_, min_size, max_size,
void NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::OnShowAnimationComplete() {
show_animation_ = nil;
void NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::InitCompositorView(
InitCompositorViewCallback callback) {
// Use the regular window background for window modal sheets. The layer will
// still paint over most of it, but the native -[NSApp beginSheet:] animation
// blocks the UI thread, so there's no way to invalidate the shadow to match
// the composited layer. This assumes the native window shape is a good match
// for the composited NonClientFrameView, which should be the case since the
// native shape is what's most appropriate for displaying sheets on Mac.
if (is_translucent_window_ && !IsWindowModalSheet()) {
[window_ setOpaque:NO];
[window_ setBackgroundColor:[NSColor clearColor]];
// Don't block waiting for the initial frame of completely transparent
// windows. This allows us to avoid blocking on the UI thread e.g, while
// typing in the omnibox. Note window modal sheets _must_ wait: there is no
// way for a frame to arrive during AppKit's sheet animation.
// https://crbug.com/712268
ca_transaction_sync_suppressed_ = true;
} else {
// Send the initial window geometry and screen properties. Any future changes
// will be forwarded.
// Inform the browser of the CGWindowID for this NSWindow.
std::move(callback).Run([window_ windowNumber]);
void NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::SortSubviews(
const std::vector<uint64_t>& attached_subview_ids) {
// Ignore layer manipulation during a Close(). This can be reached during the
// orderOut: in Close(), which notifies visibility changes to Views.
if (!bridged_view_)
RankMap rank;
for (uint64_t subview_id : attached_subview_ids) {
if (NSView* subview = remote_cocoa::GetNSViewFromId(subview_id))
rank[subview] = rank.size() + 1;
[bridged_view_ sortSubviewsUsingFunction:&SubviewSorter context:&rank];
void NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::SetAnimationEnabled(bool animate) {
setAnimationBehavior:(animate ? NSWindowAnimationBehaviorDocumentWindow
: NSWindowAnimationBehaviorNone)];
bool NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::ShouldRunCustomAnimationFor(
VisibilityTransition transition) const {
// The logic around this needs to change if new transition types are set.
// E.g. it would be nice to distinguish "hide" from "close". Mac currently
// treats "hide" only as "close". Hide (e.g. Cmd+h) should not animate on Mac.
if (transitions_to_animate_ != transition &&
transitions_to_animate_ != VisibilityTransition::kBoth) {
return false;
// Custom animations are only used for tab-modals.
bool widget_is_modal = false;
if (!widget_is_modal)
return false;
// Note this also checks the native animation property. Clearing that will
// also disable custom animations to ensure that the views::Widget API
// behaves consistently.
if ([window_ animationBehavior] == NSWindowAnimationBehaviorNone)
return false;
if (base::CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch(
switches::kDisableModalAnimations)) {
return false;
return true;
bool NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::RedispatchKeyEvent(NSEvent* event) {
return [[window_ commandDispatcher] redispatchKeyEvent:event];
NSWindow* NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::ns_window() {
return window_;
DragDropClient* NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::drag_drop_client() {
return host_helper_->GetDragDropClient();
// NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge, display::DisplayObserver:
void NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::OnDisplayAdded(
const display::Display& display) {
void NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::OnDisplaysRemoved(
const display::Displays& removed_displays) {
void NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::OnDisplayMetricsChanged(
const display::Display& display,
uint32_t metrics) {
// NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge, NativeWidgetNSWindowFullscreenController::Client:
void NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::FullscreenControllerTransitionStart(
bool is_target_fullscreen) {
if (!is_target_fullscreen) {
// Immersive full screen needs to be disabled synchronously during the
// fullscreen transition. So disable it right away, rather than waiting for
// the browser process to signal us to disable immersive fullscreen after
// being informed of the start of the transition.
void NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::FullscreenControllerTransitionComplete(
bool is_fullscreen) {
// Add any children that were skipped during the fullscreen transition.
if (is_fullscreen && immersive_mode_controller_) {
void NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::FullscreenControllerSetFrame(
const gfx::Rect& frame,
bool animate,
base::OnceCallback<void()> completion_callback) {
NSRect ns_frame = gfx::ScreenRectToNSRect(frame);
base::TimeDelta transition_time = base::Seconds(0);
if (animate)
transition_time = base::Seconds([window_ animationResizeTime:ns_frame]);
__block base::OnceCallback<void()> complete = std::move(completion_callback);
runAnimationGroup:^(NSAnimationContext* context) {
[context setDuration:transition_time.InSecondsF()];
[[window_ animator] setFrame:ns_frame display:YES animate:animate];
void NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::FullscreenControllerToggleFullscreen() {
// AppKit implicitly makes the fullscreen window visible, so avoid going
// fullscreen in headless mode. Instead, toggle the expected fullscreen state
// and fake the relevant callbacks for the fullscreen controller to
// believe the fullscreen state was toggled.
if (headless_mode_window_) {
headless_mode_window_->fullscreen_state =
if (headless_mode_window_->fullscreen_state) {
} else {
bool is_key_window = [window_ isKeyWindow];
[window_ toggleFullScreen:nil];
// Ensure the transitioning window maintains focus.
// When a key window moves to a different space, AppKit will focus a
// different window on the previously focused space to become key, which can
// break cross-display fullscreen transitions by losing focus of the
// transitioning window (crbug.com/1338659) or changing the z-order of
// windows on the previous space. Making the window key here seems to
// alleviate those apparent defects (crbug.com/1392542).
if (is_key_window)
[window_ makeKeyAndOrderFront:nil];
void NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::FullscreenControllerCloseWindow() {
[window_ close];
int64_t NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::FullscreenControllerGetDisplayId() const {
return GetDisplayForWindow(window_).id();
gfx::Rect NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::FullscreenControllerGetFrameForDisplay(
int64_t display_id) const {
display::Display display;
if (display::Screen::GetScreen()->GetDisplayWithDisplayId(display_id,
&display)) {
// Use the current window size to avoid unexpected window resizes on
// subsequent cross-screen window drag and drops; see crbug.com/1338664
return gfx::Rect(display.work_area().origin(),
return gfx::Rect();
gfx::Rect NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::FullscreenControllerGetFrame() const {
return gfx::ScreenRectFromNSRect([window_ frame]);
// NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge, ui::CATransactionObserver
bool NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::ShouldWaitInPreCommit() {
if (!window_visible_)
return false;
if (ca_transaction_sync_suppressed_)
return false;
if (!bridged_view_)
return false;
if (content_dip_size_.IsEmpty())
return false;
// Suppress synchronous CA transactions during AppKit fullscreen transition
// since there is no need for updates during such transition.
// Re-layout and re-paint will be done after the transition. See
// https://crbug.com/875707 for potential problems if we don't suppress.
if (fullscreen_controller_.IsInFullscreenTransition())
return false;
return content_dip_size_ != compositor_frame_dip_size_;
base::TimeDelta NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::PreCommitTimeout() {
return kUIPaintTimeout;
// NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge, CocoaMouseCaptureDelegate:
bool NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::PostCapturedEvent(NSEvent* event) {
[bridged_view_ processCapturedMouseEvent:event];
return true;
void NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::OnMouseCaptureLost() {
NSWindow* NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::GetWindow() const {
return window_;
// TODO(ccameron): Update class names to:
// NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge, NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge:
void NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::SetVisibleOnAllSpaces(bool always_visible) {
gfx::SetNSWindowVisibleOnAllWorkspaces(window_, always_visible);
void NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::SetZoomed(bool zoomed) {
const bool window_zoomed = [window_ isZoomed];
if (window_zoomed == zoomed)
[window_ performZoom:nil];
void NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::EnterFullscreen(int64_t target_display_id) {
// Going fullscreen implicitly makes the window visible. AppKit does this.
// That is, -[NSWindow isVisible] is always true after a call to -[NSWindow
// toggleFullScreen:]. Unfortunately, this change happens after AppKit calls
// -[NSWindowDelegate windowWillEnterFullScreen:], and AppKit doesn't send
// an orderWindow message. So intercepting the implicit change is hard.
// Luckily, to trigger externally, the window typically needs to be visible
// in the first place. So we can just ensure the window is visible here
// instead of relying on AppKit to do it, and not worry that
// OnVisibilityChanged() won't be called for externally triggered fullscreen
// requests.
if (!window_visible_)
// Enable fullscreen collection behavior because:
// 1: -[NSWindow toggleFullscreen:] would otherwise be ignored,
// 2: the fullscreen button must be enabled so the user can leave
// fullscreen. This will be reset when a transition out of fullscreen
// completes.
gfx::SetNSWindowCanFullscreen(window_, true);
void NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::ExitFullscreen() {
// TODO(https://crbug.com/357082344): Do not set
// `NSWindowCollectionBehaviorPrimary` if the window does not already have this
// flag set by `SetCanAppearInExistingFullscreenSpaces(true)`
void NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::SetCanAppearInExistingFullscreenSpaces(
bool can_appear_in_existing_fullscreen_spaces) {
NSWindowCollectionBehavior collectionBehavior = window_.collectionBehavior;
if (can_appear_in_existing_fullscreen_spaces) {
if (@available(macOS 13.0, *)) {
collectionBehavior &= ~NSWindowCollectionBehaviorPrimary;
collectionBehavior |= NSWindowCollectionBehaviorFullScreenAuxiliary;
collectionBehavior &= ~NSWindowCollectionBehaviorFullScreenPrimary;
} else {
if (@available(macOS 13.0, *)) {
collectionBehavior |= NSWindowCollectionBehaviorPrimary;
collectionBehavior |= NSWindowCollectionBehaviorFullScreenPrimary;
collectionBehavior &= ~NSWindowCollectionBehaviorFullScreenAuxiliary;
window_.collectionBehavior = collectionBehavior;
void NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::SetMiniaturized(bool miniaturized) {
// In headless mode the platform window is always hidden and WebKit
// will not deminiaturize hidden windows. So instead of changing the window
// miniaturization state just lie to the upper layer pretending the window did
// change its state. We don't need to keep track of the requested state here
// because the host will do this.
if (headless_mode_window_) {
if (miniaturized) {
// Calling performMiniaturize: will momentarily highlight the button, but
// AppKit will reject it if there is no miniaturize button.
if ([window_ styleMask] & NSWindowStyleMaskMiniaturizable)
[window_ performMiniaturize:nil];
[window_ miniaturize:nil];
} else {
[window_ deminiaturize:nil];
void NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::SetOpacity(float opacity) {
[window_ setAlphaValue:opacity];
void NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::SetWindowLevel(int32_t level) {
[window_ setLevel:level];
[bridged_view_ updateCursorTrackingArea];
// Windows that have a higher window level than NSNormalWindowLevel default to
// NSWindowCollectionBehaviorTransient. Set the value explicitly here to match
// normal windows.
NSWindowCollectionBehavior behavior =
[window_ collectionBehavior] | NSWindowCollectionBehaviorManaged;
[window_ setCollectionBehavior:behavior];
void NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::SetAspectRatio(
const gfx::SizeF& aspect_ratio,
const gfx::Size& excluded_margin) {
[window_delegate_ setAspectRatio:aspect_ratio.width() / aspect_ratio.height()
void NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::SetCALayerParams(
const gfx::CALayerParams& ca_layer_params) {
// Ignore frames arriving "late" for an old size. A frame at the new size
// should arrive soon.
// TODO(danakj): We should avoid lossy conversions to integer DIPs.
gfx::Size frame_dip_size = gfx::ToFlooredSize(gfx::ConvertSizeToDips(
ca_layer_params.pixel_size, ca_layer_params.scale_factor));
if (content_dip_size_ != frame_dip_size)
compositor_frame_dip_size_ = frame_dip_size;
// Update the DisplayCALayerTree with the most recent CALayerParams, to make
// the content display on-screen.
if (ca_transaction_sync_suppressed_)
ca_transaction_sync_suppressed_ = false;
if (invalidate_shadow_on_frame_swap_) {
invalidate_shadow_on_frame_swap_ = false;
[window_ invalidateShadow];
void NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::SetIgnoresMouseEvents(
bool ignores_mouse_events) {
[window_ setIgnoresMouseEvents:ignores_mouse_events];
void NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::MakeFirstResponder() {
[window_ makeFirstResponder:bridged_view_];
void NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::SetWindowTitle(const std::u16string& title) {
// Delay setting the window title until after any menu tracking is complete.
if (NSRunLoop.currentRunLoop.currentMode == NSEventTrackingRunLoopMode) {
// Install one run loop trigger to handle all the pending titles.
if (GetPendingWindowTitleMap().empty()) {
[NSRunLoop.currentRunLoop getCFRunLoop], kCFRunLoopDefaultMode, ^{
for (const auto& pending_title : GetPendingWindowTitleMap()) {
pending_title.first.title =
GetPendingWindowTitleMap()[window_] = title;
} else {
window_.title = base::SysUTF16ToNSString(title);
// In case there is an unfired run loop trigger, erase any pending title so
// that the new title now being set doesn't get smashed.
void NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::ClearTouchBar() {
[bridged_view_ setTouchBar:nil];
void NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::UpdateTooltip() {
NSPoint nspoint = [window_ convertPointFromScreen:NSEvent.mouseLocation];
// Note: flip in the view's frame, which matches the window's contentRect.
gfx::Point point(nspoint.x, NSHeight([bridged_view_ frame]) - nspoint.y);
[bridged_view_ updateTooltipIfRequiredAt:point];
bool NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::NeedsUpdateWindows() {
return [bridged_view_ needsUpdateWindows];
void NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::RedispatchKeyEvent(
const std::vector<uint8_t>& native_event_data) {
// NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge, former BridgedNativeWidgetOwner:
void NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::RemoveChildWindow(
NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge* child) {
auto location = base::ranges::find(child_windows_, child);
DCHECK(location != child_windows_.end());
// Note the child is sometimes removed already by AppKit. This depends on OS
// version, and possibly some unpredictable reference counting. Removing it
// here should be safe regardless.
[window_ removeChildWindow:child->window_];
// NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge, private:
void NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::OrderChildren() {
// Adding a child to a window that isn't visible on the active space will
// switch to that space (https://crbug.com/783521, https://crbug.com/798792).
// Bail here (and call OrderChildren() in a few places) to defer adding
// children until the window is visible.
NSWindow* window = window_;
if (!window.isVisible || !window.isOnActiveSpace)
for (auto* child : child_windows_) {
if (!child->wants_to_be_visible())
NSWindow* child_window = child->window_;
if (child->IsWindowModalSheet()) {
if (!child->window_visible_)
// Sheets don't need a parentWindow set, and setting one causes graphical
// glitches (http://crbug.com/605098).
} else {
if (child_window.parentWindow == window)
if (immersive_mode_controller_ &&
immersive_mode_controller_->overlay_window() == child_window) {
[window addChildWindow:child_window ordered:NSWindowAbove];
void NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::RemoveOrDestroyChildren() {
// TODO(tapted): Implement unowned child windows if required.
while (!child_windows_.empty()) {
// The NSWindow can only be destroyed after -[NSWindow close] is complete.
// Retain the window, otherwise the reference count can reach zero when the
// child calls back into RemoveChildWindow() via its OnWindowWillClose().
NSWindow* __attribute__((objc_precise_lifetime)) child =
[child close];
void NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::CheckAndNotifyZoomedStateChanged() {
const bool window_zoomed = [window_ isZoomed];
if (window_zoomed_ == window_zoomed)
window_zoomed_ = window_zoomed;
// Notify that the window's zoomed state has changed.
void NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::NotifyVisibilityChangeDown() {
// Child windows sometimes like to close themselves in response to visibility
// changes. That's supported, but only with the asynchronous Widget::Close().
// Perform a heuristic to detect child removal that would break these loops.
const size_t child_count = child_windows_.size();
if (!window_visible_) {
for (NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge* child : child_windows_) {
if (child->window_visible_) {
[child->ns_window() orderOut:nil];
CHECK_EQ(child_count, child_windows_.size());
// The orderOut calls above should result in a call to OnVisibilityChanged()
// in each child. There, children will remove themselves from the NSWindow
// childWindow list as well as propagate NotifyVisibilityChangeDown() calls
// to any children of their own. However this is only true for windows
// managed by the NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge i.e. windows which have
// ViewsNSWindowDelegate as the delegate.
DCHECK_EQ(0u, CountBridgedWindows([window_ childWindows]));
void NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::UpdateWindowGeometry() {
gfx::Rect window_in_screen = gfx::ScreenRectFromNSRect([window_ frame]);
gfx::Rect content_in_screen = gfx::ScreenRectFromNSRect(
[window_ contentRectForFrameRect:[window_ frame]]);
bool content_resized = content_dip_size_ != content_in_screen.size();
content_dip_size_ = content_in_screen.size();
host_->OnWindowGeometryChanged(window_in_screen, content_in_screen);
if (content_resized && !ca_transaction_sync_suppressed_)
// For a translucent window, the shadow calculation needs to be carried out
// after the frame from the compositor arrives.
if (content_resized && ![window_ isOpaque])
invalidate_shadow_on_frame_swap_ = true;
void NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::UpdateWindowDisplay() {
if (fullscreen_controller_.IsInFullscreenTransition())
bool NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::IsWindowModalSheet() const {
return parent_ && modal_type_ == ui::mojom::ModalType::kWindow;
void NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::ShowAsModalSheet() {
// -[NSWindow beginSheet:completionHandler:] will block the UI thread while
// the animation runs. So that it doesn't animate a fully transparent window,
// first wait for a frame. The first step is to pretend that the window is
// already visible.
window_visible_ = true;
NSWindow* parent_window = parent_->ns_window();
if (NativeWidgetMacNSWindow* parent_widget_window =
base::apple::ObjCCast<NativeWidgetMacNSWindow>(parent_window)) {
parent_window = [parent_widget_window preferredSheetParent];
NSWindow* __weak weak_window = window_;
// Don't show a sheet twice. If a sheet is shown twice but endSheet: only
// once it will leave a dangling blank sheet. This happened when the browser
// is restored from minimization.
if (parent_window.attachedSheet == window_) {
auto begin_sheet_closure = base::BindOnce(^{
[parent_window beginSheet:window_
completionHandler:^(NSModalResponse return_code) {
// This class, NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge, clears the window's
// delegate as an indication of its death, in which case this
// completion handler will no-op. This is necessary to handle
// AppKit invoking this selector via a posted task. See
// https://crbug.com/851376.
NSWindow* window = weak_window;
if (!window.delegate) {
// Make sure to mark ourselves as not wanting to be visible.
// Otherwise if during the orderOut call our parent becomes the
// key window, it would try to show us as a new modal sheet.
wants_to_be_visible_ = false;
[window orderOut:nil];
if (host_helper_->MustPostTaskToRunModalSheetAnimation()) {
// This function is called via mojo when using remote cocoa. Inside the
// nested run loop, we will wait for a message providing the correctly-sized
// frame for the new sheet. This message will not be processed until we
// return from handling this message, because it will coming on the same
// pipe. Avoid the resulting hang by posting a task to show the modal
// sheet (which will be executed on a fresh stack, which will not block
// the message).
// https://crbug.com/1234509
FROM_HERE, std::move(begin_sheet_closure));
} else {
bool NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::window_visible() const {
// In headless mode the platform window is always hidden, so instead of
// returning the actual platform window visibility state tracked by
// OnVisibilityChanged() callback, return the expected visibility state
// maintained by SetVisibilityState() call.
return headless_mode_window_ ? headless_mode_window_->visibility_state
: window_visible_;
} // namespace remote_cocoa