// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module remote_cocoa.mojom;
// Equivalent to gfx::PlatformFontMac::SystemFontType.
enum SystemFont {
enum FontWeight {
kThin = 100,
kExtraLight = 200,
kLight = 300,
kNormal = 400,
kMedium = 500,
kSemibold = 600,
kBold = 700,
kExtraBold = 800,
kBlack = 900,
// PlatformFontMac requires system fonts to be specified as enum rather than
// font name, as such the name of a font is either a system font identifier or a
// string.
union FontName {
SystemFont system_font;
string regular_font;
// Allows passing a gfx::Font over mojo, to let remote_cocoa code render text
// using fonts determined by the TypographyProvider in the browser process.
// These fonts should come from trustworthy sources.
struct Font {
FontName name;
uint32 size;
uint32 style;
FontWeight weight;