// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto2";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
package reporting;
import "components/reporting/proto/synced/health.proto";
import "components/reporting/proto/synced/record_constants.proto";
import "components/reporting/proto/synced/record.proto";
import "components/reporting/proto/synced/status.proto";
// ------------ CLIENT/USER REQUEST AND RESPONSES -----------------
// EnqueueRecordRequest enqueues records for encryption,
// storage, and upload.
message EnqueueRecordRequest {
// Record the user wants to enqueue.
optional Record record = 1;
// Priority from
// //chrome/cros/reporting/api/proto/synced/record_constants.proto
// indicates what priority queue the record should be included in.
optional Priority priority = 2;
// Flag indicating health data logging state (`true` means "enable logging").
// Can only be present when originating from Ash.
optional bool health_data_logging_enabled = 3 [default = false];
// EnqueueRecordResponse indicates the enqueue success or
// failure.
message EnqueueRecordResponse {
// Indicates success or failure of EnqueueRecordRequest.
// Specific error codes indicate if a retry is appropriate.
// Expected errors:
// "The daemon is unable to locate the public key for record encryption."
// - Not Retryable
// "The daemon has insufficient permissions to read/write from/to disk"
// - Not Retryable
// "Policy controlling daemon is either unset or off."
// - Not Retryable
// "The daemon is still starting."
// - Retryable
// "The daemon has no available threads for processing"
// - Retryable
optional StatusProto status = 1;
// Portion of debug logging (if enabled).
optional ERPHealthData health_data = 2;
// FlushPriorityRequest requests that the indicated priority
// queue is flushed (records are uploaded to the server).
message FlushPriorityRequest {
// Priority of the desired queue. Defaults to MANUAL_BATCH.
optional Priority priority = 1 [default = MANUAL_BATCH];
// Flag indicating health data logging state (`true` means "enable logging").
// Can only be present when originating from Ash.
optional bool health_data_logging_enabled = 2 [default = false];
// FlushPriorityResponse indicates success or failure of
// processing FlushPriorityRequest.
message FlushPriorityResponse {
// Indicates success or failure of FlushPriorityRequest.
// Specific error codes indicate if a retry is appropriate.
// Expected errors:
// "The daemon is unable to locate the public key for record encryption."
// - Not Retryable
// "The daemon has insufficient permissions to read/write from/to disk"
// - Not Retryable
// "Policy controlling daemon is either unset or off."
// - Not Retryable
// "The daemon is still starting."
// - Retryable
optional StatusProto status = 1;
// Portion of debug logging (if enabled).
optional ERPHealthData health_data = 2;
// --------------- CHROME CALLS AND RESPONSES -------------------
// Daemon DBus call to Chrome for uploading records. The Daemon sends a
// batch of records, and the Upload Service accepts as many (but at least
// one) as it can for upload. Records not sent for upload can be sent again
// at a later time.
message UploadEncryptedRecordRequest {
repeated EncryptedRecord encrypted_record = 1;
// Must be either true or absent. If true, server should send the server's
// public values in the next response. It corresponds to the
// "attachEncryptionSettings" field in the payload.
optional bool need_encryption_keys = 2;
// The remaining storage capacity in bytes.
optional uint64 remaining_storage_capacity = 3;
// The rate (bytes/sec) at which new events are added to the storage.
optional uint64 new_events_rate = 4;
// Portion of debug logging (if enabled).
optional ERPHealthData health_data = 5;
message UploadEncryptedRecordResponse {
// Status indicates if the records will be uploaded.
// Expected Errors:
// "No internet connection. Unable to upload records at this time."
// - Retryable
// "Policy controlling reporting upload is unset or off."
// - Not Retryable
optional StatusProto status = 1;
// Flag indicating that missived should be disabled, if set to `true`:
// for example, because Chrome got a bad (dummy) API key - see b/239253702.
optional bool disable = 2 [default = false];
// Flag indicating health data logging state (`true` means "enable logging").
// Can only be present when originating from Ash.
optional bool health_data_logging_enabled = 3 [default = false];
// List of sequence ids that are cached by Ash.
// `missived` will not send to Ash the records with listed sequence ids.
// Backwards compatibility: absent from responses by earlier Ash builds and
// ignored by earlier `missived` builds.
repeated int64 cached_events_seq_ids = 4;
// ConfirmRecordUploadRequest is expected to only come from
// Chrome and indicates the record with the provided
// SequenceInformation successfully uploaded. It is
// only sent by Chrome after a successful upload.
message ConfirmRecordUploadRequest {
// SequenceInformation of the successfully uploaded record.
// SequenceInformation is part of the UploadEncryptedRecordRequest
// sent to Chrome.
optional SequenceInformation sequence_information = 1;
// If true, daemon should update to the provided sequence_information
// regardless of its current state.
optional bool force_confirm = 2;
// Flag indicating health data logging state (`true` means "enable logging").
// Can only be present when originating from Ash.
optional bool health_data_logging_enabled = 3 [default = false];
// ConfirmRecordUploadResponse indicates that the request was
// successfully resolved. In the event that the daemon is unable
// to process the ConfirmRecordUploadeRequest it is safe to drop it.
// On the next upload, the server will ignore all records with
// SequenceInformation lower than the highest it has processed.
// The next ConfirmRecordUploadRequest will ensure that they are
// deleted from disk. Some data transmission will be repeated, but
// data will not be lost.
message ConfirmRecordUploadResponse {
// Indicates success or failure of ConfirmRecordUploadRequest.
// Specific error codes indicate if a retry is appropriate.
// Expected errors:
// "The daemon has insufficient permissions to read/write from/to disk"
// - Not Retryable
// "Policy controlling daemon is either unset or off."
// - Not Retryable
// "The daemon is still starting."
// - Retryable
optional StatusProto status = 1;
// Portion of debug logging (if enabled).
optional ERPHealthData health_data = 2;
// UpdateEncryptionKeyRequest sends a SignedEncryptionInfo to the daemon.
message UpdateEncryptionKeyRequest {
optional SignedEncryptionInfo signed_encryption_info = 1;
message UpdateEncryptionKeyResponse {
// Indicates success or failure of UpdateEncryptionKeyRequest.
// Specific error codes indicate if a retry is appropriate.
// Expected errors:
// "The daemon has insufficient permissions to read/write from/to disk"
// - Not Retryable
// "Policy controlling daemon is either unset or off."
// - Not Retryable
// "The daemon is still starting."
// - Retryable
optional StatusProto status = 1;
// UpdateConfigInMissiveRequest sends a the information received from the
// server configuration file that missive needs.
message UpdateConfigInMissiveRequest {
// Repeated field for the blocked destinations gotten from the configuration
// file fetched from the server.
optional ListOfBlockedDestinations list_of_blocked_destinations = 1;
message UpdateConfigInMissiveResponse {
// Indicates success or failure of UpdateEncryptionKeyRequest.
// Specific error codes indicate if a retry is appropriate.
// Expected errors:
// "The daemon has insufficient permissions to read/write from/to disk"
// - Not Retryable
// "Policy controlling daemon is either unset or off."
// - Not Retryable
// "The daemon is still starting."
// - Retryable
optional StatusProto status = 1;