// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto2";
import "components/reporting/proto/synced/session_affiliated_user.proto";
import "components/services/app_service/public/protos/app_types.proto";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
package reporting;
// Diagnostics routine verdict.
enum RoutineVerdict {
// Routine ran successfully and no connectivity problem found.
// Routine ran successfully and connectivity problem found.
// Routine has not been run.
NOT_RUN = 3;
// Https latency problems.
enum HttpsLatencyProblem {
// One or more DNS resolutions resulted in a failure.
// One or more HTTPS requests resulted in a failure.
// HTTPS request latency is high.
// HTTPS request latency is very high.
// Data that describe the result of the https latency diagnostics routine.
// Default checking rate: 10 mins.
// Policy: ReportDeviceNetworkStatus
// Policy default: true
message HttpsLatencyRoutineData {
// Https latency routine verdict.
optional RoutineVerdict verdict = 1;
// Https latency routine problem if a problem occurred.
optional HttpsLatencyProblem problem = 2;
// Https latency in milliseconds if routine succeeded or failed because of
optional int64 latency_ms = 3;
// Data describing observed network bandwidth
// Default checking rate: 60 mins.
// Checking rate policy: ReportDeviceNetworkTelemetryCollectionRateMs
// Policy: ReportDeviceNetworkStatus
// Policy default: true
message BandwidthData {
// Download speed in kbps
optional int64 download_speed_kbps = 1;
// Upload speed in kbps
optional int64 upload_speed_kbps = 2;
// Network connection state.
enum NetworkConnectionState {
// The network is connected and internet connectivity is available.
// The network is connected and not in a detected portal state, but
// internet connectivity may not be available.
// The network is connected but a portal state was detected. Internet
// connectivity may be limited.
// The network is in the process of connecting.
// The network is not connected.
// Network connection type.
enum NetworkType {
VPN = 4;
WIFI = 5;
// A single network telemetry data collected at a specific point of time.
// Contained inside the `NetworksTelemetry` message.
// Default checking rate: 60 mins.
// Checking rate policy: ReportDeviceNetworkTelemetryCollectionRateMs,
// Policy: ReportDeviceNetworkStatus
// Policy default: true
message NetworkTelemetry {
// Unique identifier of the network.
optional string guid = 1;
// Current connection state of the network.
optional NetworkConnectionState connection_state = 2;
// Signal strength of the network provided only for wireless networks. Values
// are normalized between 0 to 100 inclusive.
optional int32 signal_strength = 3;
// For networks associated with a device, the path of the device.
optional string device_path = 4;
// The IP address this interface is bound to, if any.
optional string ip_address = 5;
// The gateway IP for this interface, if any.
optional string gateway = 6;
// Network connection type.
optional NetworkType type = 7;
reserved 8;
// Transmission bit rate measured in Mbps.
optional int64 tx_bit_rate_mbps = 9;
// Receiving bit rate measured in Mbps.
optional int64 rx_bit_rate_mbps = 10;
// Transmission power measured in dBm.
optional int32 tx_power_dbm = 11;
// Is wifi encryption key on or not.
optional bool encryption_on = 12;
// Wifi link quality.
optional int64 link_quality = 13;
// Wifi power management enabled
optional bool power_management_enabled = 14;
// Signal strength for wireless networks in dBm.
optional int32 signal_strength_dbm = 15;
// Message describing the NETWORK_CONNECTION_STATE_CHANGE event.
// Policy: ReportDeviceNetworkStatus
// Policy default: true
// Triggered by an event, not collected periodically or once per boot.
// Triggered when there is a network state change from one stage to another one.
message NetworkConnectionStateChangeEventData {
// Unique identifier of the network.
optional string guid = 1;
// New connection state of the network.
optional NetworkConnectionState connection_state = 2;
// Message describing the WIFI_SIGNAL_STRENGTH_LOW and
// Policy: ReportDeviceNetworkStatus
// Policy default: true
// Triggered by an event, not collected periodically or once per boot.
// Triggered when the signal of the WiFi network drops below the
// dbm threshold of -70 or if the signal was low and it improves
// above the threshold we also report it.
message SignalStrengthEventData {
// Unique identifier of the network.
optional string guid = 1;
// Signal strength value in dBm.
optional int32 signal_strength_dbm = 2;
// Configured networks telemetry data. This is umbrella networks telemetry proto
// containing multiple network telemetry types, for the specific network
// telemetry take a look at the NetworkTelemetry message. Each of the internal
// messages have separate collection/reporting rates. Policy:
// ReportDeviceNetworkStatus Policy default: true
message NetworksTelemetry {
// List of each network telemetry.
repeated NetworkTelemetry network_telemetry = 1;
// Https latency diagnostics routine result.
optional HttpsLatencyRoutineData https_latency_data = 2;
// Observed bandwidth data for active connection
optional BandwidthData bandwidth_data = 3;
// Network connection data describing the NETWORK_CONNECTION_STATE_CHANGE
// event.
optional NetworkConnectionStateChangeEventData
network_connection_change_event_data = 4;
// Signal strength data describing the WIFI_SIGNAL_STRENGTH_LOW and
optional SignalStrengthEventData signal_strength_event_data = 5;
// Security level of the thunderbolt bus.
enum ThunderboltSecurityLevel {
// All devices are automatically connected by the firmware. No user approval
// is needed.
// User is asked whether the device is allowed to be connected.
// User is asked whether the device is allowed to be connected. In addition
// the device is sent a challenge that should match the expected one based on
// a random key written to the key sysfs attribute
// The firmware automatically creates tunnels for thunderbolt.
// The firmware automatically creates tunnels for the USB controller and
// Display Port in a dock. All PCIe links downstream of the dock are removed.
// PCIE tunneling is disabled.
// Collected once per boot.
// Policy: ReportDeviceSecurityStatus
// Policy default: false
message ThunderboltInfo {
optional ThunderboltSecurityLevel security_level = 1;
// Currently we are only reporting bus device info for thunderbolt, though we
// will certainly add more in the future.
// Collected once per boot.
// Policy: ReportDeviceSecurityStatus
// Policy default: false
message BusDeviceInfo {
repeated ThunderboltInfo thunderbolt_info = 1;
enum MemoryEncryptionState {
// The memory encryption state is unknown.
// Memory encrpytion on the device is disabled.
// Memory encryption on the device uses total memory encryption.
// Memory encryption on the device uses multi-key total memory encryption.
enum MemoryEncryptionAlgorithm {
// The memory encryption algorithm being used is unknown.
// The memory encryption algorithm is using the AES_XTS encryption algorithm
// with a 128 bit block cypher.
// The memory encryption algorithm is using the AES_XTS encryption algorithm
// with a 256 bit block cypher.
// Collected once per boot.
// Policy: ReportDeviceMemoryInfo
// Policy default: false
message TotalMemoryEncryptionInfo {
// The state of memory encryption on the device.
optional MemoryEncryptionState encryption_state = 1;
// The maximum number of keys that can be used for encryption.
optional int64 max_keys = 2;
// The length of the encryption keys.
optional int64 key_length = 3;
// The encryption algorithm being used on the device.
optional MemoryEncryptionAlgorithm encryption_algorithm = 4;
// Collected once per boot.
// Policy: ReportDeviceMemoryInfo
// Policy default: false
message MemoryInfo {
// TME info for the device.
optional TotalMemoryEncryptionInfo tme_info = 1;
enum NetworkDeviceType {
// Info details about network interface.
message NetworkInterface {
// Network device type.
optional NetworkDeviceType type = 1;
// MAC address (if applicable) of the corresponding network device. This is
// formatted as an ASCII string with 12 hex digits. Example: A0B1C2D3E4F5.
optional string mac_address = 2;
// MEID (if applicable) of the corresponding network device. Formatted as
// ASCII string composed of 14 hex digits. Example: A10000009296F2.
optional string meid = 3;
// IMEI (if applicable) of the corresponding network device. 15-16 decimal
// digits encoded as ASCII string. Example: 355402040158759.
optional string imei = 4;
// The device path associated with this network interface.
optional string device_path = 5;
// The integrated circuit card ID associated with the device's sim card.
optional string iccid = 6;
// The mobile directory number associated with the device's sim card.
optional string mdn = 7;
// List of EID (EUICC Identifier) of all cellular EUICCs
// (Embedded Universal Integrated Circuit Cards) on the device.
// 32 decimal digits encoded as ASCII string.
repeated string eids = 8;
// Networks info data.
// Collected once per boot.
// Policy: ReportDeviceNetworkStatus
// Policy default: true
message NetworksInfo {
repeated NetworkInterface network_interfaces = 1;
// Touch screens info data.
// Collected once per boot.
// Policy: ReportDeviceGraphicsStatus
// Policy default: false
message TouchScreenInfo {
// The touchpad library name used by the input stack.
optional string library_name = 1;
// List of the touchscreen devices.
repeated TouchScreenDevice touch_screen_devices = 2;
// Information about the internal touch screen of a device.
message TouchScreenDevice {
// Name of the device (touchscreen).
optional string display_name = 1;
// Number of touch points this device supports.
optional int32 touch_points = 2;
// True if the specified touchscreen device is stylus capable.
optional bool has_stylus = 3;
// Information about ePrivacy Screens
// Collected once per boot.
// Policy: ReportDeviceGraphicsStatus
// Policy default: false
message PrivacyScreenInfo {
// If ePrivacy Screen is supported on the device.
optional bool supported = 1;
// Information about the displays.
// Collected once per boot.
// Policy: ReportDeviceGraphicsStatus
// Policy default: false
message DisplayInfo {
// Info on all the screens the device has.
repeated DisplayDevice display_device = 1;
// Information on one display.
message DisplayDevice {
// Name of display product.
optional string display_name = 1;
// Display width in millimeters.
optional int32 display_width = 2;
// Display height in millimeters.
optional int32 display_height = 3;
// Internal or external display.
optional bool is_internal = 4;
// Three letter manufacturer ID.
optional string manufacturer = 5;
// Manufacturer product code.
optional int32 model_id = 6;
// Year of manufacture.
optional int32 manufacture_year = 7;
// Information about keylocker. This is supported on Intel CPUs.
message KeylockerInfo {
// If keylocker is supported on the devices CPUs.
optional bool supported = 1;
// If keylocker is configured on the devices CPUs.
optional bool configured = 2;
// Collected once per boot.
// Policy: ReportDeviceCpuInfo
// Policy default: false
message CpuInfo {
// Information about keylocker for the devices CPUs.
optional KeylockerInfo keylocker_info = 1;
// Data that is considered immutable, should only be reported on startup and
// policy enablment.
message InfoData {
// CPU info for the device.
optional CpuInfo cpu_info = 1;
// Bus Device info for the device.
optional BusDeviceInfo bus_device_info = 2;
// Memory info for the device.
optional MemoryInfo memory_info = 3;
// Network interfaces info.
optional NetworksInfo networks_info = 4;
// Touch screen info.
optional TouchScreenInfo touch_screen_info = 5;
// Information about the ePrivacy Screen.
optional PrivacyScreenInfo privacy_screen_info = 6;
// Information about the displays.
optional DisplayInfo display_info = 7;
// Audio telemetry data recorded intermittently
// Default checking rate: 15 mins.
// Checking rate policy: ReportDeviceAudioStatusCheckingRateMs
// Policy: ReportDeviceAudioStatus
// Policy default: true
message AudioTelemetry {
// Is active output device mute or not.
optional bool output_mute = 1;
// Is active input device mute or not.
optional bool input_mute = 2;
// Active output device's volume in [0, 100].
optional int32 output_volume = 3;
// Active output device's name.
optional string output_device_name = 4;
// Active input device's gain in [0, 100].
optional int32 input_gain = 5;
// Active input device's name.
optional string input_device_name = 6;
// Boot Performance telemetry data
// Collected once per boot
// Policy: ReportDeviceBootMode
// Policy default: true
message BootPerformanceTelemetry {
// Total time when to boot up.
optional int64 boot_up_seconds = 1;
// The Timestamp when power came on.
optional int64 boot_up_timestamp_seconds = 2;
// Total time since shutdown start to power off.
optional int64 shutdown_seconds = 3;
// Timestamp when shutdown.
optional int64 shutdown_timestamp_seconds = 4;
// Shutdown reason.
optional string shutdown_reason = 5;
// Data tracking user status information
// Default checking rate: 15 mins.
// Checking rate policy: DeviceActivityHeartbeatCollectionRateMs
// Policy: DeviceActivityHeartbeatEnabled
// Policy default: false
message UserStatusTelemetry {
enum DeviceActivityState {
IDLE = 2;
// Device state.
optional DeviceActivityState device_activity_state = 1;
// Displays telemetry data
// Default checking rate: 3 hrs.
// Policy: ReportDeviceGraphicsStatus
// Policy default: false
message DisplaysTelemetry {
// Status of all the displays.
repeated DisplayStatus display_status = 1;
message DisplayStatus {
// Name of display product.
optional string display_name = 1;
// Horizontal resolution.
optional int32 resolution_horizontal = 2;
// Vertical resolution.
optional int32 resolution_vertical = 3;
// Refresh rate.
optional int64 refresh_rate = 4;
// Internal or external display.
optional bool is_internal = 5;
// Deliberately left empty as there is no payload for Heartbeat messages.
// It just implicitly indicates that the sender is still alive.
// Default checking rate: 2 mins.
// Policy: HeartbeatEnabled
// Policy default: false
message KioskHeartbeatTelemetry {
// No payload
// A message describing a single attention span of a person for the Kiosk
// Vision telemetry report.
message KioskVisionView {
// Start time of this view. In seconds since epoch.
optional int64 start_time_sec = 1;
// End time of this view. In seconds.
optional int64 end_time_sec = 2;
// A message describing the attention of one person for the Kiosk Vision
// telemetry report.
message KioskVisionAudience {
// The start date when this person was first detected.
// In seconds since epoch.
optional int64 presence_start_date_sec = 1;
// The end date when this person was no longer detected.
// In seconds since epoch.
optional int64 presence_end_date_sec = 2;
// The view information of this person.
// Repeated, as a person can view multiple times.
repeated KioskVisionView views = 3;
// A message to report Kiosk Vision's audience data.
message KioskVisionTelemetry {
// Start date of this aggregate report. In seconds since epoch.
optional int64 start_date_sec = 1;
// End date of this aggregate report. In seconds since epoch.
optional int64 end_date_sec = 2;
// Number of persons that left in the time frame of this aggregate
// report and looked at the sign.
optional int32 view_count = 3;
// Number of persons that left in the time frame of this aggregate
// report and didn't look at the sign.
optional int32 pass_count = 4;
// Audience information. Only information from people that are no
// longer detected is transmitted. This also means that the
// audience information includes older data.
repeated KioskVisionAudience audience = 5;
// A message to report the current state and potential errors of the
// KioskVision framework to the telemetry api.
message KioskVisionStatusReport {
enum KioskVisionState {
// Kiosk vision is functioning normally.
// An unknown error has occurred.
// The KioskVision framework could not detect a camera.
optional KioskVisionState state = 1;
// Time stamp of this status report (seconds since epoch).
optional int64 time_stamp_sec = 2;
// Time stamp of the last status change (seconds since epoch).
optional int64 state_change_time_stamp_sec = 3;
// Data that can change over time, collected and reported every specific period
// of time or when an event occur.
// IMPORTANT: Do not add additional non-message fields (bool, int, string,
// etc.) to `TelemetryData` -- they will be ignored by the server and not
// written to the telemetry database.
message TelemetryData {
// Indicates whether the telemetry data was collected in response to an event.
optional bool is_event_driven = 8;
// At least one of the following telemetry should be present.
// Networks telemetry data.
optional NetworksTelemetry networks_telemetry = 1;
// Audio telemetry data.
optional AudioTelemetry audio_telemetry = 2;
// Peripherals telemetry data
optional PeripheralsTelemetry peripherals_telemetry = 3;
// Boot Performance telemetry data.
optional BootPerformanceTelemetry boot_performance_telemetry = 4;
// User status telemetry data.
optional UserStatusTelemetry user_status_telemetry = 5;
// Displays telemetry data.
optional DisplaysTelemetry displays_telemetry = 6;
// App telemetry data.
optional AppTelemetry app_telemetry = 7;
// Fatal crash data.
optional FatalCrashTelemetry fatal_crash_telemetry = 9;
// Runtime counter data.
optional RuntimeCountersTelemetry runtime_counters_telemetry = 10;
// Website telemetry data.
optional WebsiteTelemetry website_telemetry = 11;
// Kiosk Heartbeats as telemetry data.
optional KioskHeartbeatTelemetry heartbeat_telemetry = 12;
// Kiosk Vision telemetry data.
optional KioskVisionTelemetry kiosk_vision_telemetry = 13;
// Kiosk Vision status data.
optional KioskVisionStatusReport kiosk_vision_status = 14;
// Type of event metric being reported.
// This must be kept in sync with //tools/metrics/histograms/enums.xml's
// EnterpriseCloudReportingMetricEventType in the Chromium repo.
enum MetricEventType {
reserved 2, 3, 10, 11, 12;
// App telemetry data.
// Policy: ReportAppInventory
// Policy default: false
message AppTelemetry {
oneof app_metric_data {
// App installation data.
AppInstallData app_install_data = 3;
// App uninstall data.
AppUninstallData app_uninstall_data = 4;
// App launch data.
AppLaunchData app_launch_data = 5;
// App usage data.
AppUsageData app_usage_data = 6;
reserved 1, 2;
// App installation data.
// Policy: ReportAppInventory
// Policy default: false
// Triggered by an event, not collected periodically or once per boot.
// Triggered when an Chrome app, extension or progressive web app is launched.
// Depends on the policy.
message AppInstallData {
// App installation source.
optional apps.ApplicationInstallSource app_install_source = 1;
// App installation reason.
optional apps.ApplicationInstallReason app_install_reason = 2;
// App installation time depending on the app lifecycle.
optional apps.ApplicationInstallTime app_install_time = 3;
// App id.
optional string app_id = 4;
// Type of app.
optional apps.ApplicationType app_type = 5;
// App launch data.
// Policy: ReportAppInventory
// Policy default: false
// Triggered by an event, not collected periodically or once per boot.
// Triggered when an Chrome app, extension or progressive web app is launched.
// Depends on the policy.
message AppLaunchData {
// App launch source.
optional apps.ApplicationLaunchSource app_launch_source = 1;
// App id.
optional string app_id = 2;
// Type of app.
optional apps.ApplicationType app_type = 3;
// App usage data.
// Default checking rate: 15 mins.
// Policy: ReportAppInventory
// Policy default: false
// Minimum usage time threshold for app usage reporting: 1 millisecond.
message AppUsageData {
message AppUsage {
// App foreground running time (in milliseconds).
optional int64 running_time_ms = 1;
// App id.
optional string app_id = 2;
// Type of app.
optional apps.ApplicationType app_type = 3;
// Application instance id. This will be unique per window/instance.
optional string app_instance_id = 4;
// Usage data that also includes other app metadata.
repeated AppUsage app_usage = 2;
reserved 1;
// App uninstall data.
// Policy: ReportAppInventory
// Policy default: false
// Triggered by an event, not collected periodically or once per boot.
// Triggered when an Chrome app, extension or progressive web app is
// uninstalled. Depends on the policy.
message AppUninstallData {
// App uninstall source.
optional apps.ApplicationUninstallSource app_uninstall_source = 1;
// App id.
optional string app_id = 2;
// Type of app.
optional apps.ApplicationType app_type = 3;
// Website telemetry data.
// Policy: ReportWebsiteActivityAllowlist
// Policy default: false
message WebsiteTelemetry {
oneof website_metric_data {
// Website opened data.
WebsiteOpenedData website_opened_data = 1;
// Website closed data.
WebsiteClosedData website_closed_data = 2;
// Website usage data.
WebsiteUsageData website_usage_data = 3;
// Website opened data.
// Policy: ReportWebsiteActivityAllowlist
// Policy default: false
// Triggered by an event, not collected periodically or once per boot.
// Triggered if the website is in the allowlist of the policy and when
// that website is opened.
message WebsiteOpenedData {
// Website URL.
optional string url = 1;
// Render process host id.
optional int32 render_process_host_id = 2;
// Render frame routing id.
optional int32 render_frame_routing_id = 3;
// Website closed data.
// Policy: ReportWebsiteActivityAllowlist
// Policy default: false
// Triggered by an event, not collected periodically or once per boot.
// Triggered if the website is in the allowlist of the policy and when
// that website is closed.
message WebsiteClosedData {
// Website URL.
optional string url = 1;
// Render process host id.
optional int32 render_process_host_id = 2;
// Render frame routing id.
optional int32 render_frame_routing_id = 3;
// Website usage data.
// Default checking rate: 15 mins.
// Policy: ReportWebsiteActivityAllowlist
// Policy default: false
// Minimum usage time threshold for app usage reporting: 1 millisecond.
message WebsiteUsageData {
message WebsiteUsage {
// Website URL.
optional string url = 1;
// Website foreground running time (in milliseconds).
optional int64 running_time_ms = 2;
// Usage data that includes other website metadata.
repeated WebsiteUsage website_usage = 3;
// Peripherals data.
// Triggered by an event, not collected periodically or once per boot.
// Policy: ReportDevicePeripherals
// Policy default: false
// Triggering mechanisms:
// 1. A USB device is added or removed from the device during an affiliated user
// session. We send the added/removed event, and then send a separate event
// containing a list of USBs currently connected to the device.
// 2. An affiliated user logs in. We send a list of USBs connected to the
// device.
message PeripheralsTelemetry {
repeated UsbTelemetry usb_telemetry = 1;
// Usb data.
message UsbTelemetry {
// Vendor name
optional string vendor = 1;
// Device name, model name, or product name
optional string name = 2;
// Vendor ID
optional int32 vid = 3;
// Product ID
optional int32 pid = 4;
// Categories the device belongs to
// https://www.usb.org/defined-class-codes
repeated string categories = 5;
// Class ID
// https://www.usb.org/defined-class-codes
optional int32 class_id = 6;
// Subclass ID
// https://www.usb.org/defined-class-codes
optional int32 subclass_id = 7;
// Firmware version
optional string firmware_version = 8;
// Fatal crash data.
// Policy: ReportDeviceCrashReportInfo
// Policy default: false
// Triggered by an event, not collected periodically or once per boot.
// Triggered by fatal crashes in the embedded controller, kernel, or Chrome.
// Crash severity is generally assigned in the associated crash collector in
// src/platform2/crash-reporter, however for Chrome crashes, our definition of a
// fatal crash is a crash that is "user disruptive". The following types of
// Chrome crashes are user disruptive:
// 1. Crashes or hangs in the browser process (except if they occur during
// shutdown)
// 2. Crashes in the renderer, utility, or extension process that are
// assigned a severity of ERROR.
// The code for determining if a Chrome crash is user
// disruptive is in crash-reporter/crash_sender_util.cc
message FatalCrashTelemetry {
enum CrashType {
// Unknown crashes.
// Kernel crashes.
// EC crashes.
// Chrome crashes.
// The session types follow user_manager::UserType. The server side will
// translate to the types described below.
enum SessionType {
// Including when a crash occurs on the login screen.
// When presenting to the admin, the following will be SIGNED_IN_USER
// When presenting to the admin, the following will be KIOSK
// When presenting to the admin, the following will be MANAGED_GUEST
// When presenting to the admin, the following will be ACTIVE_DIRECTORY
// required
optional CrashType type = 1;
// required
optional SessionType session_type = 2;
// required
optional int64 timestamp_us = 3;
// Absent if not signed in or the user is not affiliated. Currently only
// contains user email.
optional SessionAffiliatedUser affiliated_user = 4;
// Absent if the crash has not been uploaded by crash_sender yet.
optional string crash_report_id = 5;
// required
optional string local_id = 6;
// If crash report ID is available, has this event been reported without ID
// once before?
// The optionality of crash_report_id is not sufficient because we need to
// distinguish the two cases: (a) A crash is reported for the first time with
// a crash report ID and (b) a crash is reported for the first time without a
// crash report ID and only has a crash report ID when it is reported for the
// second time.
optional bool been_reported_without_crash_report_id = 7;
// Event based log upload ID that contains the logs related to the crash
// event. This Id will be used in the server to connect the uploaded log file
// to the specific crash event.
optional string event_based_log_id = 8;
// Runtime counters retrieved from CPU. Currently the runtime counters telemetry
// is only supported by Intel vPro PSR on Gen 14+.
// Default checking rate: 1 day.
// Checking rate policy: DeviceReportRuntimeCountersCheckingRateMs
// Policy: DeviceReportRuntimeCounters
// Policy default: false
message RuntimeCountersTelemetry {
// All fields below are currently required since Intel vPro is the only
// supported source, but we reserve the possibility that absence of a field
// implies that it is unavailable on the device in the future.
// Hardly any of the following fields can be beyond the size of int32.
// However, we use int64 because: (a) healthD retrieves uint32 integers from
// the hardware, and therefore using int32 here risks overflow. (b) Server
// side requires signed integers and therefore uint32 is not an option.
// Total lifetime runtime. Currently always S0 runtime from Intel vPro PSR.
optional int64 uptime_runtime_seconds = 1;
// Number of times that the device has entered into the sleep state. Currently
// obtained via the PSR, count from S0->S3. As of Oct 2023, this number is
// expected to be always zero as ChromeOS devices do not use this state.
optional int64 counter_enter_sleep = 2;
// Number of times that the device has entered into the hibernation state.
// Currently obtained via the PSR, count from S0->S4. As of Oct 2023, this
// number is expected to be always zero, unless the ChromeOS device is
// equipped with Intel KeyLocker.
optional int64 counter_enter_hibernation = 3;
// Number of times that the device has entered into the power-off state.
// Currently obtained via the PSR, count from S0->S5.
optional int64 counter_enter_poweroff = 4;
// Indicates one of the following conditions occurred on the device, data
// associated with the event will be reported as `TelemetryData`.
// IMPORTANT: DO NOT add any additional fields to `EventData`.
message EventData {
optional MetricEventType type = 1;
// Main message to be reported, can contain `InfoData`, `TelemetryData`, or
// `EventData`. Data, associated with an event or collected in response to an
// event, is added as `TelemetryData` along with EventData.
message MetricData {
// The time from epoch when the data was collected.
optional int64 timestamp_ms = 1;
oneof metric_type {
// Info data collected.
// All of this is collected once per boot unless specified otherwise.
InfoData info_data = 2;
// Telemetry data collected.
// The collection of this data varies, check each message, some of the
// messages are collected when an event is detected, if that is the case you
// should also expect the `EventData` to be populated with the appropriate
// enum.
TelemetryData telemetry_data = 3;
// Event data collected. This is just an enum, if there is data related to
// this event is should be present in `TelemetryData`.
optional EventData event_data = 4;