// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto2";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
package reporting;
import "components/reporting/proto/synced/status.proto";
// Message populated by the caller when posting the log upload request
// initially and sent to the server as part of `Record`.
message UploadSettings {
// Path to the log on a device, e.g. “/var/cache/L.zip”
optional string origin_path = 1; // required
// Number of remaining retries. Must be non-negative, 0 means last retry.
// Upon retryable error, decremented by ERP for the next attempt.
optional int32 retry_count = 2 [default = 3];
// Upload parameters, depending on the actual protocol
// (e.g., REST API URL, GCS bucket assigned for the log to be uploaded to).
// This field is implementation-dependent; having it generic allows to choose
// the actual upload protocol and/or unit test the whole process.
optional string upload_parameters = 3; // required
// Message populated by ERP, used for upload progress tracking and sent to the
// server as part of `Record`.
message UploadTracker {
// Completion status error (matches .reporting.StatusProto).
// Skipped in case of success or work in progress, error status (code and
// error message) for any failure.
optional StatusProto status = 1;
// Total size of the `origin_path` file to upload.
optional int64 total = 2; // required
// Current offset that upload process has reached. As long as
// `uploaded` < `total`, the upload is in progress, and the event can be
// ignored on the server side (or can be used by UX to visualize progress -
// slide to `uploaded` / `total` * 100%). Receiving event with
// `uploaded` = `total` indicates to the server that the upload is done, and
// `file_path` field can be used to access it.
optional int64 uploaded = 3; // required, once the upload has started.
// Upload session token that allows the upload to proceed with the next chunk
// of data, starting from `uploaded` offset in `origin_path` file and to
// finalize the upload at the end (after that, this field should be cleared).
// This field is implementation-dependent; having it generic allows to choose
// the actual upload protocol and/or unit test the whole process.
optional string session_token = 4; // required, while upload is in progress.
// URL and optionally other parameters to access the uploaded file from the
// server side. Populated once the upload has been finalized successfully.
optional string access_parameters = 5; // required upon successful upload.