
syntax = "proto2";

option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;

package safe_browsing;

/// This is the high-confidence allowlist used for real-time URL checks. It is
/// used only on Android.
message HighConfidenceAllowlist {
  // The allowlist version. This is used to ensure that component updates result
  // in loading the latest allowlist version.
  optional int32 version_id = 1;

  // Id that increments when there are breaking changes to the proto file
  // format. The major purpose of this is to avoid concerns with backwards
  // compatibility.
  optional int32 scheme_id = 2;

  // A list of hashes generated from truncating a SHA-256 hash to the first 16
  // bytes. These are concatenated together into one field instead of having a
  // repeated field to save space.
  optional bytes url_hashes = 3;