
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <cstddef>
#include "base/time/time.h"

namespace security_interstitials::https_only_mode {

// The main histogram that records events about HTTPS-First Mode and HTTPS
// Upgrades.
extern const char kEventHistogram[];
// Same as kEventHistogram, but only recorded if the event happened on a
// navigation where HFM was enabled due to the site engagement heuristic.
extern const char kEventHistogramWithEngagementHeuristic[];

extern const char kNavigationRequestSecurityLevelHistogram[];

// Histogram that records enabled/disabled states for sites. If HFM gets enabled
// or disabled due to Site Engagement on a site, records an entry.
extern const char kSiteEngagementHeuristicStateHistogram[];

// Histogram that records the current number of host that have HFM enabled due
// to the site engagement heuristic. Includes hosts that have HTTP allowed.
extern const char kSiteEngagementHeuristicHostCountHistogram[];
// Histogram that records the accumulated number of host that have HFM enabled
// at some point due to the site engagement heuristic. Includes hosts that have
// HTTP allowed.
extern const char kSiteEngagementHeuristicAccumulatedHostCountHistogram[];

// Histogram that records the duration a host has HFM enabled due to the site
// engagement heuristic. Only recorded for hosts removed from the HFM list.
// Recorded at the time of navigation when HFM upgrades trigger.
extern const char kSiteEngagementHeuristicEnforcementDurationHistogram[];

// Histogram that records why HTTPS-First Mode interstitial was shown. Only one
// reason is recorded per interstitial.
extern const char kInterstitialReasonHistogram[];

// Recorded by HTTPS-First Mode and HTTPS-Upgrade logic when a navigation is
// upgraded, or is eligible to be upgraded but wasn't.
// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused.
enum class Event {};

// Recorded by HTTPS-Upgrade logic when each step in a navigation request is
// observed, recording information about the protocol used. For a request with
// two redirects, this will be recorded three times (once for each redirect,
// then for the final URL).
// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused. Values may be added to offer greater
// specificity in the future. Keep in sync with NavigationRequestSecurityLevel
// in enums.xml.
enum class NavigationRequestSecurityLevel {};

// Recorded by the Site Engagement Heuristic logic, recording whether HFM should
// be enabled on a site due to its HTTP and HTTPS site engagement scores. Only
// recorded if the enabled/disabled state changes.
// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused. Values may be added to offer greater
// specificity in the future. Keep in sync with SiteEngagementHeuristicState
// in enums.xml.
enum class SiteEngagementHeuristicState {};

// Stores the parameters to decide whether to show an interstitial for the
// current site.
// TODO( Consider making this a variant used to track which
// specific feature is being applied to simplify code reasoning elsewhere.
struct HttpInterstitialState {};

// Helper to record an HTTPS-First Mode navigation event.
void RecordHttpsFirstModeNavigation(
    Event event,
    const HttpInterstitialState& interstitial_state);

// Helper to record a navigation request security level.
void RecordNavigationRequestSecurityLevel(NavigationRequestSecurityLevel level);

// Helper to record Site Engagement Heuristic enabled state.
void RecordSiteEngagementHeuristicState(SiteEngagementHeuristicState state);

// Helper to record metrics about the number of hosts affected by the Site
// Engagement Heuristic.
// `current_count` is the number of hosts that currently have HFM enabled.
// `accumulated_count` is the number of accumulated hosts that had HFM enabled
// at some point.
void RecordSiteEngagementHeuristicCurrentHostCounts(size_t current_count,
                                                    size_t accumulated_count);

void RecordSiteEngagementHeuristicEnforcementDuration(
    base::TimeDelta enforcement_duration);

// Recorded by the HTTPS-First Mode logic when showing the HTTPS-First Mode
// interstitial. Only one reason is recorded even though multiple flags may be
// true for the given navigation (e.g. Site Engagement + Advanced Protection).
// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused. Values may be added to offer greater
// specificity in the future. Keep in sync with HttpsFirstModeInterstitialReason
// in security/enums.xml.
enum class InterstitialReason {};

void RecordInterstitialReason(const HttpInterstitialState& interstitial_state);

}  // namespace security_interstitials::https_only_mode