
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "components/security_state/core/security_state.h"

#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory>
#include <utility>

#include "base/command_line.h"
#include "base/functional/bind.h"
#include "base/test/metrics/histogram_tester.h"
#include "net/cert/x509_certificate.h"
#include "net/ssl/ssl_cipher_suite_names.h"
#include "net/ssl/ssl_connection_status_flags.h"
#include "net/test/cert_test_util.h"
#include "net/test/test_certificate_data.h"
#include "net/test/test_data_directory.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"

namespace security_state {

namespace {

const char kHttpsUrl[] =;
const char kHttpUrl[] =;
const char kLocalhostUrl[] =;
const char kFileOrigin[] =;
const char kWssUrl[] =;
const char kDataUrl[] =;

// This list doesn't include data: URL, as data: URLs will be explicitly marked
// as not secure.
const char* const kPseudoUrls[] =;

class TestSecurityStateHelper {};

}  // namespace

// Tests that SHA1-signed certificates, when not allowed by policy, downgrade
// the security state of the page to DANGEROUS.
TEST(SecurityStateTest, SHA1Blocked) {}

// Tests that SHA1-signed certificates, when allowed by policy, downgrade the
// security state of the page to NONE.
TEST(SecurityStateTest, SHA1Warning) {}

// Tests that SHA1-signed certificates, when allowed by policy, don't interfere
// with the handling of mixed content.
TEST(SecurityStateTest, SHA1WarningMixedContent) {}

// Tests that SHA1-signed certificates, when allowed by policy,
// don't interfere with the handling of major cert errors.
TEST(SecurityStateTest, SHA1WarningBrokenHTTPS) {}

// Tests that the malware/phishing status overrides valid HTTPS.
TEST(SecurityStateTest, MalwareOverride) {}

// Tests that the malware/phishing status is set, even if other connection info
// is not available.
TEST(SecurityStateTest, MalwareWithoutConnectionState) {}

// Tests that pseudo URLs always cause an WARNING to be shown.
TEST(SecurityStateTest, AlwaysWarnOnDataUrls) {}

// Tests that the security level is downgraded to WARNING on
// pseudo URLs.
TEST(SecurityStateTest, WarningOnPseudoUrls) {}

// Tests that if |is_view_source| is set, NONE is returned for a secure site.
TEST(SecurityStateTest, ViewSourceRemovesSecure) {}

// Tests that if |is_view_source| is set, DANGEROUS is still returned for a site
// flagged by SafeBrowsing.
TEST(SecurityStateTest, ViewSourceKeepsWarning) {}

// Tests that a mixed form is reflected in the security level.
TEST(SecurityStateTest, MixedForm) {}

// Tests that policy-installed-certificates do not interfere with mixed content
// notifications.
TEST(SecurityStateTest, MixedContentWithPolicyCertificate) {}

// Tests that HTTP URLs cause a WARNING security level.
TEST(SecurityStateTest, WarningOnHttp) {}

// Tests that |safety_tip_status| effects security level appropriately.
TEST(SecurityStateTest, SafetyTipSometimesRemovesSecure) {}

// Tests IsSchemeCryptographic function.
TEST(SecurityStateTest, CryptographicSchemeUrl) {}

// Tests IsOriginLocalhostOrFile function.
TEST(SecurityStateTest, LocalhostOrFileUrl) {}

// Tests IsSslCertificateValid function.
TEST(SecurityStateTest, SslCertificateValid) {}

// Tests that WARNING is not set for error pages.
TEST(SecurityStateTest, ErrorPage) {}

// Tests that the billing status is set, and it overrides valid HTTPS.
TEST(SecurityStateTest, BillingOverridesValidHTTPS) {}

// Tests that the billing status overrides HTTP warnings.
TEST(SecurityStateTest, BillingOverridesHTTPWarning) {}

// Tests that non-cryptographic schemes are handled as having no certificate
// errors.
TEST(SecurityStateTest, NonCryptoHasNoCertificateErrors) {}

// Tests that cryptographic schemes without certificate errors are acceptable.
TEST(SecurityStateTest, CryptoWithNoCertificateErrors) {}

// Tests that major certificate errors are detected.
TEST(SecurityStateTest, MajorCertificateErrors) {}

// Tests that if a page was upgraded by HTTPS-Only Mode it takes precedence
// over net errors where connection info is not set.
TEST(SecurityStateTest, HttpsOnlyModeOverridesNetError) {}

// Tests that if a page was upgraded by HTTPS-Only Mode it takes precedence
// over the page having certificate errors.
TEST(SecurityStateTest, HttpsOnlyModeOverridesCertificateError) {}

// Tests that malicious content status takes precedence over HTTPS-Only Mode.
TEST(SecurityStateTest, MaliciousContentOverridesHttpsOnlyMode) {}

}  // namespace security_state