
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "components/segmentation_platform/internal/post_processor/post_processing_test_utils.h"

#include "components/segmentation_platform/internal/metadata/metadata_writer.h"

namespace segmentation_platform::test_utils {

// Labels for BinaryClassifier.
const char kNotShowShare[] =;
const char kShowShare[] =;

// TTL for BinaryClassifier labels.
const int kShowShareTTL =;
const int kDefaultTTL =;

// Labels for BinnedClassifier.
const char kLowUsed[] =;
const char kMediumUsed[] =;
const char kHighUsed[] =;
const char kUnderflowLabel[] =;

// Labels for MultiClassClassifier.
const char kNewTabUser[] =;
const char kShareUser[] =;
const char kShoppingUser[] =;
const char kVoiceUser[] =;

std::unique_ptr<Config> CreateTestConfig() {}

std::unique_ptr<Config> CreateTestConfig(const std::string& client_key,
                                         proto::SegmentId segment_id) {}

proto::OutputConfig GetTestOutputConfigForBinaryClassifier(
    bool ignore_previous_model_ttl) {}

proto::OutputConfig GetTestOutputConfigForBinnedClassifier() {}

proto::OutputConfig GetTestOutputConfigForMultiClassClassifier(
    int top_k_outputs,
    std::optional<float> threshold) {}

proto::OutputConfig GetTestOutputConfigForGenericPredictor(
    const std::vector<std::string>& labels) {}

proto::ClientResult CreateClientResult(proto::PredictionResult pred_result) {}

}  // namespace segmentation_platform::test_utils