
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

syntax = "proto2";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;

package segmentation_platform.proto;

// Describes how a feature will be aggregated inside a timed bucket for
// forming the input tensor to the model. |bucket_count| here refers to the
// field Feature.bucket_count. Buckets are listed in reverse order, so the
// first entry in the result will be the most recent.
enum Aggregation {
  UNKNOWN = 0;

  // TENSOR RESULT: Data type: int, Length: 1
  // The number of events.
  COUNT = 1;

  // TENSOR RESULT: Data type: int, Length: 1
  // If a COUNT aggregation yields 0, then False, else True.

  // TENSOR RESULT: Data type: int, Length: |bucket_count|
  // Each entry is the count of times the event happened within each bucket.

  // TENSOR RESULT: Data type: bool, Length: |bucket_count|
  // Each entry is True if BUCKETED_COUNT for that bucket would yield > 0, else
  // False.

  // TENSOR RESULT: Data type: int, Length: 1
  // The count of BUCKETED_COUNT_BOOLEAN True values over the same
  // |bucket_count|.

  // TENSOR RESULT: Data type: int, Length: |bucket_count|
  // First value is the count for the current bucket.
  // Second value is the count for the current + previous bucket.
  // Third value is the count for the current + previous + before previous
  // bucket, etc. The last value is the same value as a COUNT aggregation
  // for the same |bucket_count|.

  // TENSOR RESULT: Data type: int, Length: 1
  // Value for each User Action is 1.
  // Sum of all values from now back to |bucket_count| number of buckets.
  SUM = 7;

  // TENSOR RESULT: Data type: bool, Length: 1
  // If a SUM aggregation yields 0, then False, else True.

  // TENSOR RESULT: Data type: int, Length: |bucket_count|
  // Value for each User Action is 1.
  // Each entry is the sum for that event within each bucket.

  // TENSOR RESULT: Data type: int, Length: |bucket_count|
  // Value for each User Action is 1.
  // Each entry is True if BUCKETED_SUM for that bucket would yield > 0, else
  // False.

  // TENSOR RESULT: Data type: int, Length: 1
  // The count of BUCKETED_SUM_BOOLEAN True values over the same |bucket_count|.

  // TENSOR RESULT: Data type: int, Length: |bucket_count|
  // Value for each User Action is 1.
  // First value is the sum for the current bucket.
  // Second value is the sum for the current + previous bucket.
  // Third value is the sum for the current + previous + before previous bucket,
  // etc. The last value is the same value as a SUM aggregation for the same
  // |bucket_count|.

  // TENSOR RESULT: Data type: int, Length: 1
  // The latest entry recorded for a feature. If no data is available,
  // |default_value| will be returned instead. If you need an additional feature
  // to tell if a value exists in the database or not, then consider using
  // COUNT_BOOLEAN in addition.
  // Warning: this will only consider the latest among the samples within the
  // specified time range. This also may not have the most updated value since
  // the histograms are stored to database asynchronously.