// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ash/wm/gestures/wm_gesture_handler.h"
#include "ash/session/session_controller_impl.h"
#include "ash/shell.h"
#include "ash/strings/grit/ash_strings.h"
#include "ash/wm/desks/desks_controller.h"
#include "ash/wm/desks/desks_histogram_enums.h"
#include "ash/wm/overview/overview_controller.h"
#include "ash/wm/screen_pinning_controller.h"
#include "ash/wm/window_cycle/window_cycle_controller.h"
#include "ash/wm/window_util.h"
#include "base/metrics/user_metrics.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "ui/aura/client/window_types.h"
#include "ui/base/l10n/l10n_util.h"
#include "ui/events/event.h"
#include "ui/events/types/event_type.h"
#include "ui/wm/core/capture_controller.h"
#include "ui/wm/public/activation_client.h"
namespace ash {
namespace {
// For the continuous scroll animation, calculate what `OverviewEnterExitType`
// to use based on the scroll event and current overview state. Returns null if
// we should exit overview.
std::optional<OverviewEnterExitType> HandleContinuousScrollIntoOverview(
float scroll_y,
bool in_overview,
bool scroll_in_progress) {
// Note that when we call this function, we have already clamped the offset
// so that `0` <= scroll_y <= `kVerticalThresholdDp`.
if (!in_overview) {
// Start the continuous scroll. Otherwise, we should enter normally with
// type `kNormal`.
return scroll_y < WmGestureHandler::kEnterOverviewModeThresholdDp
? OverviewEnterExitType::kContinuousAnimationEnterOnScrollUpdate
: OverviewEnterExitType::kNormal;
// If `scroll_in_progress`, the last gesture event was a `EventType::kScroll`,
// and we need to update the continuous animation.
if (scroll_in_progress) {
return OverviewEnterExitType::kContinuousAnimationEnterOnScrollUpdate;
// A continuous gesture has ended and we should animate into overview mode.
if (scroll_y >= WmGestureHandler::kEnterOverviewModeThresholdDp) {
return OverviewEnterExitType::kNormal;
// A continuous gesture has ended and we should animate out of overview mode.
return std::nullopt;
// Handles vertical 3-finger scroll gesture by entering overview on scrolling
// up, and exiting it on scrolling down. If entering overview and window cycle
// list is open, close the window cycle list.
// Returns true if the gesture was handled.
bool Handle3FingerVerticalScroll(float scroll_y) {
if (std::fabs(scroll_y) < WmGestureHandler::kVerticalThresholdDp)
return false;
auto* overview_controller = Shell::Get()->overview_controller();
const bool in_overview = overview_controller->InOverviewSession();
// Ignore the wrong vertical gestures (i.e., swiping down/up with three
// fingers to enter/exit overview).
if (in_overview ? (scroll_y > 0) : (scroll_y < 0)) {
return false;
if (in_overview) {
if (overview_controller->AcceptSelection())
return true;
} else {
auto* window_cycle_controller = Shell::Get()->window_cycle_controller();
if (window_cycle_controller->IsCycling())
return true;
// Similar behavior to `Handle3FingerVerticalScroll` but for continuous
// gestures.
bool Handle3FingerContinuousVerticalScroll(float scroll_y,
bool scroll_in_progress) {
auto* overview_controller = Shell::Get()->overview_controller();
const bool in_overview = overview_controller->InOverviewSession();
// Ignore downward scrolls when not in overview mode.
if (scroll_y < 0.f && !in_overview) {
return false;
// Consume overscroll after continuous scroll has
// completed progress. This prevents the scroll from propagating to another
// view and triggering additional behavior.
// Note that we already clamped `scroll_y` to `kVerticalThresholdDp`. If the
// threshold has been met but the scroll is in progress, we will need to do
// the final placement before we mark the scroll as finished.
if (scroll_y == WmGestureHandler::kVerticalThresholdDp &&
!overview_controller->is_continuous_scroll_in_progress()) {
return true;
// Prevent accidental swipes from triggering the continuous animation.
if (std::fabs(scroll_y) <
WmGestureHandler::kContinuousGestureMoveThresholdDp &&
!in_overview) {
return false;
// Handle the different scroll scenarios.
std::optional<OverviewEnterExitType> entry_type =
HandleContinuousScrollIntoOverview(scroll_y, in_overview,
if (entry_type.has_value()) {
auto* window_cycle_controller = Shell::Get()->window_cycle_controller();
if (window_cycle_controller->IsCycling()) {
overview_controller->HandleContinuousScroll(scroll_y, entry_type.value());
} else {
// TODO(b/291796028): Animation should change if a new selection has been a
// made.
if (overview_controller->AcceptSelection()) {
return true;
return true;
} // namespace
WmGestureHandler::WmGestureHandler() = default;
WmGestureHandler::~WmGestureHandler() = default;
bool WmGestureHandler::ProcessScrollEvent(const ui::ScrollEvent& event) {
// Disable touchpad swipe when screen is pinned.
// Also skip touchpad swipe in kiosk mode.
if (Shell::Get()->screen_pinning_controller()->IsPinned() ||
Shell::Get()->session_controller()->IsRunningInAppMode()) {
return false;
// EventType::kScrollFlingCancel means a touchpad swipe has started.
if (event.type() == ui::EventType::kScrollFlingCancel) {
scroll_data_ = ScrollData();
return false;
// EventType::kScrollFlingStart means a touchpad swipe has ended.
if (event.type() == ui::EventType::kScrollFlingStart) {
bool success = EndScroll();
return success;
DCHECK_EQ(ui::EventType::kScroll, event.type());
const int direction = window_util::IsNaturalScrollOn(event) ? -1 : 1;
return ProcessEventImpl(event.finger_count(), event.x_offset() * direction,
event.y_offset() * direction);
bool WmGestureHandler::ProcessEventImpl(int finger_count,
float delta_x,
float delta_y) {
if (!scroll_data_) {
return false;
// Only three or four finger scrolls are supported.
if (finger_count != 3 && finger_count != 4) {
return false;
// There is a finger switch, end the current gesture.
if (scroll_data_->finger_count != 0 &&
scroll_data_->finger_count != finger_count) {
return false;
scroll_data_->scroll_x += delta_x;
scroll_data_->scroll_y += delta_y;
if (features::IsContinuousOverviewScrollAnimationEnabled() &&
UpdateScrollForContinuousOverviewAnimation()) {
return true;
// If the requirements to move the overview selector are met, reset
// |scroll_data_|.
const bool moved = MoveOverviewSelection(finger_count, scroll_data_->scroll_x,
if (finger_count == 4) {
// Horizontal gesture may be flipped.
const float offset_x = -delta_x;
const float scroll_x = scroll_data_->scroll_x;
auto* desks_controller = DesksController::Get();
// Update the continuous desk animation if it has already been started,
// otherwise start it if it passes the threshold.
if (scroll_data_->horizontal_continuous_gesture_started) {
} else if (std::abs(scroll_x) > kContinuousGestureMoveThresholdDp) {
if (!desks_controller->StartSwipeAnimation(/*move_left=*/offset_x > 0)) {
// Starting an animation failed. This can happen if we are on the
// lockscreen or an ongoing animation from a different source is
// happening. In this case reset |scroll_data_| and wait for the next 4
// finger swipe.
return false;
scroll_data_->horizontal_continuous_gesture_started = true;
if (moved)
scroll_data_ = ScrollData();
scroll_data_->finger_count = finger_count;
return moved;
bool WmGestureHandler::EndScroll() {
if (!scroll_data_)
return false;
const int finger_count = scroll_data_->finger_count;
const float scroll_x = scroll_data_->scroll_x;
const float scroll_y = scroll_data_->scroll_y;
const bool vertical_continuous_gesture_started =
const bool horizontal_continuous_gesture_started =
if (finger_count == 0)
return false;
if (finger_count == 3) {
// The end goal of `kContinuousOverviewScrollAnimation`, b/252521532, is to
// completely remove the current `Handle3FingerVerticalScroll()`. So, if the
// feature is enabled, skip this older function and no-op if
// `vertical_continuous_gesture_started` is false.
if (features::IsContinuousOverviewScrollAnimationEnabled()) {
return vertical_continuous_gesture_started
? Handle3FingerContinuousVerticalScroll(
std::clamp(scroll_y, 0.f, kVerticalThresholdDp),
: false;
// If the event should be captured by other normal window, do not handle
// this event as overview handling gesture. If it is captured by non-normal
// window (e.g. menu/popup), we can force enter overview mode.
aura::Window* capture_window =
if (capture_window &&
capture_window->GetType() == aura::client::WINDOW_TYPE_NORMAL) {
return false;
if (std::fabs(scroll_x) < std::fabs(scroll_y)) {
return Handle3FingerVerticalScroll(scroll_y);
return MoveOverviewSelection(finger_count, scroll_x, scroll_y);
if (finger_count != 4)
return false;
if (horizontal_continuous_gesture_started) {
return horizontal_continuous_gesture_started;
bool WmGestureHandler::UpdateScrollForContinuousOverviewAnimation() {
if (!scroll_data_) {
return false;
// Ignore horizontally dominant swipes if a continuous swipe has not started
// yet.
if (!scroll_data_->vertical_continuous_gesture_started &&
std::fabs(scroll_data_->scroll_x) > std::fabs(scroll_data_->scroll_y)) {
return false;
const int finger_count = scroll_data_->finger_count;
if (finger_count != 3) {
return false;
bool in_overview = Shell::Get()->overview_controller()->InOverviewSession();
// If this is the first scroll update and we are already in overview mode,
// reset the offset.
if (in_overview && !scroll_data_->vertical_continuous_gesture_started) {
scroll_data_->scroll_y = kVerticalThresholdDp + scroll_data_->scroll_y;
scroll_data_->vertical_continuous_gesture_started = true;
bool scroll_started = Handle3FingerContinuousVerticalScroll(
std::clamp(scroll_data_->scroll_y, 0.f, kVerticalThresholdDp),
return scroll_started;
bool WmGestureHandler::MoveOverviewSelection(int finger_count,
float scroll_x,
float scroll_y) {
if (finger_count != 3)
return false;
auto* overview_controller = Shell::Get()->overview_controller();
const bool in_overview = overview_controller->InOverviewSession();
if (!ShouldHorizontallyScroll(in_overview, scroll_x, scroll_y))
return false;
overview_controller->IncrementSelection(/*forward=*/scroll_x > 0);
return true;
bool WmGestureHandler::ShouldHorizontallyScroll(bool in_session,
float scroll_x,
float scroll_y) {
// Dominantly vertical scrolls and small horizontal scrolls do not move the
// selector.
if (!in_session || std::fabs(scroll_x) < std::fabs(scroll_y))
return false;
if (std::fabs(scroll_x) < kHorizontalThresholdDp)
return false;
return true;
} // namespace ash